Supreme Satyr

Chapter 481

Cheng Qiyi looked at Zhou Yihong blankly and said, "what's the matter, brother?" the expression was absolutely innocent, surpassing sister Dou E.

Seeing Cheng Qiqi's expression, Zhou Yihong didn't believe that she had the acting skills of the Oscar queen at a young age, and the slap was really painful. Qiqi's hands were small and weak, and she couldn't beat such an effect. If it wasn't for Qiqi... Zhou Yihong Holmes generally analyzed it and turned his eyes to the seemingly innocent Yunmeng dragon face, Yunmenglong analyzed Zhou Yihong's eyes and concluded that it was full of skepticism, and it was quite skeptical.

Yunmeng Longxuan frowned slightly and said, "you look like you're doubting me?"

Zhou Yihong covered his beaten face and nodded wrongfully: "don't seem, I'm just doubting you."

Yunmenglong shook his head and sighed, "Alas, I'm really sad. I doubt my brother. As your brother, I'm responsible to tell you that I'm very sad."

Zhou Yihong tangled his eyebrows, rubbed his face and said, "I'm more sad!"

Just as yunmenglong wanted to speak, a lazy voice sounded in his heart: "yunmenglong, Miaomiao teaches you a lesson about this fat and powdery little white face. Are you very happy? He dares to flirt with yunmenglong's woman. He is really impatient."

Yunmenglong's heart clicked. With his current strength, if someone performed magic in front of him, he could not have known it, but the cat could easily control Cheng Qiqi and slapped Zhou Yihong. This slap stunned the three people. If she hadn't admitted it, yunmenglong really didn't know she was playing tricks. Yunmeng longxindao: "The smelly cat is really unfathomable. It deserves to be shuisha's little master. Shuisha's Kung Fu is not what I can resist now. What a terrible figure the Laozi of the little master must be. It's good for such a figure to be a friend. If he's an enemy, he won't die? No, I have to find a way to catch his silly children. If I talk to the master behind him in the future When you are an enemy, you can let him throw a rat's deterrent. Let alone, at least give him a breath and run away? "

Yunmenglong remembered the evil spirit Yansha who once peeped into the dark fire spirit, and the ghosts he had fought with in Las Vegas. Jiji's ghost spirit evil Ghost: "Where have these two fools gone? I haven't heard anything for several months. I almost forgot this. Aren't they looking for a young master? The identity of Miaomiao and Wangwang is very different. Listen to the ghost ghost saying that there are four ghosts, how can I see three? Is it that the last one has died?" Miaomiao didn't come out these days, but kept hiding from him. Yunmenglong had a good time at school, so he threw the talking magic cat out of the sky to sing a big play. Now yunmiaomiao suddenly clawed out, which was beyond Lao Yun's expectation. He always knew that the cat was not an ordinary cat, but he didn't want her to be so unusual. Well, it was a little scary. Just How she became a cat is unknown.

These days, Yunmeng dragon has been so comfortable that he has forgotten the dangers around him. He has accumulated such identities as the God of war of the three armed forces, the Lord of yunya emperor clan, the God of gambling in the world and the chief executive of Long's enterprise. It's not too much to say that he is spoiled by three thousand. Who else dares to provoke such a person? The answer is yes, and there are many. Yes, he Yunmeng dragon is forced by cattle and robbed by demons Who would be afraid of him, such as the four evil spirits, the Black Dragon Society, the Green Gang, the release guild, LAN hengyuhuan, the evil god and the devil king? But these days, those people really disappeared and hid like mice. Did those people want to hibernate like blind bears? Or were they all educated and reformed at the same time and became monks in Shaolin Temple, or, After sleeping for tens of thousands of years, god suddenly woke up, opened his eyes and saw these evils, so he killed them all? These ideas are obviously wishful thinking and childish ideas of yunmenglong's classmates. None of them is fuel-efficient lights. These lights must be secretly planning. Yunmenglong doesn't know what to plan, but it's certain that they are definitely not good Something!

Yunmenglong couldn't help being vigilant and said to himself, "the school is really a simple place. It makes me simple, just like the Qianlong college, which is the most unlike the school."

"Menglong," seeing yunmenglong's uncertain face, Zhou Yihong thought he had been exposed, so he was very embarrassed. So he pulled yunmenglong's clothes and raised his voice.

"Ah?! what?" yunmenglong just came back and looked at Zhou Yihong.

"Brother, I don't blame you. I know I'm wrong. This little girl is your girl. I shouldn't take advantage of her. Don't worry, I won't do it in the future. If my brother doesn't tell you anything, I won't take what you love. A gentleman has the beauty of becoming a man. Although I'm also a rogue, Menglong, you have great kindness to me and rogue has conscience. As long as you say a word, don't say yes If it's yours, I'll give it to you without frowning. Just, don't hit me in the face again. I can live on this, boo... "Zhou Yihong cried innocently, as if he was really a little white face and ate by being a duck.

Yunmenglong is helpless. Although women are very important to him, Cheng Qiqi is still a naive little girl. She doesn't understand shit, especially about men and women. She knows nothing about rolling pins and blowing fire. Although she is a genius, she is a genius in another field. Unlike yunmenglong, she is a rogue genius. He doesn't want Zhou Yihong to think he is a big pervert with paedophilia and doesn't like it He wants to make a girl as pure as little Qiqi suffer injustice. Although he likes Cheng Qiqi a little, only a little. Oh, yunmenglong, a 1000 year old hooligan, wants to soak a 12-year-old girl. Even if he has a thick skin and is invincible in the world, he is also terrified. In addition, he also wants to know what the origin of the cat and dog is , long Mengyun seems to know the origin of shuisha, but when he asks, the peerless beauty who treats yunmenglong as emperor Lao Tzu also takes a non cooperative attitude. She usually uses her beautiful body to charm all sentient beings to divert the attention of Yunda hooligans, because her understanding of yunmenglong is the most effective means. Classmate yunmenglong When Dabu was giving rain and dew, he was quite devoted. Coupled with the magical function of Taiji Heart Sutra, yunmenglong entered the realm of forgetting things and me, devoted himself to the wonderful sex, and opened up another realm of his brain. It was a realm that no one had ever reached. If yunmenglong didn't have the ice and fire celestial body, he couldn't see it. Now, yunmenglong doesn't know Unconsciously, he stepped into the realm that people in the world, immortals and even gods and men can't dream of! Now he has reached a bottleneck, like a bone stuck in his throat. He doesn't spit out fast, but it's hard to spit out. It's really hard to say. Fortunately, only when he goes to bed can he have the feeling of sadness that there is an orgasm on top of it, but he can't reach it. Yunmenglong once I forgot to trace the origin of shuisha for the first time, so shuisha has been hanging around him for n months. He still doesn't know which onion or garlic this brother with unfathomable skills is.

Although the silly cat is dying with high IQ, it is also dying with low Eq. it should not be difficult to get the answer from her, right?

Thinking of this, yunmenglong sighed and pulled yunmiaomiao out of the heaven and earth bag. Yunwangwang was sleeping, so he left the cat and continued to ink with Duke Zhou alone. Suddenly she was pulled out by yunmenglong. She was a little upset. She showed the sharp curved claws under the meat mat. "Shua" a lightning bolt split at Zhou Yihong like a long knife. Yunmenglong didn't dare to catch it. This handsome boy, hum, sorry, yunmiaomiao, but she never bought anyone's account. Now she is afraid of yunmenglong. She is angry and has to vent Zhou Yihong's anger. Zhou Yihong, the poor bastard, was forced to be the substitute of Yunda hooligans.

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