Supreme Satyr

Chapter 482

Zhou Yihong didn't see Yun Miaomiao's beauty at all. He only saw a snow-white Dongdong. Before he could see what it was, Yun Miaomiao made a move. The speed and light frightened Zhou Yihong. Yun Miaomiao's claw target was his face. If it was hit, Zhou Yihong would be 100% disfigured. After that, you can't rely on a handsome face to pick up girls. You can only rely on a pocket of money.

Zhou Yihong "ah!" exclaimed, lying straight back, a wisp of curly long hair slowly falling into the air. Zhou Yihong dodged Yun Miaomiao's blow at the critical moment. Nevertheless, he was so frightened that his whole spine was like immersed in ice water. A layer of cold sweat poured out from his forehead. Zhou Yihong supported his hands slightly downward, and then patted the ground with his left hand. His body soared to a 720 degree corner, flew to a place ten meters away and stood at the corner of the typhoon shelter, He is standing on the edge of the top of Qianlong garden. If there is a gust of wind, the possibility of Zhou Yihong falling can be increased to 99.9%, infinite cycle! Fortunately, this place is a real place. As its name suggests, the typhoon shelter is really windless.

Yunmenglong was shocked by yunmiaomiao's speed, but he saw that yunmiaomiao wanted to scare Zhou Yihong, otherwise Zhou Yihong would have been beyond recognition with his mysterious claw skill. If you really catch it, you may not be able to hide at this time. There was no sign before Yun Miaomiao's move, and the scratch seemed to scratch randomly. In fact, it was like an antelope hanging its horn. It was traceless and extremely round. The lightning from that claw was the essence. If Yun Miaomiao didn't deliberately harm, who could hide it. What Yun Menglong thought didn't show on his face. He looked at Yun Miaomiao spoiled and smiled full of fatherly love: "Miaomiao is not good again. It's so naughty. If this brother didn't hide quickly, I'm afraid it would have ruined your poisonous claw?"

Yun Miaomiao squatted on Yunmeng dragon's shoulder, arched the hair behind Yunmeng dragon's ears like a spoiled girl, and said in a charming voice, "if people play with him, don't be angry. You're more than a thousand years old, take care of your body."

"Ah? The cat can talk? Isn't she a goblin?" Zhou Yihong looked at Yun Miaomiao with wide eyes and couldn't believe it. If he didn't retreat, he might have to retreat.

Yun Miaomiao's beautiful big eyes were half open and half closed, and the pupil inside shrank into a line. The line was first curved, like a naughty smile. When she heard that Zhou Yihong regarded her as a goblin, Miaomiao was furious, and her eyes were as sharp as a knife. Zhou Yihong was startled and immediately changed his mouth: "This cat is beautiful, capable and can speak. She must be a fairy. Look at her beauty. Well, she is a fairy. Yes, she is definitely a fairy banished from the world for nine days. Ah, the stars are your tears, the moonlight is your wings, your beauty, let the sun cover her tracks with shame, and the sea roars to marry you..."

Zhou Yihong peeked at Yun Miaomiao as he spoke. He saw that Yun Miaomiao's eyes were about to close, but his smile overflowed like a mountain of water. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, he made the moody smelly cat happy. Thanks to the fact that he didn't coax the girls to be happy at ordinary times, how could the prodigal son in the love field gain a false reputation? However, alas, the idioms of praising people in the national language need to be learned more , if you don't have to get up, you'll be embarrassed if you're poor. You have to learn from yunmenglong in this regard. Zhou Yihong looked at yunmenglong and felt that he was unfathomable and hidden. He doubted that yunmenglong instigated the behavior of the little rotten cat just now, but yunmenglong looked too innocent and didn't look like it at all. Anyway, he exposed his skills and told yunmenglong before He is a gentle man who doesn't fight, but now he shows his kung fu. He can't help chatting up. However, the two men's face has long been hardened in the process of making a horse. Therefore, Zhou Yihong Jun's face turned a little red and then recovered his elegant nature. They don't care so much. Anyway, they have the same smell and sympathize with each other. At first, they can forget the falsehood when they were unfamiliar Net.

Zhou Yihong boasted that his mouth was dry and his praise had been repeated three times. The cat's tail swayed around and couldn't resist at last. She was also a girl if she was no longer sensible. She couldn't stand the compliment of Zhou Da's hooligans, so her tail covered the blushing cat's face. In fact, it could not be used to cover it. The whole body was white as snow, and the bright red color inside could not be seen. Yun Miao Miao stretched out her tongue with tiny hairs on it, licked her jade clear little nose and said, "OK, stop talking, and I'll kill you!"

Zhou Yihong immediately shut up and behaved like a grandson.

When Xiao Qiqi saw the beautiful cat who could talk, her black and white eyes blinked, and her eyelashes flashed a few times like a small brush. She came forward with great joy and shouted, "what a beautiful cat, you can talk, what's your name, can I touch you?" the crisp voice was sweet, but the surprise came from her heart.

Yun Miaomiao also felt like eating sweet and sour fish. Her heart was sweet. She opened her mouth and showed two rows of neat, snow-white and sharp little white teeth. She smiled so gloomy that she stretched out her claws to cover her eyes. At the same time, her eyes drooped and said shyly: "You are also very beautiful. My name is Yun Miaomiao. Your name is Qiqi. Yunmenglong likes you very much. He still wants to soak you. He says you are a beautiful little Lori and says that when you grow up..."

The more Yunmeng dragon listened, the more frightened he became. When the little bastard was happy, he said everything he should and shouldn't say. It would be good for her to say the following words. Yunmeng dragon's hand moved with her heart and stretched out like lightning. He put a skin mask on yunmiaomiao's mouth to prevent the following words from leaking out. Then Yunmeng dragon brewed a very kind, very simple and very beautiful girl The innocent, extremely big tailed wolf smiled at Cheng Qiqi and said, "don't listen to the cat. She likes to lie."

Qiqi tilted his head and looked at yunmenglong. He also looked at yunmiaomiao squatting on yunmenglong's shoulder with his beard publicized from yunmenglong's hand. After thinking for a while, he said seriously, "no, yunmiaomiao is a kitten. She is so cute and can't cheat. You don't let her speak and deprive her of her freedom of speech. According to the law, you will be banned." xiaoqiqi stood on tiptoe, Pulling Yunmeng dragon's hand over yunmiaomiao's, she said, "don't cover her. It's bad for your health if you can't breathe fresh air. The cat will get sick. Let her say it." Xiao Qiqi said that tears were turning in her eyes. She caressed yunmiaomiao's soft white hair with heartache and whispered comfort: "Miaomiao is very good. It doesn't hurt. Brother Menglong is a good man. Don't blame him. What do you say he wants when I grow up?"

Before yunmiaomiao could answer, yunmenglong took over and said, "when you grow up, I'll find you a good family and marry you, right, Miaomiao?" yunmenglong looked at yunmiaomiao and whispered: "smelly cat, if you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for sending you to the hands of morlie Yansha and ghost demonsha."

Yun Miaomiao's body was excited and begged to see yunmenglong, which was in line with yunmenglong's way: "yes, yunmenglong said to find you a good family so that bad men wouldn't bully Qiqi." Miaomiao was just afraid of being sent back, so she couldn't have fun. In addition, she was a little reluctant to give up yunmenglong. As for the nature of this feeling, she didn't think about the love between humans, Even if her IQ is hundreds of times higher than human beings, she still can't understand that she has a hazy good impression of yunmenglong, just like looking at flowers in the fog and looking at the moon in the water. Although it is vague, it is beautiful. She didn't think about how yunmenglong knew that she was the one the evil robber was looking for, and whether yunmenglong had any ulterior purpose in taking her in.

In short, this is a simple and kind cat, just a little more playful.

Seven seven looked at a man and a cat and said suspiciously, "are you united to cheat me?"

Yunmenglong said, "the little girl is very sensitive." then he shook his head with the cat and said, "No." his voice was unprecedented and firm.

The little girl no longer doubted. She hesitated. Her little face was red and whispered to yunmenglong, "brother Menglong."

"Ah?" Yunmeng dragon answered.

"I... can I marry you?" the little girl's voice was as small as mosquitoes and flies, but Yun Menglong heard it clearly, Yun Miaomiao heard it clearly, and Zhou Yihong heard it clearly.

What Cheng Qiqi said is: can I marry you!

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