Supreme Satyr

Chapter 504

A Yunmeng dragon sitting like a tower and motionless like a mountain has met 99 super beauties from different history and countries. Those beauties fall in love with Yunmeng dragon's second child.

There is a saying that goes well: "to open a man's heart, we must first open the man's stomach, and to open a woman's heart, we must first open her." is that right? It's a free reality. Men don't count before they get married. After they get married, most of them love and ignore their little wife. The little wife complains that she is helpless and unreasonable in order to restore her initial love. Unfortunately, the fish has taken the bait, Moreover, after keeping n fish in the aquarium for a long time, no matter how beautiful the fish look for a long time, it will also produce aesthetic fatigue. At this time, most of the things that can make the husband go home and stay outside wholeheartedly depend on women's cooking. The older men are, the more greedy they are. Women don't have to make delicious and diverse dishes like Manchu and Han banquet. As long as they can make dishes that suit men's taste, that's enough. Sometimes, maintaining a home does not depend on a marriage agreement, but on a few dishes!

No man doesn't want to sleep with a woman who is not a virgin. For the first time, few women can stay until their wedding night in modern society. Such women are either extremely ugly or extremely chaste, exist in backward rural areas, and some girls have extremely strict tutoring. Parents want to follow their daughter's ass every day, When the mobile phone short breath came, the mother was so nervous that her daughter didn't dare to communicate with any boys. Girls attach importance to virginity, but they often lose virginity before marriage. The film was broken by a man and fell red. From then on, the film disappeared. Even if it was made up in the future, the heart is no longer a virgin.

When a girl goes to bed with a man for the first time, most of them will cry at the moment of being * *, which is not tears of happiness, nor tears of pain, but tears of regret.

Women's first time is mostly cheated by men!

The 99 beauties on Yunmeng dragon, oh, to be exact, none of them are virgins, but for them, the hell is another space and another life, so they are virgins. In fact, that film is really meaningless. Women, as long as their heart is pure and their love for that man is sincere and complete, they are virgins! Anyway, they fell in love with Yunmeng dragon.

At this point, yunmenglong is ignorant, raped and loved. There is really no one else except yunmenglong. Because, first, it is rare for women to rape men. Second, the purpose of rape is to conquer, to show off animal lust, not because of love.

In reality, Yunmeng dragon is like a dead man. The four monks are merciful and use their infinite power of great compassion to heal their wounds. However, after tossing for a long time, Yunmeng dragon has not improved. The four monks are really about to be merciful. The two elders of the Buddha before Yunmeng dragon's exercise are all muscles on the whole body. Their beards are as white as snow, shining and elegant, I can advertise Piao Rou and shoot advertisements with beard and eyebrows. This idea is more punctual: "the old Buddha fell from the sky, his head shook, his white beard and white eyebrows covered his face like heavy snow, his palms folded, and he sang with a loud voice. Here, Amitabha Buddha, Piao Rou, it's fucking Piao Rou!" old Tuo, his eyebrows and beard tangled together, black, that's ugly, He squeezed out a bitter gourd like expression on his old face and asked the Buddha, "old Buddha, why are your beard and eyebrows so punctual? Look at me. I wash it eight times a day and return this virtue. I'm worried to death." the Buddha opened the cassock, went in to explore for a long time, took out something and said, "look! I choose, I like it, floating soft, and my eyebrows and beard are no longer grasped!"

In other words, the bodies of the two elders of the Buddha are all supported by the energy of true Qi. The output of such a large flow makes them look like the virtue of Lin Ruo at the beginning. When they see the two elders with hazy eyes and sour nose, are they still human? The other two people's faces turned blue, and the beads of sweat rolled down. This was an absolute world of mortals. The wrinkles on their faces were severely portrayed by the wind knife of years. Again and again, they were deeply shocking, and most of their sweat was accumulated in the folds. Nevertheless, their cassocks were still wet. When they saw them, they were all wet, It's like a drowned chicken just pulled out of a pool.

Seeing the two masters of Sekong, they are not much better. After all, they are not as good as these two bad old men compared with their profound skills. As soon as they see that yunmenglong hasn't improved much, if they continue like this, I'm afraid the four old lives will catch up with each other. As a result, the huangquan road will be lively, but the jingnian Buddhist temple will be completely bullshit. At this time, the four people took yunmenglong as the medium, so they could communicate with each other. They saw each other's love for life and nostalgia for life. The main reason is that they can't die in vain. If they die, they will die well. They also have boundless merit and virtue. They also have the fearless spirit of sacrificing their lives and benevolence of our Buddha, but if they don't save people, they still kill themselves, In the west, blissful people have no face to see Buddha. So the four decided to work at the same time, eat dinner, eat more tonics, and recover their skills another day.

The sun is setting and the evening wind is blowing fast. Lin Wan's eyebrows are like distant mountains, light smoke waves, Mid Autumn Festival water in her eyes, ripple marks, and jade looks calm. She has decided that if Yunmeng dragon dies, she will become a nun and never ask about world affairs again. Sometimes, when you have nothing to love, you don't have to die, because death will only hurt your relatives and make your enemies happy, which won't help.

She is dressed in white and wins the snow. Three thousand green silk is like a waterfall. The cold wind is warm and cold. She rolls up her clothes and combs three thousand worries. The luster of the sunset decorates her beautiful side face and decorates her eyes with a layer of sacred light. The forest is as beautiful as an immortal. The surrounding mortals are surrounded by the fairy. In fact, her eyes looked more like a Wangfu stone.

Thousands of years of waiting and thousands of years of love turn into crystal eyes!

The stone gate opened with a bang. Lin seemed to seize the door and enter. He looked at the cloud dream dragon lying on the stone bed and blurred his eyes!

No tears, just tears.

Seeing that her whole body was shrouded in a thick fog full of sadness, master color sighed softly: "ask what love is in the world, and teach people to promise life and death without regret!"

The four people lowered their eyebrows and announced the Buddha's name. They floated away. The forest was like an independent stone cave and looked at the cloud dream dragon.

This is such a handsome face, with red lips and white teeth, a nose like a gall, a Xuan eyebrow like a sword, and broken empty temples. In particular, those eyes are as blue as sapphire, with a bad smile, blinking and blinking. Lin wanruo has practiced since childhood, and her heart is like a rock, but she was steeled into soft fingers by Yun Menglong's eyes. She hates herself. Why dare not face her love? Why only dare to secretly love behind him? In order to escape their emotions?

Why? Why? Why can't 100000 get an answer!

"Menglong, you sleep so peacefully and like no one else. Do you know that the awake people shed tears for you and broke their heart for you. In order to break their soul, would you open your eyes? If you have something to say to you, would you open your eyes?" Lin wanruo knelt in front of Yunmeng dragon on one knee and stroked his handsome face.

"Patter, patter!"

Tears are like walking beads, crystal like jade, so fragile, just like Lin wanruo's heart. Tears drop on yunmenglong's face and splash a little water. It's beautiful. But Yunmeng dragon sleeps like before. His deep sleep does not mean that he is unconscious. Lin wanruo, a woman who has always been calm and detached, suddenly fell in love. The concentration is very important. Yunmenglong's consciousness is like soaking in a honeypot. If it weren't for the energy war in his body, some of the energy that used to be less gregarious was now ready to move. He wanted to be a vassal overlord in yunmenglong's body. The great sorrow and boundless true Qi introduced into his body by the four divine monks, coupled with the * * of 99 top-notch women he inadvertently absorbed in the underworld, It makes his Taiji Qi powerful and irresistible. Those * * are the real essence of women ejected by the best women at the climax. There is the love of those women. They fall in love with Yunmeng dragon. No matter what the reason is, the love of blissful Wushan is the most powerful love.

The true love of men and women is sometimes beyond the great love that contains all things!

Taiji Heart Sutra is the core of the eight trigrams energy group, and its power determines everything. At this time, by chance, yunmenglong got the help of 99 women. The eight trigrams disc turned fast, like a flying saucer. Those different energies were too scared to move again. The eight trigrams energy turned faster and bigger, golden light everywhere, and the golden Yuanying looked at everything, A few flying eyes as like as two peas, and then turned to a halt, the stop stopped, and this stop was turned into two yuan babies, just like a mirror. However, their actions are different. One is smiling, the other is evil, and the two yuan babies must feel ridiculous if they are heard by monks. Two yuan babies, no one has even a yuan baby in the history of Taoism.

"Do you really want me to use that method?" Lin Wan thought calmly. The golden light of yunmenglong's body just a moment ago, she didn't see it. She just wanted to use that move to fight poison to save yunmenglong.

Lin Wan was like ashes in her eyes. She made a decision: "what's this half dead? The people's strength is haggard. I have the right to try. If you die, I'll accompany Lin Wan. You live, I'm your man!"

Lin Wan took out a dark red pill, but she collected seventy-nine kinds of highly poisonous things in the world and devoted herself to refining. Isn't magic robbery poison? It's more poisonous than you. There's no way to fight poison with poison.

She knocked open the teeth of Yunmeng dragon and gently stuffed it in. Now Yunmeng dragon is in a decisive battle. Lin wanruo startled the devil as soon as he entered the pill. The pill seems to be transformed into its original creatures, cobra, scorpion, spider, centipede, a series of plush insects, colorful plants, poison and poison, Magic robber really hasn't seen this thing, so he was scared and couldn't use it for a moment. The gossip of Yunmeng dragon, which represents justice, can concentrate on trying to kill it. Who knows, the poisons don't know who is close to who, so they just have a massacre, causing chaos on both sides. Yunmenglong's body has suffered. His true Qi runs around and his energy flows blindly.

Lin wanruo was so frightened that she lost her square inch and didn't know what to do. After turning around for a long time, there was no way. Finally, he threw his heart on Yunmeng dragon and hugged him.

"When you die, I don't live. I follow you from heaven and earth, Ghost Husband and wife or fairy couple. Even if you are reincarnated, you should be a pair with you, that is, to be two opposite trees in the distance, just like, without regret."

Slowly, Lin wanruo quietly closed his eyes, his face was quiet and natural, and his happy and sweet smile hung in the corners of his mouth, admiring others.

If it's a dream, don't wake up. Flowers are everywhere, white clouds are blooming, trees are shaded, insects sing and birds sing, streams and springs are clear, thorns are numerous, mountains and rivers are poor, mountains and seas are hot, poisonous forest oil pot is hot, the road of hell is endless, and what's the fear of having you around?

At night, everything was silent.

Lin Wan was lying beside Yunmeng dragon, holding his hand and sleeping quietly. A slender figure stood beside Yunmeng dragon, with eyes sometimes clear and sometimes hazy, like a dream.

"Is this man, let me know what love is, is this man, let me become an adult at all costs, is this man..."

The figure bends down gently and smells fragrant. A wet little mouth meets the big mouth of yunmenglong and sucks gently

This kiss is as light as the breeze. This kiss is as light as the smoke. This kiss is not shocking but soul moving. This kiss is not bone loving but ecstatic!

This kiss determines the life and death of yunmenglong!

After a while, Yunmeng longan skin jumped gently

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