Supreme Satyr

Chapter 505

"What? Invitation? What invitation? Ha ha, ha ha. Yunmenglong, a little bastard, died so long before the funeral was held. Grandma is a bear. I was scared. I didn't dare to use a knife and understand a gun to rob the territory. I lost a lot of younger brothers. Alas, it hurts to think about it. It's not easy to accept younger brothers these days. However, I'm relieved this time. Good for the funeral, Yun It's better to go to the funeral of the leader of the sea underworld. The province gives people a handle. Even if you pick white flowers, you will rob yunmenglong's woman. However, the venue still has to go. Alas, there are so many rules in the underworld. I knew I would be a good citizen. "Zhou Chu, the boss of the West Lake Gang, thought with an invitation to the funeral and finally had an idea.

Early Zhou roared: "dog head, choose a decent dress for me, and then go to the wreath shop to buy a super large wreath. Buy the largest one, the funeral of the Mafia leader. You can't be careless."

"Boss, people are dead. We've been studying how to rob other people's territory these days. What else should we do for the funeral? It's better to rob his mother while he's dead?" the dog head asked very puzzled.

"You know what a fart is. It's called a field. It's called a rule, don't you understand? At least yunmenglong is also the leader of our cloud sea underworld. Although he hasn't led the army, you can't feel comfortable if you don't give face at the cow's funeral. It's bad if you think like a fool. A hundred footed insects die but don't freeze. The so-called sorrow will win. You're at someone's funeral When we go to rob the territory and do things, those younger brothers of others cut us off with red eyes. Therefore, we must attend the funeral and be very pious. Grandma, we can't take the gift money of 200000 each! All right, get out of your mother's egg and work for the old son quickly! "He scolded the dog head at the beginning of the week. The dog head nodded hurriedly and ran out. He ran to the door and scratched the spittle star on his face. He said to himself, "boss, if I scold again, I will be drowned by his spittle. Alas, the boss has bad breath. I have to wash my face first."

Zhou Chu sighed and looked down at the funeral invitation. He saw that the gold stamping characters on it were thick and powerful. The invitation was very exquisite and inlaid with gold thread. Zhou Chu sighed: "Alas, people with status are different. A funeral invitation is so extravagant and envious of others.

People who have the same feeling as Zhou Chu are here. Almost all the gangster bosses in Yunhai city have this idea. While having a headache, it's not a shame to follow the number of molecules, they secretly sharpen their knives and hold an oath meeting to study which territory yunmenglong wants to operate on. The gangster bosses in the cities around Yunhai are also ready to take advantage of this opportunity to take a share of Yunhai City, gangster paradise, this is a big fat meat. They had long wanted to extend their claws. They waited and looked forward to it. Finally, they had a chance. These people were confused by the fat and oily territory, docks, nightclubs and amusement parks. It was totally unexpected that yunmenglong was dead. It was none of their business. They had to send an invitation to them. Alas, they were also people who covered the sky with one hand in the sea of clouds. They died They also have to give face. They went to the sea of clouds with their little brothers pretending to be relatives and friends.

In addition, underworld bosses in Shanghai, Beijing, Northeast China, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and other places have also received invitations. Some second-class bosses are worried when they hold the invitation. Their two eyebrows have been lovesick for a long time. Now they finally have the opportunity to get together. Their two eyebrows are twisted and twisted together, which is really love: "I said, what do the brothers of yunmenglong think? It's none of my business if he dies. We're thousands of miles away from the sea of clouds. Do we need to give gifts? Who does he think he is? A gangster in the whole continent? Day, he's arrogant. If he hadn't died, I'd have to teach him a lesson, but, um, I heard that the sea of clouds is a degenerate paradise. Such a good place is very suitable for black people Society has grown. Why don't we go and have a look? "

Having made a decision, they rushed to the sea of clouds with a pole and a horse and weapons.

The wreath shop in Yunhai city has become the most frequented place by gangsters for a while. Those who make wreaths have never encountered this in their life. No matter how old they are, no matter how good they are, there are not so many people to order wreaths. They know that the funeral is held by Yunhai upstart yunmenglong. They look sad and happy. They are happy to squint their eyes and count in the quilt at night Money, those underworld people are generous. They throw the money over and say, "make me a big... Wreath! Ah bah! It's to help me make a big... Wreath for Yun Menglong. The bigger the wreath, the more money." the head of spending money is like a chicken pecking rice, and his hands and feet are busy.

Yunmeng Longxin's funeral. No one made trouble at this point. Anyway, they didn't lack the money. After the funeral, they took the money back with interest.

The big dragon head of the east star holds the funeral invitation in his hand, and his face is gloomy. It is said that he should be very happy when yunmenglong is dead, but why does he feel so uncomfortable? He has long been in the top position. He has a sense of crisis. The old guy is as cunning as a fox, and he always feels that there is something wrong in this.

"I haven't dealt with longhumen. How come all the invitations have been sent to me? There must be a conspiracy."

Big dragon head never fights uncertain battles. Since he has no spectrum in mind, he won't play.

"ADA, you keep two younger brothers, send a wreath to Yun Menglong and write 300000 gift money. The other younger brothers, come back immediately!" the big dragon head pulled the barren head and paid Yida to make a phone call.

Although Fu Yida doesn't understand what the boss means, the leader has always been as wise as the sea. He has his reason for ordering so. Even if he is unwilling, he doesn't dare to raise an objection. Fu Yida hesitated and replied, "yes, big dragon head, I'll do it right away."

After receiving yunmenglong's funeral invitation, Li Xuanyi was stunned. She couldn't say what she felt for a moment. She had all kinds of tastes. Happy, no, sad, No. Li Xuanyi is not a person without eyes. He works with a sense of propriety. He called long Mengyun several times to express his relief. Unfortunately, long Mengyun's mobile phone has been turned off. He can't express his concern.

Since the day before yesterday, the invitation has been flying out of Yunlong garden and spread all over the world. No one can see who sent it or how, but those who can get the invitation letter are all people with status, either rich or expensive, or they are gangsters, hundreds of gangs the size of the sea of clouds, and famous gangster leaders all over the country.

According to relevant people, on the day of the funeral invitation, all the industries of longhumen in Yunhai city were temporarily closed. No one saw anyone in and out of longhumen in lengyun mountain. Someone sent someone to try to enter and check. As a result, the person was thrown out in less than three seconds, but nothing could be found, because the person had been cut into 18 sections, Scared those who were outside trying to spy, they didn't pick up the bodies. SA Yazi ran down the mountain and vomited one by one at the foot of the mountain. When asked, they couldn't say a word except shaking their heads.

The gate of Yunlong garden is closed and isolated from the world. No one knows what's going on inside, but when someone approaches quietly, he hears the sound of crying inside. After a long time, it makes people cry and makes people sad.

The big iron gate of the military headquarters was rarely closed, but it was closed in those two days. There was no heavy guard outside the door and no big black dog patrol, but no one even dared to approach the military headquarters three miles away. People who have good ears say that there are suppressed and deep cries from the army. They are all old men. Although the voice is low, it can't hold many people. Tens of thousands of people cry together. No matter how small the voice is, it can make a world shaking.

No one knows what they are doing, whether outsiders doubt or wonder, whether they are dishonest or sincere. Anyway, no one who receives the invitation dares to have the idea of not going to the funeral. For nothing else, go and see what's going on inside. It's better to arrange strategic measures. Gangs also need skills to rob territory. There are more monks and fewer dogs and less meat!

November 11, singles day.

This festival has no commemorative significance, but a way for single nobles to laugh at themselves and entertain themselves.

The clouds on the horizon are very low, within reach, very heavy, as if the sky would tilt. Looking up, the sky will snow. Snowflakes fall one by one, covering the ground layer by layer. In a moment, the sea of clouds will be decorated into a world of powder carving and jade carving.

Yunmenglong's funeral was held today. At eight o'clock in the morning, the gate of yunlongyuan was slowly opened. The long street outside the gate was full of famous cars, not only the back street, but also the front street. The most important one was Audi A8. The people sitting on the car, regardless of their body status, had a sad expression on their faces. Just because of these main roads, the traffic in Yunhai city is paralyzed, but no one dares to say anything. No one in the transportation department dares to dredge it. Because the minister's car is also blocked! Finally, they had no choice but to get out of the car and walk alone. In front of them, several younger brothers put up a gorgeous, colorful, large and round wreath. The wreath was too big to block out the sky and the sun. Well, there was no sun, so there was no need to cover it. The people under the wreath can't see the road at all. They can't see people from above. They are all blocked by the wreath. They grope forward. The wreath is used to resist the wind and snow. Those bosses are excited when they find that the wreath has this unexpected effect. They can't help laughing. Of course, they just smile and make a sound. They dare not. Anyway, the wreath can't be seen. As long as they don't make a sound, who knows whether they cry or laugh. It's really difficult to pretend to be a dead father for a person who has no feelings.

Most of the streets in Yunhai city are holding wreaths. Many onlookers are envious and say, "look, they were invited by longhumen. It's great."

After hearing this, the wronged leaders couldn't help but feel very face, and they didn't care about the gift money to be written. Even the younger brothers holding wreaths felt that their ancestors opened their eyes and blessed them with this honor.

Although the Yunlong garden is large, it can't put so many wreaths. Let alone wreaths, people will follow each other. I don't know. I thought yunlongyuan was a job fair for college students. Those wreaths take up too much space inside, so they are all placed outside the villa and against the wall. Those wreaths are stacked one by one, which will bury Yunlong garden. Looking from a distance, Yunlong garden is a super large flower basket, colorful, which is called a good-looking one.

Those bosses, senior officials and rich people shook their fat bodies and walked to the hall. The hall was arranged into a mourning hall. In the center was a huge crystal transparent glass coffin. Yunmenglong lay in it, stable, peaceful, well-dressed and lifelike. The crystal coffin was illuminated by nine pearl lights. There was a huge word "dian" on the silk curtain. The curtain was windless and automatic, and gently shook layers of shadows on the crystal coffin. Yunmenglong's handsome face was bright and dark. It always blew a cold wind in the hearts of people with evil intentions, making their bodies tremble involuntarily.

Three huge candles flickered on the marble table, and the red flames burst out of thick black smoke, which had a taste different from human beings.

Xie Laowu came early. He accidentally lined up in front of the queue and was pushed by several crafty old things behind. He unexpectedly stood at the head of the group for no reason. He was wearing a solemn black suit with a white flower in his chest. He looked at yunmenglong and his heart jumped. The dead man was too like a living man. Moreover, he seemed to smile just now, That's weird!

Xie Laowu was so frightened that he fell to his knees and cried loudly: "Boss Yun, you are our leader. What can the people of Yunhai do without you? How can the economy of Yunhai develop and people make progress? How can we get along in the future? God is jealous of talents. You died young. Lao Wu, I always regard you as my father. Dad, you died miserably..." Xie Laowu couldn't help remembering that he didn't go back when his father died. At first, he pretended to cry. In the end, he became more and more sad and couldn't stop. His cry led the people of man Lingtang.


"Brother Menglong... Woo..."

"Menglong... You little rabbit, how can I send the white haired man to the black haired man... Ah... Who roasts the big black dog for me... Let's roast the dog tomorrow..."

"Boss, you have the grace of raising and educating me. You are my father..."


The cry was so loud that the ritual officer shouted for a long time before the cry stopped.

Some people in the crowd observed secretly that there were more than a dozen beautiful women kneeling in the mourning hall. As the saying goes, women should be beautiful and filial. Long Mengyun and others are all plain, and their slender waist is wrapped with a hemp rope. They have a beautiful face with pear flowers and rain, and their expression is extremely sad. They are like weak peonies and lotus flowers. They are pure and beautiful.

The mountain stream is clear and the spring flows gently, and the birds on the cloud top fly freely.

They are like exiled fairies and angels who provoke dust. Beauty, that's called beauty.

Don't mention those old coyotes, such as Li Xuanyi, whose eyes are straight. All of a sudden, so many beautiful women dressed in hemp and filial piety are dazzling and pleasing to the eyes. How dare they look at yunmenglong like this? Now that yunmenglong is dead, several boys who don't know the height and earth want to take yunmenglong's wife as a forbidden wife. No one is such a beautiful widow Fortunately, it's a monster.

Xie Laowu went down to write the gift money, and another man began to cry on top of Xie Laowu's position. He cried so much that he didn't know that he really thought it was the crying old man's own son. Who knows that the two people can't touch each other.

Finally, the beauties inside were crying out of strength, but the people outside were crying out of strength. They all thought about their sadness and knelt in front of yunmenglong's spirit and cried in a mess. There are also people who will show up. They have to get into yunmenglong's coffin, lie with yunmenglong, keep pace with yunmenglong and live and die together.

The beauties were confused. Liang Xiaotong whispered to Ling Xueqi, "sister Qi, why are they more sad than we cry?" Ling Xueqi said: "it's called acting, do you understand?"

After such a toss for a day, the people who came to condole were basically finished. Everyone wrote at least 50000 gift money. They didn't dare to leave a name if they wrote less. They were willing to think about how much gift money to write. Anyway.

After eating, drinking and leaving the gate of Yunlong garden, the bosses changed their sad face, put on their indifference and ruthlessness, touched the phone and said, "do it."

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