Supreme Satyr

Chapter 506

Almost at the same time, there were at least three or five hundred people in longhumen on all sites in Yunhai city. They were cloned one by one, all with ferocious expressions and grinning like a wolf dog. The hands are machetes, triangular steel, or steel pipes. They are not afraid of cold in winter. They deliberately expose the tattoos on their bodies. These underworld societies have no taste and character. The dragons, tigers and cobras with a stream of tattoos have no personality at all. You said to tattoo a ninja turtle, crayon Xiaoxin, antenna baby, transformer or something. It's good to have childlike innocence and personality.

The second heaven has unparalleled food and color.

"What's the matter? We've been lying in ambush here for a long time. It's cold. Do you have to rob us? Boss Xie is a murderous devil. We are little demons. If we don't practice, we'll splash blood for five steps. If we're not afraid of death, we'll try uncle's knife." a scarred faced man shouted to several other groups of people.

"Shit, big cat, you think we're fast eaters. Scare us? Our GCC was here yesterday. Do you think it's easy for our brothers to dress like this and freeze like fools one by one? Do you think we'll go away with your tail in a few words?" scolded a wretched man.

"Ge Laozi's big watermelon, you two fools are bullshit here. Laozi said that we have been in this nest for half a year, okay? Farting and talking nonsense really mean that all underworld colleagues despise you." the beard of the West Lake Gang shouted impatiently.

As soon as the GCC and Xie Jiabang heard this, they were furious. The two gangs shared a common hatred. The big cat shouted: "brothers of the GCC, let's jointly cut off the little rabbits of the West Lake Gang first, and then we sat down and slowly talked about who belongs to the second heaven. Whether it's lottery or stone head scissors and cloth, as long as it doesn't hurt the harmony, how about it?"

"OK." the two gangs roared, waved machetes and steel pipes and rushed to all the colleagues of the West Lake gang. The younger brothers of the West Lake Gang hate each other. They all blame the big beard and big mouth. They haven't fought with the people of the dragon and tiger gate. They are killing each other. Speaking of it, those with more monks and fewer monks will naturally rob. After understanding this truth, the monks of the West Lake Gang raised their weapons and took the move reluctantly. Hundreds of people scuffled together. It was a spectacular scene.

After a while, almost everyone hung the lottery. Those who didn't hang the lottery also tried to get some blood on their bodies. Their brothers in the province looked at their psychological imbalance.

"Ah! You're so fucking shameless. How can you sneak attack?" a boy was stabbed in the back and turned to the boy who cut him.

"Go to your uncle's turnip turnip and be an underworld. You don't know that war is not tired of fraud. Go and learn * *." the man said disdainfully, and then kicked the little brother of the boy who was stabbed. The boy was really miserable. His back was dripping with blood and his lower body was in great pain. He bowed into a shrimp. With one hand, the monkey picked up the moon and gently rubbed his penis. With the other hand, he rubbed the wound behind his back. He was sweating. His face was pale and ferocious.

Screams, knife and stick collisions, one after another, mixed with curses. Well, curses seem to continue from beginning to end.

One by one, they issued a great declaration to have sex with each other's old mother: "fuck your mother, fuck your mother, fuck..."

Outsiders thought it was not a fight, but rape.

Such similar scenes are staged in dozens of places in Yunhai city at the same time. Unfortunately, those places are the territory of longhumen.

It's strange. The gangs fighting are all over the country. Of course, most of them are local gangs in Yunhai. They all want to take advantage of Yunmeng dragon's death to occupy the territory of longhumen. From the beginning of the war to the end, they don't see any people in longhumen. Those gangs think that without Yunmeng dragon, longhumen will become a toothless tiger, And a cat have the same lethality. What else can I do? Shrink the head and disappear one turtle? Thinking of this, people's confidence increased greatly, and they killed each other fiercely. With the sound of "fuck!", knives and sticks fell, blood splashed, fists came and went, and all kinds of things they could get were used as weapons. Someone always screamed inexplicably and asked, "who fucking hit me? What's this? Well cover!"

In fact, some aspects of the underworld war are still desirable, such as their flexibility and informality in fighting. It's so proud that they can smash the dead by picking up a wine bottle.

************************Gorgeous boundary*********************

Yun Menglong's funeral is recognized as the most luxurious funeral in the world. The number of people who went to mourn can be compared with those who attended the death of a head of state. Not to mention the number, the gift money is definitely the largest in the world. After seeing off the mourners, the gate of Yunlong garden was closed again, and some people saw it, but their thoughts were all on yunmenglong's territory. Who cares what he did when yunmengyuan closed.

"How about it? How much? How much?" the wind Thunder Tiger rubbed his hands and asked Xue Piao, who was crackling out a series of numbers on the computer.

After a long time, Xue Piao stopped and stared at the computer screen, completely dumbfounded.

"Hey, you're still numb. How much is it? As for being surprised like this?" the wind Thunder Tiger said and leaned over.

"Ah!" the wind Thunder Tiger looked at the series of "0" and opened his mouth into an "O" shape. It was estimated that he wanted to swallow these zero as duck eggs. The tiger stared into two "0" with a pair of ox eyes. After counting for a long time, the tiger said, "I'm dizzy. Count by someone else." the wind Thunder Tiger rubbed his eyes and said.

"Look at your promise. At least you are also the second leader of longhumen. It's like a native who hasn't seen money. Come on, let me see how much money it is. As for being scared like this." the tiger's wife, female tiger Fengling, smiled and scolded and put it in front of the computer.

After watching for a while, Feng Ling shook her head and said, "Alas, I'm not good at math. I can't count a few zeros."

"Piao'er, just say how much it is. There are no outsiders in the room." a lazy voice sounded.

"Yes, yes, come on, sister Piao." Dai dai'er took a handsome and tall young man, sat happily on the crystal coffin and urged.

Long Mengyun Fang sipped a fresh and tender peeled litchi and sent it to the young man's mouth. The young man took a sip of long Mengyun's ruddy mouth, rolled his tongue over the litchi, swallowed it into his throat and said with a pun, "it's so sweet." long Mengyun's dimple fainted and his beautiful eyes brightened.

The young man is Yunmeng dragon, which is undoubtedly well known.

"Listen up, everyone. The total gift money received today is 1.786.56 billion." Xue Piao took a deep breath and said word by word.

"Wow! So many?" all the women couldn't believe it except long Mengyun.

"How? Let you cry in vain? Is the play worth it?" Yun Menglong said with a smile.

"Hum, you've made people sad for such a long time. How can you compensate?" Ling Xueqi hugged Yunmeng dragon's thick neck from behind, and a pair of incomparably strong snow milk pressed on Yunmeng dragon's back, which was very ecstatic.

"Yes, yes, we want to compensate." other women echoed one after another.

"My dear Gran, brother, I wish to die and make you sad, but anyway, let every wife and brother be sad. I am going to make good compensation for you. Tomorrow, each of you can choose ten suits of your own love from Yunmeng, buy two bags of LV, a diamond ring, a necklace of string, three perfume bottles, a car." Yunmenglong is generous and generous.

"Yeah, long live." all the beauties yelled and ran to the crystal coffin to kiss Yunmeng dragon. Kissing these beauties, yunmenglong feels like an isolated world. He also clearly remembers the sweet kisses of those beauties in the underworld. Compared with the kisses of the deeply loved women around him, they are much better. They have sincere and deep feelings. With only one kiss, he tells the most about his deep love.

Yunmenglong opened his heart and felt everyone's love for him and the surprise of rebirth after the disaster.

"The men here also have a share. Each has a villa and a sports car." yunmenglong smiled.

Feng Lei Hu and Wei Ya smiled at each other, because they were the only men present. Speaking of it, only a shameless boy like yunmenglong could come up with such a sinister idea, pretend to be dead, hold a funeral, send out more than 1000 invitations, and make a profit of 1.7 billion in less than a day. Is Bill Gates ashamed of the speed of making money? What's more, Yunmeng dragon's skill is not so simple. Among them, there is a plan in the middle of the ring. It shows that the enemy is weak and lets the enemy kill each other. Then the long planned black dragon club will wait for work and become a yellow finch hidden behind the mantis. When they occupy those sites, docks, nightclubs and companies, they will find that there is nothing but an empty shell, This is a drastic move. What's more, hehe

"It's almost time. The hawkers must have occupied the dens of the idiots and the RB pigs. They want the idiots of the gangs to kill each other and reap the benefits. Shit, the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow finches. With our Chinese strategy, grandma, I borrow your hand to remove the idiots who don't know the situation. I laugh for me when I sell them Oh, count the money, these RB pigs. Tigers, tell Jingfeng to take action. "Yunmenglong reached out and pinched a handful of longmengyun's milk.

What is the situation on yunmenglong's territory?

Those stupid gangs killed a river of blood. In the end, they were not alive except half dead. The last winner was about to receive the fruits of victory with a smile. The Japanese who had long waited for work with ease appeared. They spoke bird language in their mouth and quickly tied the wounded soldiers into dumplings. Then they danced and sang into yunmenglong's territory. As a result, they were silly. There were all the basic facilities in it, but the central computer was blank and the key equipment was password protected. Japanese experts tossed for a long time and didn't crack it. When they found out that it was too late to be fooled.

According to Yun Menglong's order, Chu Jingfeng, Su Qi and others directly went with the armed forces, pointed guns at the Japanese, didn't give them a chance to explain, put all the responsibility of the underworld fools who were seriously injured in the killing on the ground on the Black Dragon Society, and arrested all the people of the Black Dragon Society for the crime of killing the Chinese people, intending to invade and plotting against each other, The armed forces are too strong. Looking at the black barrel, there is no chance to escape.

On the other hand, the bosses of the underworld returned to their nest and found that the owners had changed. Their left behind brothers were beaten into pig heads. They couldn't recognize them without introducing themselves. The bosses were shocked and couldn't understand the situation. They asked one after another, "what's going on?"

"Nothing? Our boss just wants to see you." a leader of longhumen came out and said to an old road pointed at his temple.

"Cloud dream dragon!?" the boss lost his voice and said, "isn't he dead?"

"Idiot, you dare curse our boss. I think you're dying." the leader kicked the boss to the ground and spit.

In Yunmeng garden, Yunmeng dragon is gambling on dice with Fenglei tiger, Wei Ya and Fengling. Yunmeng dragon threw dice and shouted, "three sixes, leopard, kill!"

Lin wanruo stood in the corner of the room and quietly looked at yunmenglong with a pinched expression. Longmengyun looked at her and thought deeply.

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