Supreme Satyr

Chapter 507

The great Einstein told us that time can be turned back. Of course, the premise is that the speed of an object exceeds the speed of light. This theory is recognized as the greatest creation of the 20th century. The relativity of time can make the eternal time walk in the opposite direction. Although this theory can hardly be explained by facts, people believe it. People believe that one day, someone will sit in the super thunderbolt invincible fast aircraft and watch the watch needle turn counterclockwise. This is not a broken watch or a broken skull, but a reversal of time!

Is there relativity in love? What is the reference? How to prove it?

It's hard to say whether there is relativity in love, because how much you can pay varies from person to person. It's absolutely impossible for you to let a beggar give his beloved a Ferrari, and it's just a small effort for a rich man. In this way, can we say how much the rich love?

However, real love must have mutual theory. Love is not the pay of one party, it is mutual. When you pay, you are also getting. Say what do not care about the gain and loss of love, say what I will be happy as long as you are happy, say what you love me or not, it doesn't matter, I love you. That's all bullshit. A person's business is not called love.

After Lin wanruo and Yun Menglong came back, an earth shaking change took place for her. Long Mengyun's eyes were clear, and he saw that Lin wanruo was not a virgin. Those who can make Lin wanruo give up his reserve and break the melon must be Yunda hooligans without doubt. Long Mengyun and others asked Lin wanruo how to save yunmenglong. Lin wanruo replied that the three monks of jingnian Zen academy saved him. Yunmenglong himself knew that it was not the case. The kiss was true, and there seemed to be the lingering fragrance of the life-saving kiss on his lips, but he didn't know who she was or where she was. He only knew that the person was definitely not Lin wanruo. Since I don't know, it's too childish to say that a fairy kissed and came back to life. Who would believe it?

No one will believe such absurd words. Maybe they will send yunmengyun to the brain department for examination to see if the child has left any sequelae such as paranoia. Thinking of the cloud dream, the Dragon had to bury the unspeakable secret deep in his heart. He Lin Wan made a confession and said that the three divine monks saved him. Lin wanruo felt guilty because she thought that Yunmeng dragon was saved by her use of the elixir. If she really told Yunmeng dragon's women that she was saved by refining so many disgusting poisons into elixirs, it was difficult to ensure that those women would be crazy, and then jumped up and accused her of trying to harm people!

As for how she lost her life, Lin Wan thought of that night

Yunmenglong's eyelids jumped, and the Qi of magic robbery in his body was swept away, which was completely absorbed by the kiss just now. He wanted to open his eyes to see who kissed him, but his upper and lower eyelids seemed to hold together like a father and son he hadn't seen for many years. He couldn't open them. In his consciousness, he only knew that it was a beautiful woman, a beautiful and invincible beauty. Her style gathered the advantages of all beautiful women from ancient to modern times, with a frown and a smile, full of charm and soft words and smiles. She has a faint fragrance. Although the aroma is light, it is refreshing and refreshing, making people relaxed and happy, like spring breeze and drizzle.

When yunmenglong opened her eyes and woke up, a star in the sky suddenly showed a strong light. Her blue eyes were like falling meteors. The flash of light was so moving. In front of her eyes was a slightly haggard face. In her pure eyes, there was deep concern. When she saw yunmenglong wake up, she screamed and lost her voice. Tears splashed out like waves hitting rocks, flowing on her jade cheeks and pear blossoms with rain, Moving.

"Cloud dream dragon..." Lin wanruo tried his best to suppress the agitation in his heart and whispered.

Lin wanruo leaned against the stone bed. She was tired for a moment and fell asleep. The moment yunmenglong opened her eyes, she seemed to feel something and woke up.

Yunmeng dragon is alive. Of course, the soul should return, but the soul is being used as a tool by nearly a hundred beauties in the underworld, although Yunmeng dragon inadvertently gets more. Western beauties are bold and enthusiastic. Cleopatra doesn't know where she got the glycerin. When she lined up, she put the glycerin into her chrysanthemum nest. The chrysanthemums bloomed slowly, and the wrinkles spread out layer by layer. It's a moving heart in full bloom. When it was his turn, she sold the chrysanthemum to Yunmeng dragon. The huge dragon slowly broke the backyard flowers, and the chrysanthemum folds spread out. Her body was slowly stuffed, and her small intestine was filled with a huge faucet. The sense of urgency made Cleopatra scream loudly. There was continuous rain in the peach blossom cave, and the golden wind and jade dew flashed silver light to the backyard chrysanthemum, Quan made the lubricant for the dragon's hole. In order to make herself happier, Cleopatra even gave Yunmeng dragon Nicholas, the first prostitute in ancient Egypt, as a powerful aphrodisiac refined by King Kong breaking the sky powder. Cleopatra got half of it. The ghost of yunmenglong was hot and dry, and the Dragon rose even bigger. Cleopatra couldn't move. I didn't expect that there were such arrogant words in her bridal chamber. Just when yunmenglong was almost possessed, he heard the call of the body, which was like a black hole burying everything, forcibly sucking away the ghost, leaving Cleopatra no better than life.

When the king of hell knew that the ghost of yunmenglong had finally gone, he was relieved. Then he gave a big banquet to the ghosts and opened champagne to celebrate the farewell of yunmenglong. The ninety-nine lusty beauties danced at the party. The teasing Zhong Kui and the judges undressed in public. The party became a real pornographic party. Although the scene was lively and obscene, the beauties were not satisfied. They still liked yunmenglong's golden Dick.

Yunmenglong itself is invincible, but unexpectedly, it has no effect on the Vajra Shatian powder. The poison carefully developed by Lin wanruo has somehow become a catalyst for aphrodisiac. After the soul is attached, yunmenglong is still facing Lin wanruo's four eyes. Lin wanruo has nothing else to say after yunmenglong. His mouth is slightly open. He just feels that thousands of words can't express his mood, So he sent his affection to the dream pupil, blinked his big eyes and opened the skylight with yunmenglong to tell the truth, because the eyes are the window of the soul. Yunmenglong saw from her eyes that she was extremely anxious these days. She racked her brains and her repressed love. When she was about to say something to express her mood, yunmenglong suddenly felt a evil fire rising from his lower abdomen without any sign. In an instant, the fire burned all over his body.

Yunmenglong only felt that desire was burning, spreading and expanding. His handsome face turned red, bean sized sweat rolled down like raindrops, and his pants were propped up into a spectacular small tent.

"What's the matter with you? Yunmeng dragon!" look at Yunmeng dragon. Suddenly, this picture of virtue Lin is like a pretty face. The blood color of the "brush" is completely gone. A small face deceives frost and snow, which is frightening white. She thought that the pill she had made was too toxic and would kill yunmenglong after she woke him up, so she was very anxious.

"I'm so hot..." yunmenglong tore the clothes on his chest and said this sentence with great difficulty. His blue eyes lit up two red flames, which was the flame of desire.

Although Lin wanruo is witty and beautiful, she is an uneducated girl. She can't see that yunmenglong is burning with lust. Seeing yunmenglong tearing his clothes like a madman and shouting hot in his mouth, she thought yunmenglong's poison fire had burned his heart and his viscera and would soon die. Lin Meier, who had always been calm and cool as jade, became panic stricken and cried bitterly with yunmenglong in her arms.

Holding Lin wanruo's Yunmeng dragon is like grasping a handful of life-saving straw. In his arms is the carcass of an attractive virgin. There is an idea in Yunmeng dragon's brain, that is to tear off Lin wanruo's clothes, cover her under her body, work hard, tear up her royal garden, and see it shed moving blood and bloom into endless totems.

Yunmeng dragon bit his tongue hard, the pain went straight to the brain nerve center, and recovered a trace of Qingming Yunmeng dragon. He pushed Lin wanruo away and shouted at Lin wanruo: "go, leave here, don't let me see you!"

Lin Wan stumbled, backed four or five meters, and then sat down on the ground. Lin wanruo didn't care whether her ass hurt or not. She immediately got up and jumped at yunmenglong again. She hugged yunmenglong tightly and exhausted all her strength.

"I won't go, I won't go. If you die, I'll die with you. Don't drive me away. I don't want to leave you. I love you, yunmenglong... Wuwu..." Lin Wan shook her head and cried. She thought yunmenglong didn't want her to watch him die, so she pushed her away and let her go.

"Fool, who says I'm going to die? I'm just aphrodisiac by a foreign girl. Now the medicine has come up. I think I'll be fine in a while. I let you go. I don't want to invade you. Good, listen to me. You leave first."

Hearing Lin wanruo's confession, Yunmeng dragon's mind temporarily regained its clarity, and his desire was subdued in his body. In the calm, the dark tide surged. You can imagine what it would be like when desire turned into a powerful ghost to devour Yunmeng dragon. The so-called rogue lust is taken in a right way. He doesn't want to hurt Lin wanruo because of his own desire. He has long liked Lin wanruo. She has an outstanding temperament and is as light as LAN. Every place on her body deeply attracts Yunmeng dragon.

Lin wanruo was born in Tianji Pavilion. Her medicine is unique in the world. She knows drug properties like the back of her hand. Lin wanruo took out a silver needle, lit it at Yunmeng longbaihui point, and took it to his eyes. The silver needle was black with a penetrating blue light, which was obviously poisonous.

"Menglong, I'll call you Menglong in the future. I know you don't want to hurt me, but it's my own free will. I've been suppressing my feelings. I love you clearly, but I run away again and again. Now, I won't run away again. This time I almost lost you, so I know what treasure is. Menglong, it's like today is yours, this life is yours, and love it like..." Lin Wan leaned towards yunmenglong's mouth as he spoke continuous love words.

Cherry lips are ruddy, bright and dripping. This is the most beautiful fragrance. Two dark flames in Yunmeng longan "Teng" burn. He is like a walker in the desert who hasn't drunk water for many days. When he sees the clear spring in the oasis, he frantically looks for Lin wanruo's fragrant lips and kisses them. He sucks and sips the sweet body fluid with his tongue as flexible as a snake. The door is closed, After a symbolic resistance, the enemy was occupied. The army marched in and the devils swept around the village. Finally, they captured Lin wanruo's soft Xiangxin as a prisoner and took it back to the cave to taste it carefully.

Xiangjin is dark and sweet. Yunmenglong rubbed Lin Wan's chest with his big hands and clothes. Lin Wan frowned. His face was sad and happy, and his eyes closed tightly. The smell of yunmenglong exuded infinite charm at this time, just like an aphrodisiac. Lin Wan's breath was scattered, his eyes were like silk, and his eyes were moist and bright.

Kneading a pair of jade rabbits across his clothes obviously could not satisfy yunmenglong's animal desire. He tore Lin wanruo's coat, and a pair of bamboo shoot shaped pepper milk bounced out. The pink * * was like the most beautiful tray. The two bright red cherries on it were very delicate. Yunmenglong buried his cleavage, smelled frankincense, took a jade rabbit in each hand, kneaded and pressed it, The mouth wandered in the cleavage, kissed, swam up to the fragrant neck, leaving a series of kiss marks. The lips crossed Lin Wan's beautiful and symmetrical clavicle, and the teeth gently bit Lin Wan's delicate body. Yunmenglong held the cherry on the left in his mouth and tasted it carefully. Unexpectedly, although the cherry was fresh and delicious, it was suddenly as hard as a small stone, followed by the cherry on the right.

Lin Wan's skin is as white as snow, smooth and transparent, especially the delicate face. It's as greasy and elastic as a newly peeled cooked egg. At this time, the blush on the dimple is endless and adds color.

Yunmenglong let Lin wanruo's two peaks go, and came to her high and plump buttocks, kneading Lin wanruo's two large and round snow hills. Yunmenglong was so happy that he wanted to bite on her snow-white buttocks.

Slender and noble, like the neck of a white swan, delicate and tall, like the jade rabbit of a pigeon, can't win a slim and soft waist. A stream is embedded in a smooth belly, small and round navel eyes, slender and straight thighs, high and upturned hip mounds, fragrant grass between legs is luxuriant, looming, and the beautiful, soft and greasy jade feet are like brocade

The beauty is like jade, the sword is like a rainbow, and the long sword is thrown into the secret seam. The fragrant path has never been swept by guests. The Pengmen is opened for you now.

Yunmenglong, a prodigal son in love, is like a lustful sex wolf at this time. He doesn't tease as carefully as before, nor treat other women as gently as before. He has fire in his heart, fire in his brain, fire in his lower abdomen and fire in his dick!

The cloud dream dragon could not wait to leave Lin Wan. Lin Wan took off his pants and waved to the secluded.


Lin Wan was like a low cry, which seemed to have infinite pain. She frowned, her pretty face was as pale as snow, her eyes were tight, and pearly tears rolled out.

There is a charming flower on the stone bed, emitting the fragrance of virginity and blooming in the dark.

Yunmeng dragon is like a fierce general in charge. He doesn't know how tired he is. His moves are fierce. After a while, the pain of the initial tear gradually disappeared, and a wonderful feeling filled his heart. Lin wanruo couldn't help crying.

Yunmenglong changes her posture. She has nine simple female postures, nine shallow and one deep, with a left protrusion and a right stab. Lin Wan seems to have inherited Yunyu for the first time, but she cooperates very well with yunmenglong. The initial passivity and green astringency soon disappeared. Lin wanruo would also close her lips and secretly cater to every impact of Yunmeng dragon. The wave of pleasure hit her brain again and again.

The forest seemed to swing in the clouds and dance lightly. Yunmenglong used up the 99 postures on the Tai Chi Heart Sutra. Finally, the 99 postures changed into one posture, killing the world and swallowing the sky!

Is it a smile that stares at your eyes for thousands of years? Tears?

What is uncertain is hope? Is it despair?

Life for Iraq, death for Iraq.

But we can't stay together.

Since the world can't tolerate me, why don't I destroy the world!

Thousands of years passed in a flash, and the clouds and rain of Wushan poured out a generation of strange people.

The ultimate move of Taiji Heart Sutra is to destroy the world and swallow the sky!

Yunmeng dragon even conquered ninety-nine women and didn't let out. Finally, he let out a note on Lin wanruo. The hot liquid made Lin wanruo fly to nine days. They hugged each other tightly in the climax. The stars in the sky and the moon in the dream were so bright!

Love is invincible in climax.

In the dark, Lin wanruo threw away all women's reserve, let go of his body and mind to accept the love of Yunmeng dragon and the arrival of climax again and again.

This is also the secret that yunmenglong and Lin wanruo can't tell ~!

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