Supreme Satyr

Chapter 576

Looking at yunmenglong like this, basically everyone thinks he lost, and Buffett is also a person, so he is no exception. All the reporters turned the camera to yunmenglong's face and gave him a big close-up - in fact, it was spread through closed-circuit television. They have made a good abdominal draft in their hearts: Warren Buffett, the God of stocks, will become a blockbuster. He defeated yunmenglong, the God of gamblers, and became a double wonder of stocks and gambling!

Yunmenglong slowly stood up, the eyes of the world moved with him, and the hearts of the world were tightened for yunmenglong. The lens moved away from yunmenglong's shocked face and was facing the card still facing down on the table. Yunmenglong deliberately set up a gas field. No one could see what the card was, so the answer could only be revealed by yunmenglong.

Now this is a typical situation. The emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry. The speed of yunmenglong standing up can make the snail proud. When he is a good athlete, he picks up the card very slowly. He can sleep and look again. Maybe Ya card hasn't come yet.

All the people present held their breath. They stared at the card in yunmenglong's hand. With his hand raised, their hearts hung up. Everything was silent. Only the snoring of Yamamoto ghost circulated in the air, and LAN hengyuhuan kicked Yamamoto ghost's ass.

"Finished gambling? Who won? Congratulations..." Yamamoto jumped up with a loud miso and started shouting before he knew the situation. When he saw that the card in yunmenglong's hand was still holding, and everyone looked at him like an idiot, he wanted to really become a big fool in China.

Yunmenglong suddenly accelerated the card and fell on the table. Without saying, "how can I be so lucky? I really have four A's!"

Yunmenglong's card is a diamond a! Buffett looked at yunmenglong. There was no disappointment or frustration in his eyes, only joy and admiration.

"Yunmenglong is worthy of being the God of gambling. Indeed, it deserves its reputation. Your gambling skills and reactions are world-class, and your acting skills are world-class. In your Chinese Stephen Zhou's nonsense expression, your praise is' you are low-key, but people admire you, you hold a butcher's knife, but you have good thoughts. I'm confused whether you are the messenger of hell or the God of heaven '." Buffett, the old boy, suddenly makes no sense. Yunmenglong can't stand it.

The other eight people at the top of the pagoda stood up and stared at the playing cards in yunmenglong's hand. The lens was aimed at the playing cards. The huge diamond was fixed on the big screen. The people below were stunned. They couldn't react for a moment. People all over the world were stunned. They opened their mouths and couldn't speak. This dramatic scene was like turning the world around, Yunmenglong is still the well deserved God of gamblers, and his identity makes people remember that the God of gamblers is the God of gamblers. He will not fail. Even if he fails, he can lose at the gambling table, whether the person gambling with him is a god of stocks or ordinary people.

Those TV reporters are worthy of this meal. Their reaction is called a quick one. As soon as their eyes turn, their abdomen changes: "The gambler yunmenglong turned the world around at the critical moment. The game started dramatically, went through an unexpected process and ended more dramatically. Finally, the gambler yunmenglong defeated Buffett at the gambling table. Then, do we expect the duel between Mr. yunmenglong and Mr. Buffett on stock investment?"

The applause broke out. Of course, the leader was LAN hengyubin. His brother was one of the smartest. LAN hengyubin's applause was just an introduction, like a fuse. LAN hengyubin threw stones and asked for directions. There was a huge wave below. The applause destroyed everything like a tide. I have to admit that yunmenglong's move to turn the world was successful. Everyone thought he used it when he lost Facts tell people all over the world that yunmenglong is an absolute God of gambling, irreplaceable and invincible! Those gamblers have a feeling of high mountain support for yunmenglong when he is deliberately shaped.

The rich, gamblers and beautiful women who are gambling here all stand up and give yunmenglong warm applause. Beautiful women such as long Mengyun and Su Qingyao love yunmenglong in a mess. His handsome side face is very charming. The light in his eyes falls like lightning at the bottom of everyone's heart, so shocking!

All the excited people sitting in front of the TV all over the world stood up. They suddenly stood up, patted their thighs and said with a smile: "yunmenglong is yunmenglong, gambling God is gambling God, great joy, great joy."

From that moment on, the place foreigners all over the world want to go most is China. To be more specific, it is Longyu super luxury mobile casino. Men's emotion is to be a cloud dream dragon, and women's wish is to marry a cloud dream dragon!

The applause in the casino has made the waves of nature shy. The waves suddenly become a lot softer. A pair of wall people snuggling together on the deck enjoy the tenderness of the sea breeze and count the waves one by one. They want to stay together all their life and never separate.

"Husband, will we grow old together forever?" the beauty held the handsome man's arm tightly and lay on the man's strong shoulder.

"No." the handsome man smiled and shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" the gentle and happy look on the beauty's face retreated, replaced by sullen and unbelievable. She got up from the handsome man's arms and stared at the handsome man with beautiful big eyes.

The handsome man smiled cunningly and hugged the beautiful woman again: "silly wife, we won't be old. You will always be young and beautiful. In my heart, you are the most beautiful. No one can match you. We don't just love each other all our life, but also the next life, the next life, and forever." The gentle look in the man's eyes and the radian of happiness in the corners of his mouth seem to have seen the figure of two people loving each other forever.

"Hum," the beauty snorted coldly, "I've learned such sweet words with people like Yun Menglong in a few days. If it's good after a long time, I haven't heard you say such moving words before. It's all a lie." although the beauty said so, she was still moved and confused. Sweet words. Any woman doesn't like to listen, let alone sincere. The declaration spoken with love and life is a lie. Women choose to believe it.

Many times, women are silly and distressing. They know it is false and still choose to believe it. Many times, they prefer men to say two sweet words to coax her. Love is to wear intestinal poison. When they are terminally ill, they will drink poison to quench their thirst and pay with all their enthusiasm and love.

But when women really don't love a man, they are often more cruel than men! When they see each other again, they are like strangers, cold as icebergs, and the feeling of being close to the end of the world always makes men sigh.

"Wife, I swear, every word I say is sincere, not sweet words. Although yunmenglong really taught me a lot, it's not sweet words, but attitude! He is sincere to people and does things casually. Under his rogue appearance, he actually has a compassionate heart. Qingqing, don't misunderstand him. In fact, he is a good man." That handsome guy thinks highly of yunmenglong.

Yes, the couple who only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals are Lei Zhe and his girlfriend Xin lengqing. Lei Zhe is afraid of his wife. Xin lengqing means that if you dare to gamble, my mother will go their separate ways with you, go back to their homes and find their mothers. Although Lei Zhe's hands were itchy, he didn't want to lose his wife because of Tu's quickness. In the face of such strong pleasure and attraction of money coming and going like the wind, he had to take Xin lengqing out to blow the sea breeze and see the blue waves.

When thunderous applause filled their ears, their lips were about to make intimate contact. Xin lengqing belongs to the shy type, so when Lei zhe was about to kiss her sweet lips recklessly, Xin lengqing suddenly said, "husband, did you hear any sound?"

Lei zhe righted Xin lengqing's pretty face with both hands and said, "I didn't hear it." he said and kissed again.

As a result, the brother kissed the back of Xin lengqing's hand. Lei zhe opened his eyes and looked at Xin lengqing suspiciously: "what's the matter?"

"There is really a sound, like applause. And... A very strange sound." Xin lengqing frowned slightly and listened.

"Well, let's go and have a look." Lei zhe had no choice but to compromise with Xin lengqing.

They clasped their index fingers and walked into the Jubao pagoda side by side. They just saw yunmenglong accept everyone's congratulations from the screen. Yunmenglong and Buffett held their hands together, and the God of gamblers and the God of stocks sympathize with each other.

Five billion dollars, for Warren Buffett, is just a string of numbers, which makes no sense.

Buffett smiled at yunmenglong: "although the price of a war with the God of gamblers is not cheap, I Buffett still think it is very worth it. The God of gamblers is the God of gamblers, which deserves its reputation!"

Yunmenglong affectionately hugged Buffett and walked to the exit. Yunmenglong smiled very sunny: "I really like you more and more, old Ba, what do you think of our sworn brothers? Don't take that $5 billion. It's a little meaning of brothers."

Buffett shook his head and refused: "how can I do that? I'm willing to admit defeat, but you brother, I'm settled."

In the puzzled and confused eyes of the people, yunmenglong and Buffett cut off the chicken head, burned yellow paper, and became brothers. Although Buffett is young, he looks old. Yunmenglong made the white haired foreigner a brother.

The news quickly spread to the United States. Ten minutes later, the global times came out fresh. On the front page, there was a picture of yunmenglong shaking hands with Warren Buffett, the God of gamblers. The huge title, well, of course, was in English: the God of gamblers defeated the God of stocks, and the two gods forgot their years and worshipped!

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