Supreme Satyr

Chapter 577

The world's first and unique mobile casino on the sea has been officially launched. Las Vegas is no longer the only gambler's dream. Now there is Longyu. Even gamblers have more expectations and aspirations for Longyu than Las Vegas. This is not only because it is transformed from the Nimitz aircraft carrier, not only because the gambling equipment and equipment here are the most advanced in the world, and the service equipment is the best in the world, not only because you can enjoy the fresh air from the sea, not only because you can see the waves rolling from the sky and blooming large flowers, It's not just because you can see real beautiful women here, but mainly because yunmenglong's personal charm has surpassed everything.

After the battle of God of gamble, Zhou Yihong and Mexican telecom giant Mr. slim also bet a game. The result was no accident. Of course, Mr. slim also contributed $5 billion. At least it is also the world's super rich with total assets second only to Buffett. Lao Ba has generously donated $5 billion in the form of gambling. Can't he be called stingy as a Mexican tycoon? So he was forced to donate $5 billion.

Other people have a share, no matter whether you are a billionaire or a high-ranking official or a big businessman, no matter whether you are a high-ranking official or a gangster, no matter how handsome you are or not, no matter how beautiful you are, no matter how beautiful you are, all those who have the opportunity to come to Longyu have left a lot of money. But after the reconciliation of yunmenglong, LAN hengyubin, Zhou Yihong, Li Xuanyi and a group of beautiful women, everyone feels the same, satisfied, really fucking satisfied.

Of course, you can't lose everyone. You have to ask him to win. LAN hengyubin is a genius in business. Ya has made clear the character and love of all the guests. For those iron roosters who are greedy for small, cheap and valuable, their strategy is to catch big fish for a long time.

Yes, don't think rich people are not stingy. In fact, rich people are the most stingy, stingy and stingy. The so-called benevolence for wealth and the so-called blood and sweat of the common people refer to such people. If ya hadn't been so thorough and didn't eat people and spit bones, where would he have so much money?

On the first day, Longyu's purpose was not to make money, but to advertise well and make a good image. These rich people's satisfaction with Longyu will inevitably lead Longyu to be more hospitable. Its brand positioning and building is high-end customers. If it is not limited, Longyu will definitely encounter a shipwreck, that is, an aircraft carrier. Can't bear the influx of thousands of people? Now, I'm afraid people all over the world will come to Longyu for a bet, right?

How do those mafia bosses who are ready to take the money away without gambling lose their ass and want to sell it for money? Take a simple example.

Jin Suyuan, dressed in a goose yellow low cut dress, walked slowly to Liu Dehua, the leader of Shahe gang who tried to avoid gambling. Alas, Ya took the same name as Huazai, one of the four heavenly kings. Although the last word was slightly different, it read very same.

Jin Suyuan's Meigong has reached the highest level of the unity of nature and man. She smiled at Liu Dehua gently, but her lips were just a differential. Liu Dehua was stunned. She suddenly remembered that Jin Suyuan was a woman of yunmenglong. He couldn't stare at others so directly, although she wanted to see it in her heart, But the memory of yunmenglong's shameless blackmail and a nest of end is still fresh, so he was secretly frightened.

At least it was the boss who led hundreds of younger brothers. His calming skills were not comparable to those of passers-by a on the street. He looked respectful and said, "what's the matter with sister-in-law looking for Xiaohua?"

Jin Suyuan burst into a puff and burst into a smile. Liu Dehua's reserve and defense all collapsed because of her brilliant appearance.

"Boss Liu, how about two bets? Do you have time?" Jin Suyuan picked her eyebrows and was charming.

"Well... Well, of course... Well, what's the bet?" Liu Dehua was flattered when he was accosted by the beautiful woman, but the beautiful woman was a figure he couldn't provoke. He couldn't even think about it. Although he knew that others were deliberately seducing him to gamble, could he refuse? The answer is two words, No.

Gamblers know four words and can't stop.

If you win money, you want to gamble because you want to win more. If you lose money, you want to gamble because you want to win back the lost money.

In fact, life is gambling. Everyone is his own gambler. He gambles his youth, loses youth, gets love, then loses love, gets career, loses time, gets success, and finally loses life and gets a lifetime of fame or dust.

Life's gamble, no win or lose, until death, no matter who, in the end, can not get rid of the barriers of life and death. After all, there are a few people who can be invisible and wander outside the three worlds.

Liu Dehua lost the bet for a moment, but he didn't complain or be unwilling. In the beauty's spring breeze warm smile, there is only a touch of sweetness. In fact, I was wrong at first. I wanted to take advantage of boss yunmenglong. Alas, did you forget the lesson last time?

Liu Dehua's feeling almost represents the voice of all the bosses. They all repent and hate why they are greedy for small and cheap. Of course, this is all after losing all the chips. These bosses are wise after the event. They don't cry until they see the coffin. It's not until you lose all your money that you realize everything. Well, it can be regarded as a kind of turning around and becoming a Buddha, or standing after breaking.

Yunmenglong talked with Li Tiancheng for a while, talked about the recent business development in Asia, and looked forward to the most possible future cooperation. Li Tiancheng expressed great affirmation to yunmenglong, a young man, and said a few words of encouragement. Yunmenglong dressed as a pig, ate an old tiger, and dressed as a big tail wolf, which comforted Li Tiancheng.

Then yunmenglong and his life-saving benefactor came to the first modern father-in-law, the great historian, scientist, and inventor, Professor Dai Ming, to discuss the progress of modern portable weapons of mass destruction. He is deeply grateful to this gifted father-in-law. Of course, he also knows that if there was no Dai Ming, Zhang Ming, Wang Ming and Li Ming would save him, because he is yunmenglong, the little Lord of holy lotus, and the spokesman for saving the universe and presiding over the peace of the universe. How can such a person die?

The cooperation between yunmenglong and Dai Ming is the cooperation of money and strength. Professor Dai Ming is definitely a genius. He can make extraordinary contributions in all fields he is involved in. There are some mature invention schemes in his mind, but the financial problem can not be reached. The more important reason is that he is unwilling to make his invention public. He has a great ambition, but for him, there is only one person who can realize his ambition, yunmenglong.

In fact, yunmenglong has long spent a lot of money to let Professor Dai Ming invest in the research of military weapons. Although the earth is not very developed, he believes in Professor Dai Ming's wisdom and power. With his strong financial backing, his genius is incisively and vividly played. If yunmenglong didn't want to go to Dongsu country and Rb people PK, he wouldn't ask too much about weapons. After all, modern large-scale combat is a duel between armaments, firepower and defensive forces. The era of many people and great power has long passed.

Professor Dai Ming's eyebrows were a little tired, but his face was full of excitement: "Menglong, I have developed a batch of portable lethal weapons that can be equipped with an armed force of 1000 people. You can take them away tomorrow."

Yun Menglong patted Professor Dai Ming on the shoulder and said, "my father-in-law, take care of your health. You are my super genius. In addition, I can't afford the daughter of the Li family. My mother-in-law scolded me behind my back?"

Professor Dai Ming, pushing the Phnom Penh glasses lying on the bridge of his nose, smiled bitterly and said, "Dai Er's mother doesn't complain about you. Instead, she opens a public trial for me every day and almost corrects all the top ten torture in Manchu. I'm depressed."

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "it's easy to do..." then attached it to Professor Dai Ming's ear and showed him how I picked up girls and some practical and effective methods to deal with Miss Qianjin's temper women. Professor Dai Ming nodded and looked happy. After hearing this, he couldn't help feeling: "yunmenglong is worthy of yunmenglong. No wonder there are so many beautiful women around him. The means are superior. Dai'er followed him, alas..."

"Menglong, you should treat dai'er well. That girl, you know, she began to like you when she was eight years old, but she has always loved you for more than ten years. Her infatuation and stubbornness are very similar to her Mommy, but dai'er is much softer than her Mommy. This child is soft on the outside and hard on the inside. If she is wronged, she won't say, so please Menglong love dai'er well. Let me and her Mommy rest assured "Professor Dai Ming is still worried about his daughter. Although he knows that yunmenglong will not treat his daughter badly, there are too many beautiful women around him. Dai Er's girl will not compete for favor. It is inevitable that yunmenglong will neglect her for a while.

Yunmenglong thought of dai'er's tenderness, dai'er's sweetness, dai'er's tenderness, dai'er's boldness and dai'er's infatuation. He said solemnly to Professor Dai Ming, "don't worry, I will love dai'er well, cherish her and don't let her suffer even a little."

Professor Dai Ming was relieved. Yunmenglong shook his hand and left. Turning around, she almost ran into Tan Weiwei.

Yunmenglong saw that it was Tan Weiwei's iceberg beauty. Her heart moved and her internal power was released. Tan Weiwei felt an invisible force pushing away from behind.

"Ah..." Tan Weiwei threw herself into yunmenglong's arms with a delicate cry. She looked so shy and blushed all the time, even her ears were red.

"Ah..." yunmenglong was even more exaggerated. He hugged Tan Weiwei into his arms and filled himself with Wenxiang nephrite. Yunmenglong was really happy.

Seeing that it was already the focus of the public, yunmenglong thought it would be more thorough, so she fell to the ground with Tan Weiwei and turned into a rolling gourd. With such a luxurious European marble floor, they hugged together. In full view of the public, Tan Weiwei's reserve and shyness played incisively and vividly. Now she really has a dying heart.

Finally, the two stopped rolling. What blocked them was the column of the gambling disc. Yunmenglong shook his body through inertia, and his mouth blocked Tan Weiwei's small mouth.

In this way, Tan Weiwei's first kiss was taken away. She wanted to raise her hand and slap yunmenglong, but just now his style was still confirmed in her heart. She doesn't blame yunmenglong. She only blames the coincidence of everything and the God's will to make people. She doesn't know that all this is directed and performed by yunmenglong.

Pushing yunmenglong away, Tan Weiwei runs out in a panic, and tears fall to the ground like pearls, which dissipates yunmenglong's joy of Tan Weiwei's first kiss. Yunmenglong quietly afterthought the softness and sweetness of Tan Weiwei Fang's lips, looked back calmly at the people, and smiled innocently: "accident, everyone continue to play."

Because she was afraid that Tan Weiwei, the girl, could not think of jumping into the sea to make lunch for sharks, yunmenglong ignored the people's suspicious, jealous and depressed eyes and chased Tan Weiwei who ran out of the pagoda.

Tan Weiwei stood on the deck in an ice blue pleated skirt and looked at the blue flowing sea below, which had lost the waves of years. She was very confused in her eyes. Through her beautiful eyes, she really didn't know what she was thinking.

Yunmeng dragon quietly came to her side and stood side by side with her. The sea breeze blew, and the pleated skirt danced lightly. Yunmeng dragon was like a jade tree in the wind. The two men were handsome and the woman was as beautiful as heaven. If they didn't know the inside story, who would think they were a pair of fairy lovers who envy others.

Tan Weiwei felt yunmenglong's breath, but her heart beat faster and didn't look at him or say a word. The sea breeze came with a salty smell, but Tan Weiwei didn't feel a cold. Maybe it's because of the man around her?

Feeling Tan Weiwei's inexplicable sadness, yunmenglong was silent. He didn't know how to speak for a moment. He looked at the sea and had the impulse to jump down. I suddenly remembered a classic moving film I had seen not long ago. It is said that the film was a necessary tear jerker, and toilet paper sold well that year. As an important measure of testing a woman, the film caused a new wave of jumping into the sea. For ordinary couples, the woman will always ask the man: "if I jump, will you jump?" the man will be awe inspiring and say without hesitation: "youjump, Ijump!" the woman will be moved in a mess.

Yunmenglong thought of this and suddenly said, "youjump, Ijump!"

Tan Weiwei looked at yunmenglong in surprise. His side face was like a knife cut. It was a handsome mess.

"What are you talking about?" Tan Weiwei frowned.

Yunmenglong looked at Tan Weiwei's crystal clear eyes and said seriously, "don't you want to jump into the sea? Youjump, Ijump!"

Tan Weiwei was stunned for a moment, her pretty face turned red, and didn't cover it up. "Psycho, I don't know what you're talking about?"

Yunmenglong smiled: "I......" after only saying one word, yunmenglong's face suddenly became dignified. He felt an evil force passing nearby. That force was very familiar and came from the same source as the four evil spirits. It was so dark, so desperate and so evil. It was several times stronger than the combined power of the four evil spirits.

For the originator of the extermination hatred, yunmenglong is very sensitive to the power of magic robbery. His eyes, which are bluer than the sea water, suddenly become deep. In an instant, his left eye is red as fire and his right eye is white as ice and snow.

"Has the demon emperor commanded other planets and come to the earth?" a strong sense of crisis surged into yunmenglong's heart.

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