Supreme Satyr

Chapter 633

"Cough, cough, boss, forgive me for being stupid. I can't understand why. While you say you committed suicide, you say you don't want to die. Since you don't want to die, why do you want to commit suicide? Is it fun to commit suicide?" Zhong Kui really doesn't understand this question.

Yunmenglong doesn't want to say more. He can't say that in order to let his son forgive himself for singing bitter meat tricks, he sang too much and hung up his life? Therefore, yunmenglong can only choose bullshit to cover this problem.

Yunmenglong touched the tip of his nose and said thoughtfully, "this question... Well, it's a very good question. It's very insightful. The resolution has also been improved. OK, Xiao Zhong," yunmenglong patted the king of hell on the shoulder, which was very gratifying, "Why do I want to kill myself when I live happily? Of course, I have no problem with my head, and I'm not idle suicide. I want to know if I can succeed in suicide. As a result, you see, I succeeded. I ask you Lao Yan why I died. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I can only dismantle your old nest." In order to avoid the entanglement between the king of hell and other ghosts and gods on this issue, Yun Menglong deliberately said ferociously.

Although Zhong Kui is not young, in terms of cunning and worldly sophistication, he is very different from Taibai Venus. The king of hell is the boss of the ghost world. Of course, he won't pretend to be human. He goes his own way.

Unlike Taibai Venus, he is sandwiched between the Jade Emperor and the queen mother as a pie. He lives between the cracks. Of course, he must keep up his spirit. He must capture effective information most quickly from their words and expressions.

"Long Shao, don't be angry. Your highness Yan also cares about you. As for the reason for your death, I think it's because the weapon you attacked has been injected with the energy of destruction. With your cultivation today, let alone stabbing six knives, you can't die even if you break you into pieces and fry you into honeycomb briquettes." before the king of Yan spoke, Taibai Jinxing answered first.

"Hey, I said, old Taibai, do you have an affair with Zhong Kui? If you help him so much, you can't say that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry. Your boss is the Jade Emperor, the one in heaven, not the one in front of you. Look how honest and lovely these two little brothers are. Since you want to join in, tell me how to revive?" Yunmenglong reached out and grabbed the robe of Taibai Venus, and said with a gloomy smile.

Taibai Jinxing begged yunmenglong and said, "handsome boy, you let me say that at least put me down, so I can't breathe and say it."

Yunmenglong put down Taibai Venus, smoothed the wrinkles of his robe, looked at him and said, "now, say it. If you can't say an effective strategy, be careful that you don't protect your evening."

Taibai Jinxing is depressed. The rogue doesn't pay attention to him at all. He is more difficult to deal with than the smelly monkey. The monkey can't stand his clever tongue. Now in the face of the cunning Yunmeng dragon, his boasting and smoking voice are useless. Where does he have a way to bring Yunmeng Dragon back to life? But if he can't say it, something will happen. Listen to him. It's not good for the evening Festival Do you have to find some beautiful women to rape him? If so, I'm afraid I'm looking for ugly women.

Taibai Jinxing's mind turned to electricity. He knew that the top priority was to stabilize him first and use a "drag" formula, or let him retreat in the face of difficulties. How good?

Looking at the white Venus, his ruddy face became a little pale, his eyes twinkled, and his eyebrows were locked. Yunmenglong impatiently pulled his beard and urged him, "old man, what do you think, how can I give a happy word, and how can I revive?"

Taibai Jinxing ate the pain and returned to his mind. He sighed and said, "handsome boy, your soul has been damaged. It's not enough to only eat the wonderful elixir, but also add the condensed fragrance jade dew and the soul gathering elixir."

"It's good to have a way. Sigh a wool? What are the Congxiang jade dew and juhun Shendan? It seems difficult to get your virtue." Yunmeng dragon frowned.

Taibai Venus nodded: "Yes, the fragrant jade dew, the radiance of the moon and the condensed dew are owned by Chang'e. she took thousands of years to receive a small bottle, not to mention that men are not allowed to enter her Guanghan palace. As for the juhun Shendan, it is a representative work of Taishang Laojun, which can recall and repair the souls of all creatures. It is very powerful. Taishang Laojun has only three in total. He has always been stingy, especially since The refined pill is precious to me. I really don't know how to get these two things. "Taibai Jinxing said with infinite regret.

Yun Menglong was noncommittal. He couldn't die and didn't believe that he was really finished. He remained calm and asked Zhong Kui, "handsome boy, what do you think?"

Zhong Kui echoed Taibai Venus and said to Yunmeng dragon, "yes, Venus is right. These two things are really difficult to go to the sky. It's really difficult to get, but I don't believe Yunmeng dragon can't do anything."

Secretly, his words to Yun Menglong were as follows: "don't help me, dragon. The old boy must have been instructed by the Jade Emperor to check the life and death book. If he knows that the life and death book has been tampered with, I may not protect the black yarn. The old boy's words are not true, and he doesn't cry when he doesn't see the coffin. Find a way to control him."

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "just flatter me, don't worry about it. It's not easy to get together. Don't you get drunk?" he turned around and hugged Taibai Venus, took his shoulder and said, "thank you, brother Taibai. In order to express my gratitude, I'll do my best to be the host and wash the dust for you."

Yunmenglong put his left arm around Zhong Kui and his right arm around Taibai Venus. One person, one God and one ghost King walked to the palace of hell.

In fact, the real Yama palace is not gloomy and terrible. It is also brightly lit and elegant in luxury. Zhong Kui's handsome man's taste is not bad. Here are most of the treasures lost in the world, calligraphy and painting. What makes yunmenglong laugh is that there is a she poster on the wall of the hall, or the poster of Anke's album.

"Hey, handsome boy, do you like she very much? How to hang their posters?" Yun Menglong asked Zhong Kui with a smile.

Zhong Kui's face turned red and his eyes showed the brilliance of worship. He nodded and said, "I like the three of them very much. They are very cute little girls, but their yangshou is 70 or 80 years old. Even if they like it, they can only look at it from a distance. I like hebe best. It's so cute."

Yun Menglong liked the ghost King fans very much. Zhong Kui looked like an innocent little boy when he was not in the hall. Yun Menglong said with a smile: "if she knew you were such a fan, she would be panicked and flattered, ha ha."

"I once dreamed of Hebe. She said I was handsome..."

"Taibai, they say Chang'e is beautiful. What does she look like?" Yun Menglong is still interested in beautiful women.

"Beauty, it's so beautiful." when Taibai Jinxing thought of Chang'e, her saliva would flow into a waterfall.

"You old rascal, look at your virtue. It's really licentious. I'd like to meet the legendary Moon Fairy."


Talking and laughing, the three took their seats and began to drink.

Yunmenglong and Zhong Kui reached a tacit understanding and tried every means to fill Taibai Venus. Taibai is usually a good drinker. Yunmenglong and Zhong Kui are smart. They soon fill Taibai Venus with drunken eyes.

"Venus, you are from heaven. Let's toast you from the ground and underground..."

"Lao Jin, I'm so old. It's my first time to see an immortal. Thank you and respect..."

"Brother Jin, I wish you more and more handsome and more divine love."

"Lao Jin, get drunk and be happy forever."


At first, Taibai Venus refused to come, and then began to push away when their steps were vain. However, yunmenglong and Zhong Kui forced Taibai Venus to pour the wine.

"Venus, I hope you can help me find the condensed fragrance jade dew and juhun Shendan." yunmenglong sincerely respects Taibai Venus.

Too white Venus has no consciousness. He will only nod and say, "OK, no problem, drink."

Before the wine was finished, too white Venus lay down straight, motionless, like a dead pig.

"What shall we do now?" Zhong Kui and yunmenglong were not drunk. They forced the wine out of their body.

Yun Menglong pointed to Taibai Jinxing and said, "pick off Ya's clothes."

Zhong Kui was stunned: "what are you doing? I'm not going to rape him."

"Shit, rape him, silly, you have to be willing to do it."

The king of hell shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in men, and I'm not interested in the old man. I don't work with him. Why did I pick him up?"

Yunmenglong smiled: "take nude photos of him!"

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