Supreme Satyr

Chapter 644

"What, Guanghan palace?" yunmenglong was immediately awed. He never thought that this was the place where the legendary sister Chang'e lived. It was a pity that Chang'e should regret stealing miraculous medicine and clear the sea and clear the sky at night.

When yunmenglong looked up at the moon countless times, he seemed to see that wisp of clear shadow, graceful and graceful, with the loneliness and quiet resentment of the cold high above. At that time, Yunmeng dragon would have the impulse to take Chang'e out of the cage.

Lock a beautiful woman in a huge palace. The more luxurious and huge the palace is, the more she looks lonely and helpless. If the jade rabbit is not crazy in it, how can he go down to find brother Sanzang and even marry him as a wife? From then on, Chang'e will face the cold palace alone, thousands of loneliness and hundreds of millions of sadness.

The high door of Guanghan palace is closed tightly, and the gap between the doors, let alone a fly, can be said to be watertight and can not be blown in by the wind. Yunmeng dragon fell in front of the door, closed one eye and couldn't see the scene inside for a long time. The condensed fragrance jade dew was in the hands of sister Chang'e, in the Yuehua palace, which was a little deep in the courtyard, but Yunmeng dragon couldn't go in because the overlord of some obscene stick was inside.

The architectural style of Guanghan palace is very classical. Yunmenglong somehow looks at it and thinks of Princess Yiyue in the deep palace courtyard. I really don't know when he can dream back to the Song Dynasty and get together with yue'er again.

"When will the Jade Emperor come out?" they sat at the door and waited for a while. Yunmenglong was bored and asked Nezha.

Nezha put the wind fire wheel aside and sat side by side with yunmenglong barefoot. The heaven and earth circle and red Ling were beside them. They looked very comfortable. For yunmenglong's question, he only said three words: "I don't know."

"That's going to wait until the age of the monkey? I said whether we can go in and find the third prince. I can wait for my body. I can't wait. I'm afraid if I go back, the body will turn into a pile of white bones." yunmenglong said sadly. He was worried. If he didn't go back for a long time, all the beauties would not be sad. Yunmenglong didn't worry about the problem of the green hat, He is extremely convinced that his charm has been loyal to him by his wives.

"The Jade Emperor went in to pick up girls. Do you think it's appropriate for us to go in? Don't worry, he will come out soon." Nezha looked very determined, and yunmenglong was relieved.

"Do you mean that the jade emperor has an affair with Chang'e?" yunmenglong was greatly disappointed. In his mind, Chang'e's sister should be superior, cold and refined, and not fake words to anyone, that is, the Jade Emperor is no exception and still doesn't dump it. But the Jade Emperor ordered no one to enter the Guanghan palace, and he broke the rules and made an exception. Is this a golden house, Pity a big beauty who has become the forbidden land of an old * * and yunmenglong is not worth it for the beauty.

"Of course not. Chang'e and the Jade Emperor are very innocent. The whole heaven knows that the Jade Emperor is a God with status and status. He won't bow hard. If he does such a thing, he won't have to be the Jade Emperor and sweep the floor." Nezha explained with a smile.

"Then what is he doing here? Is he looking for a blow?" Yunmeng Longxuan frowned slightly.

"Hehe, you are a man. You should know what is the best thing you can't get. The jade emperor has tried repeatedly to be cheap. In fact, it's very boring in the fairy world. I tell you secretly. Oh, I still envy the world of mortals. The gods in the fairy world are more lonely and boring. The Jade Emperor's persistent pursuit of Chang'e is a little more fun in life Everyone knows this, but everyone knows it. The queen mother also turns a blind eye to the Jade Emperor. Anyway, he is just a poor cat who can't steal fish. He likes to be cheap, so let him be. The Jade Emperor firmly believes that Chang'e will be open to his sincerity one day. Unfortunately, Chang'e has always been lukewarm to him and has a good grasp of the distance Every time, the Jade Emperor came with hope and went away disappointed, which has been the case for thousands of years. "Nezha had a pleasant chat with yunmenglong, and forgot some words to say and some things not to say.

Yunmenglong realized that the Jade Emperor was an out and out old rogue, and he was also a rogue, but he was a top rogue. His means of picking up girls was so far better than the Jade Emperor's first brother. Yunmenglong's breakthrough point is a little bigger. After all, he has a lot of successful cases and experience. He casually shows his hands with the Jade Emperor, who is impressed by him.

Originally, he thought it was inappropriate to wait outside the Guanghan palace. He was afraid that the jade emperor could not hang on his face. It seems that he was too worried. Judging from his persistence for thousands of years, his face yunmenglong had reason to believe that the already thick knives, guns, halberds, axes, hooks, forks, aircraft, artillery, missiles and aircraft carriers would not enter.

"The Jade Emperor is really the overlord among hooligans, and this spirit of picking up girls is enough to go down in history." yunmenglong thumbed up and sincerely praised.

Before I finished, I only heard the door "Zhi..." a long and dull sound of opening the door, and the door of Guanghan palace opened.

"Jade Emperor, please walk slowly." a voice more pleasant than the sound of nature sounded in yunmenglong's ears. Yunmenglong heard that the bones were crisp. At the same time, the bones were as crisp as the palace peach crisp. There was also the Jade Emperor.

A middle-aged man with a brocade robe and jade face came out from the crack of the door. Yunmenglong looked directly across the Jade Emperor to chase Chang'e's beautiful face. Unfortunately, he only saw a white light figure. Yunmenglong was greatly lost.

When I looked back at the Jade Emperor, I saw that he was standing like a jade tree facing the wind, and his face was a little pale. When I saw them, the light in his eyes suddenly appeared, and the two wisps of long whiskers were quite tangible, which made him look elegant, natural and stylish.

"Nezha, who is this man? Why haven't I seen him?" the Jade Emperor stood on the high steps and looked down at Yunmeng dragon with a threat in his eyes.

"The Jade Emperor, you are my idol. My admiration for you is like a flowing river, and like the Yellow River flooding out of control. You are high above, but approachable, with one hand covering the sky, but compassionate. Over the years, I have dreamed of seeing you." Yun Menglong came forward and held the Jade Emperor's hand, with a sincere expression on his face, Gold would burst into tears when he saw it. Nezha heard that goose bumps fell out and wanted to vomit.

Although the Jade Emperor was a monk who couldn't touch his head, he was just rejected by Chang'e for 23857 times. When he was depressed, someone suddenly jumped out and said, "I admire you very much." this undoubtedly gave the jade emperor a shot in the arm, and his heart was revived. No matter who it is, immortals love to be flattered. It's comfortable to listen to good words. The Jade Emperor sighed in his heart that he has not been worshipped since he became the Jade Emperor.

"Hehe, you want to see me so much. Don't you see it? Who are you and what's your name? Do you want to be an official? Let me seal an official for you?" the Jade Emperor is not generally good to this super fan.

"My most respected Jade Emperor, my name is Yun Menglong. Do you know how difficult it is for me to meet you? First of all, I commit suicide. You know, I can't kill myself casually. I stabbed myself for more than 180 knives, and finally died. Then I went to hell and saw Taibai Venus. I was really happy. I knew he was your red man, so I hid it In his dust, I followed him to heaven, but you are the supreme Jade Emperor. As a kid, I can't see you at all, so I made a crazy move... "Yunmeng dragon added oil and vinegar and spit. He told me that no immortal dared to dance his teeth and claws in front of him. He felt very kind to Yunmeng dragon, Because Yunmeng dragon has no fear of him, only worship and admiration.

"What's the move?" the Jade Emperor asked when he saw yunmenglong's betrayal.

"I, Ba, sun, Wu, Kong, give, let go." yunmenglong finished word by word. The Jade Emperor's face was about to change. Yunmenglong continued: "I know that only in this way can I see you. As expected, you listed me as a wanted criminal in the fairy world. I was so happy and excited. Then I turned myself in. As a result, everyone thought I was crazy and didn't abandon me at all. Thanks to the third prince, he understood my worship for you and was moved by my piety. After all my hard requests, he finally agreed to bring me to see you ! in this way, I finally met the Legendary God King, the Jade Emperor. Sign my name. Let's take photos. Will you hug me, or have a mouth... "Yunmenglong's eloquence and deliberate incoherence greatly satisfied the vanity of the Jade Emperor.

However, the Jade Emperor still has a stem in his heart. He wants to blame yunmenglong, but others are his fans. They released the monkey king only to see him. He even committed suicide and stabbed himself for more than a hundred knives. Who has the courage? Thinking that the Jade Emperor is about to be moved, but he misses the monkey king and is afraid that he will make trouble in heaven again.

"Yunmenglong, I ask you, where is the monkey king?" the Jade Emperor asked carefully.

"Monkey King, I told him in detail about your embarrassment, your hard work, and my admiration and worship for you. He was also moved by me. He said he didn't blame you, but you have to make up for it so that he won't make trouble in heaven again. I can talk with him very well. Now I have married Jinlan and am a friend of Babai." Yunmenglong seems to inadvertently put the last period out in order to make the Jade Emperor look at him with new eyes.

Sure enough, the Jade Emperor looked at Yunmeng dragon in surprise. He didn't expect that the fan had such charm. He paid homage to the monkey king.

"Tell me what he wants. Anyway, I'm going to negotiate peace with him. You know, I'm compassionate and can't let him die." the Jade Emperor sighed, looking like a big tail wolf.

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