Supreme Satyr

Chapter 645

"His request is very simple," yunmenglong raised a finger and said, "first, it must be no problem to re seal him as the great saint of the whole sky?" yunmenglong said the simplest condition first.

The Jade Emperor nodded: "of course, it's no problem. As long as he is a good monkey and studies hard every day, don't let him be the saint of heaven, that is to be the saint of heaven."

"The Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor. I don't worship you in vain. You are so great. I thank you for the monkey brother for paying so much attention to small animals for the sake of the people in the fairy world." yunmenglong first thumbed up to wear a high hat for the Jade Emperor. When the Jade Emperor was about to float out of the sky, yunmenglong's big tail exposed.

"However," yunmenglong said slightly, "we can't let him raise a horse like last time. If we shake him again, brother monkey will be crazy, but it's terrible. His request is a little difficult for the Jade Emperor, but I believe it's really nothing." yunmenglong tried his best to put gold on the Jade Emperor's face, The Jade Emperor is almost one of the eighteen bronze men in Shaolin.

"If the monkey wants anything, just say it. I'll try my best to satisfy him. For the sake of all the people in the world, I'll try my best to satisfy him as long as it's not too much." the Jade Emperor showed his compassionate feelings. In that way, he was the same as Yun Menglong. Nezha saw a surge in his stomach. It turned out that these two were the same kind of people. No wonder they talked so speculatively.

"He said he wanted the Queen Mother's flat peach garden to be his residence. I think it must be difficult for you, the Almighty Jade Emperor?" there was a cunning light in the depths of yunmenglong's eyes, and the arc on his lips tried to smooth it.


The Jade Emperor was so frightened that he almost didn't jump up.

"What's the matter, jade emperor, can't you make the decision to seal the flat peach garden to brother monkey? Brother monkey said that although you are stingy, you are a God who knows the general principle. The so-called husband is the guide of wife. The queen mother is your wife anyway. Tell her and she will promise. The last flat peach banquet was almost eaten and thrown by Sun Wukong. The flat peach hasn't grown well for thousands of years However, Monkey King wanted to give it to him. He was just a gardener. He had work experience in managing the flat peach banquet last time, so he let him keep it for the time being. The flat peach banquet will be returned to the Queen Mother sooner or later. "Yunmenglong's analysis is correct, but seeing the sad face of the Jade Emperor, he knew that the fairy world leader who was afraid of his wife and wanted to cheat was depressed.

Yunmenglong was funny in his heart, but he deliberately didn't say it. He pretended to be stupid and said, "what's the matter, jade emperor? Do you feel uncomfortable looking at your frown?"

As the idol of yunmenglong, the Jade Emperor of course refused to lose his members in front of his fans, so he had to bite the bullet and say, "no, nothing. I just didn't think that the monkey liked to be a gardener so much. Since he liked it, give him a small flat peach banquet. I haven't taken it to heart."

"Jade Emperor, you are really my idol. You are so great." yunmenglong held back his smile and praised the Jade Emperor solemnly.

The Jade Emperor smiled absently and worried about how to talk to the old woman of the queen mother.

The queen mother is stingy, stingy and vengeful. She pretends to be generous and decent. Her mother likes the world. In fact, she will repay her vengeance. It is easy to bear vengeance. The Jade Emperor, who has been the person beside her for many years, is very clear. Although the two have been separated for a long time and have enough conditions for divorce according to the marriage law of the people's Republic of China, this is in the fairy world, The love between the two has long been gone with the passage of time. It may be too much to say. If they have a husband and wife, they will not have no love at all, but there is little left.

The queen mother hated the monkey king deeply. The main reason was not that the monkey king ate her flat peach and made a mess of her flat peach banquet, but that the Queen Mother secretly loved the monkey king and confessed to him. As a result, she was rejected on the spot and humiliated as an old and ugly fat woman. In fact, it was not a shame, but the truth, but the truth made the queen mother angry, Therefore, she imprisoned Zixia fairy at the end of the world and was exposed to the wind and rain all day.

"Second, Yunmeng dragon stretched out its second finger: "A gentleman has the beauty of becoming a man. Menglong believes that beating mandarin ducks with a stick is the most immoral and inhumane thing in both heaven and earth. Monkey King and Zixia fairy have the same feelings. I hope the Jade Emperor will allow them to marry. I believe this must be the first happy event in the fairy world, but at present, if the Jade Emperor can marry Chang'e fairy in the future, it will be the first immortal Xia in the fairy world. Why Like, jade emperor, do you agree to this one? "

The Jade Emperor really agreed or didn't agree. He was the only one who got married in the fairyland. The monkey king married the fairy in the fairyland. Didn't he have the same status as him? The main reason is that Zixia fairy was locked up by the queen mother. She hated Zixia so much. How could she marry Sun Wukong? In the hatred of women, jade The emperor also had a secret love for Zixia, which is not a problem.

"Menglong, you also know that marriage is not allowed in the fairy world. In fact, as long as you really love each other, why do you want to get married? Immortals are not old and immortal. If you are a husband and wife for tens of thousands of years, you have to be bored to death. I'm not afraid to tell you that there have been great problems in my relationship with the Queen Mother's husband and wife. This one, go back and talk to the monkey king, fake it If he insists, we'll find another way. Are there any other conditions? "

Yunmenglong knew it was a little difficult to do. He was a little thoughtless. He nodded and said, "OK, jade emperor, I'll have a good talk with brother monkey. There's one last condition."

As soon as the jade emperor heard that there was only one left, he relaxed his airway: "tell me."

"The last one is for me, brother monkey. After all, we are sworn brothers. I hope the Jade Emperor won't be surprised." yunmenglong thanked me first.

The Jade Emperor frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

"The Jade Emperor, you know, I stabbed myself more than 200 knives in order to see you. I died so thoroughly that my soul scattered. Now I am not only a soul, but also an incomplete soul. Only the supreme old gentleman's soul gathering pill and Chang'e fairy's condensed fragrance jade dew can save me, so the last condition is to give me the soul gathering pill and condensed fragrance jade dew." Yunmenglong explained.

The Jade Emperor was not so melancholy in his life. Things came one after another. First, the monkey king returned to the fairyland, then he was rejected by the beauty, and then the conditions put forward by the monkey king. The Jade Emperor had a headache. He rubbed his head and said: "Menglong, it's really hard for you. Don't worry. I'll find a way to bring you juhun Shendan and Ningxiang Yulu. But to tell you the truth, I'm not sure. Juhun Shendan has a better grasp. It shouldn't be a problem to tell the old gentleman. The problem is Chang'e's Ningxiang Yulu. You can see that I've just been sent out. It's good to hear. In fact, I was driven out." The Jade Emperor stopped pretending to be a wolf with a big tail and simply told the truth.

Yunmenglong didn't expect that the Jade Emperor was also like this. He knew ya was a selfish, obscene, lecherous and timid fairy leader. Yunmenglong sincerely said: "Thank the Jade Emperor for being so frank with me. Life and death depend on fate, and wealth depends on heaven. I dream that the dragon will die without regret when I see the Jade Emperor. But I don't want to give up my beautiful wives and concubines. In fact, being a man is better than being a God. There is a saying in the world that I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals. I worship the Jade Emperor. That's why I came to the fairyland. It's not for being an immortal. By the way, can the Jade Emperor want to experience it "The joy of the world?"

The Jade Emperor said, "what is the joy of the world?"

Yunmenglong glanced at Nezha. Nezha waved his hand and said, "Jade Emperor, I'm hungry. I'm going home to eat my wife's cake. You two talk slowly." Nezha knew that yunmenglong was good for him. It's better not to know something.

"Go slowly, Nezha." the Jade Emperor and yunmenglong waved to Nezha.

Nezha rode away on a fuel-free and environmentally friendly vehicle. When there were only two people left, Yun Menglong approached the Jade Emperor and said, "Jade Emperor, can we talk somewhere else?"

The Jade Emperor was very familiar with yunmenglong's expression. It was a kind of obscene and licentious expression. He often showed it himself, so he nodded with understanding and took yunmenglong back to his palace.

There are nine twists and eighteen rings in the other palace, small bridges and flowing water, red flowers and green grass, cranes and pandas climbing with bamboo. The whole environment is very relaxed.

After entering the room, yunmenglong smiled and said mysteriously, "Jade Emperor, can you close your eyes first? I want to surprise you."

The Jade Emperor's heart beat faster. He quickly closed his eyes and was very cooperative.

Yunmenglong released the beautiful woman that longmengyun had prepared for him from the heaven and earth bag. The fragrance of the beautiful woman suddenly filled the room. The Jade Emperor smelled it and couldn't help opening his eyes. When he saw the three people standing in front of him, he was stunned first, and then his face showed an expression of soul receiving God. He waited for a pair of lustful eyes and kept cruising around the three people, his mouth involuntarily Open, something called saliva has flowed out unconsciously

There are three beauties standing in front of him, one is a Western beauty with blond hair and blue eyes, double peaks and pretty upturned jade hips, one is a small jasper with refined temperament, and another is a unique beauty who is sexy and charming to the bone.

Yunmenglong was satisfied with the expression of the Jade Emperor. He smiled and said, "enjoy the Jade Emperor. Menglong left first." yunmenglong said, hid the door and left, leaving only a miniature camera

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