Supreme Satyr

Chapter 660

Hearing this, yunmenglong was stunned. Shouldn't the jade emperor be playing double and triple flight with several beautiful women on earth? How could he be summoned at this time? Too white Venus was stunned. Isn't he always honored to do errands?

No matter how confused and doubtful, the monkey king should still go. Although the monkey king is eating meat at this time, when yunmenglong promised to roast two big black dogs after coming back, the old sun wiped his mouth and said, "go, I haven't seen the Jade Emperor for a long time, and I still miss him."

"Taibai Venus, the Jade Emperor asked you to meet with Yunmeng dragon and the monkey king." the Herald said to Taibai Venus when he saw that Taibai Venus rolled up his sleeves and ate like no one else.

Taibai Jinxing's action was stifled and his heart clicked. He ate the dog meat in his hand stiffly, and his oily hand shook gently, which had become fresh and clean.

Erlang God and taishanglaojun looked at each other and smiled licentiously. They saw the joy in each other's eyes. Their idea was: they all left, and the dog meat belongs to his brothers. It's better to eat two people than five people?

Yunmenglong saw through the intentions of the two immortals at a glance. He came forward and hugged Erlang and said, "brother Sanyan, let's go together."

Erlang God kept chewing dog meat and muttered, "go, uncle doesn't want to see me."

"Well, you and Lao Jun will be here this time. You won't have your share of roast dog meat back." yunmenglong said with a sinister smile.

Erlang God is not an idiot. Of course, he refused to give up long-term delicious food for immediate interests. He had to reluctantly put down the dog meat. The boss reluctantly accompanied yunmenglong and others.

Seeing that Erlang God had gone, the Supreme Lord didn't eat alone at Taibai Jinxing's house. He looked at less than one-fifth of the big black dog meat and swallowed the waterway: "well... Everyone, you can't take the dog meat with you when you go to see the Jade Emperor. The dog meat doesn't taste good when it's cold. Can I take the rest back to eat?"

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "of course, Lao Jun is delicious, but it's OK to exchange five juhun God pills."

The Supreme Master weighed it over and over again, reluctantly gave up and bargained: "three!" juhunshendan is difficult to practice and extremely precious, but it is generally useless. It belongs to a gorgeous vase. The Supreme Master practiced hard and gave it, but he ate people's soft mouth and the dog meat is so easy to eat. He lost his reputation to the roast big black dog of Yun Menglong.

Yunmenglong was ecstatic, unchanged, indifferent and unchanged. He slowly raised his four fingers and said, "four, please take one less." yunmenglong saw that the great old gentleman hesitated to give up. He quickly added: "if the old gentleman leaves, I'm afraid he won't eat my roast dog in the future."

The supreme old gentleman took a deep look at yunmenglong, made up his mind and said, "you're cruel, deal."

"Hehe, I'm really serious. It's my blessing that I like my roast dog meat. If I don't take this opportunity to ask for two more elixirs, isn't Yunmeng dragon a fool?" Yunmeng dragon smiled treacherously, like a fox who just stole a little hen.

The supreme old gentleman loved the pill, so he just wanted to eat dog meat to make up for his reluctance, so he just hummed, didn't throw yunmenglong, and chewed on it.

When the herald came, he smelled the fragrant dog meat for several miles. At that time, he secreted a large amount of gastric acid several times more than usual. This feeling was also unprecedented for him. He kept swallowing his saliva while watching the dog meat.

When yunmenglong was in the Song Dynasty, he often heard old man Yun say the importance of heralding eunuchs. Knowing that he could get some words from them, yunmenglong tore a small piece of dog meat and handed it to the herald official: "brother, come and report it. Brother, taste the dog meat roasted under the sun."

"What's so funny?" the herald moved his forefinger, but he still said insincere polite words.

"What's embarrassing? If it's a brother, just eat it. I won't lose face like this?" yunmenglong frowned deliberately.

"How could it be? It's better to obey orders than to be respectful." the herald quickly took over the dog meat and ate it.

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "how about it? Is it delicious?"

The herald nodded and praised, "delicious, too delicious."

"Little brother, do you know why the Jade Emperor summoned us?" yunmenglong actually guessed that the Jade Emperor bribed us, and the queen mother was done. Of course, being summoned was about the monkey king.

"This little brother is not very clear, it seems that he has something to do with the great saint." there were other people present, and the herald didn't say much, but he had to reveal a little.

Yun Menglong didn't expect the herald to reveal too much, that is, he wanted to try to bribe the herald eunuch. Of course, the herald in the fairy world is not a eunuch.

Yunmenglong, the monkey king and his party walked together. Led by the herald, they came to the heavenly palace of Qianqing - LingXiao palace!

The magnificence of LingXiao palace is unmatched by the Imperial Palace in the world. Every brick and tile here is made of jade and gold. Even the ground is paved with the best white marble. Yunmenglong is most surprised that the white marble is integral. There is no gap on the ground of tens of thousands of square meters. Yunmenglong is surprised.

The magnificence of the main hall of the Lingxiao temple is even more amazing. Everything in it is priceless. Yunmenglong's biggest idea at this time is to dismantle the Lingxiao temple and transport it back to the earth one by one for the world's largest auction. On the surface, this guy looks straight ahead and behaves well. In fact, he has long remembered every plant here.

The Jade Emperor is wearing a Dragon Robe and sitting on the high throne. The queen mother is slightly lower on the right. Under the throne are all civil and military officials, python robes and jade belts. The momentum is extraordinary. There is a sense of immortality in the whole hall. Everyone looks so dreamy.

When yunmenglong saw the Jade Emperor, he couldn't help saying that he was so handsome. At this time, the Jade Emperor was dignified and kind, with the demeanor of the supreme ruler. The queen mother was dignified and generous, and she was worthy of being the virgin of the three realms in the world.

Civil servants in the fairy world are really civil servants at first sight. They are very literati in both appearance and dress. They can't do it at will. They all want to be right in singing poems.

The military officers are all murderous. Everyone seems to see the enemy who killed his father. The first person to take the lead is tota Li Tianwang Li Jing, the first general to capture Yunmeng dragon! The rest are the four heavenly kings of Nantianmen, the giant gods, and some immortals who can't be called by Yunmeng dragon. In those years, brother Bajie was also one of them, and his official rank was not low.

Those immortals are still angry when they see the monkey king, but they look awe inspiring on the surface.

"Meet the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, long live the Jade Emperor, long live the queen mother, long live the queen mother!" Yun Menglong knelt down politely and said what he should say to the emperors on earth.

"Long live the brave little people. The Jade Emperor and empress are immortal for generations to come." an ugly fairy with wide mouth and big ears in the ranks of military officers scolded Yunmeng dragon.

Yunmeng Longxin said, "you can't use idioms. You can only describe it when you hang up for immortality. Don't you curse the Jade Emperor and the queen mother to stop cooking early?"

Before yunmenglong spoke, Sun Wukong pointed to the immortal and scolded, "which onion do you dare to talk to my sworn brother like this? Do you want Lao sun to pee on your head?"

The immortal was angry, but he didn't dare to disrespect the monkey king. The scene of the monkey king walking across the sky was still vivid. It was their nightmare when they dreamt back in the middle of the night. The monkey monkey was always rebellious. If he provoked him, no one would buy it!

Yunmenglong didn't want to make things big. He quickly rounded up the scene and said, "Oh, brother monkey, I don't blame this adult. I don't understand the rules. In the world, I say long live and long live. I almost forgot that this is the fairyland."

"Menglong flat, give sit." the Jade Emperor said gently. He blinked at yunmenglong with a smile in his eyes.

"Xie Yudi, queen mother." one of Yunmeng longhui smiled, still very polite.

Taibai Venus and Erlang God knelt down and saluted respectively. Sun Wukong knelt reluctantly after being instructed by yunmenglong on the road. He said, "old jade emperor, haven't seen you for a long time. Are you okay? Sister Chang'e has soaked it? Queen mother, are the peaches in your flat peach garden ripe? I heard that the flat peach meeting will be held again."

The Jade Emperor coughed and said with a smile, "you splashing monkey, you don't speak in a correct shape. Please sit down."

Seeing that the Queen Mother's face was not worried, yunmenglong hurriedly reminded the Queen Mother: "the Queen's flat peach meeting will be very lively."

The queen mother thought of Monkey King's evil deeds and was slightly surprised. She suppressed her anger and said to yunmenglong kindly, "you can come with this monkey and have a look."

"Thank the queen mother, thank the Jade Emperor."

"Jade Emperor, what are you calling my old sun to do? Don't you want to cure my brother? If you dare to blame my brother, my old sun will make a chicken fly and dog jump in your heaven. Gods cry and ghosts cry!" Sun Wukong squatted in his chair and asked first.

"Ha ha, you monkey, I'm the Supreme Master of the three worlds. How can I be such a stingy person? I'm calling you here to solemnly seal you as the great saint of heaven!" the Jade Emperor cried and laughed.

"What? Is that true?" although the monkey king had known it for a long time, he still felt incredible when the Jade Emperor said it.

"Of course, you have no jokes." the Jade Emperor nodded.

"I won't do it." Monkey King shook his head.

"What?" the Jade Emperor was surprised. He didn't expect the monkey king to refuse.

"My old sun has sworn to Menglong as a brother and agreed to enjoy the blessings together. Unless you also call him the saint of heaven, my old sun will not do it!" Monkey King looked uncooperative.

The immortals were unhappy, but they didn't dare to say anything to stop and suggest, but they didn't think that the Jade Emperor would agree to Sun Wukong's unreasonable request.

The Jade Emperor shook his sleeve and said, "OK, I promise you. From today on, you and Menglong will be called the great saint of heaven!"

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