Supreme Satyr

Chapter 661

After listening to the words of the Jade Emperor, yunmenglong was stunned, the immortals were stunned, and even the queen mother was stunned. All the gods present were stunned except the monkey king and the Jade Emperor.

Time seemed to stand still at that moment. Almost all faces were plainly written with four big words: incredible!

The gods whispered and conveyed their dissatisfaction. They also rose step by step. After mixing for so many years, they can't compare with a human with incomplete soul. Where can they put their self-esteem?

For people with status, it's shameless. The civil service is headed by the supreme old gentleman, but the supreme old gentleman still eats dog meat in the house and is not present. Even if he is present, he has a short mouth. How can the supreme old gentleman come out to stop him.

Civil servants complained a lot, but no one dared to speak. Tota Li Tianwang Li Jing was frank and upright. Seeing that everyone was a twittering shrinking turtle, he hummed heavily and knelt down in front of the crowd: "The Jade Emperor, please think twice. Yunmeng dragon is a human being. How can he be the sage of heaven? Just the monkey king. But Yunmeng dragon, please take back his life."

The Jade Emperor is very fond of yunmenglong. He also knows that his brother has no intention of political affairs. What's wrong with giving him a big official who is going to die but has no real power? It sounds like a bad check. There are so many zeros on it. It's cool to look at it. Now Li Jing is so unsophisticated that he strolls out and says no, which makes him very sad.

"Li Qing's family, I understand what you said, but you misunderstood Menglong. In fact, he is very capable. It's a great achievement to save the monkey king with him." the Jade Emperor said to Li Jing with a pleasant face.

These words confused all the officials. They just knew that yunmenglong was the one who sent the monkey king from Wuzhi Mountain. But they didn't understand. How could it be a great achievement to release the monkey king? Didn't they just order to arrest this man not long ago? Now the people's family is here, but invited, and sealed the great saint of heaven, side by side with the monkeys.

"I don't know, but please tell the jade emperor what is great merit?" Li Jing is not stupid, but she can't understand the truth.

The Jade Emperor sighed: "Alas, we have imprisoned the monkey king for so long. It's too much. We've been restless recently. We're very sorry. We're afraid he'll make trouble again. We keep thinking that thanks to yunmenglong, we know something about me. Isn't that a great achievement? What's more, he persuaded the monkey king to be a good public God who abides by the law and doesn't fight or fight , don't make trouble, don't swear, and be a new monkey with principles, discipline, morality and quality. Isn't this also a great achievement? With these two great achievements, shouldn't he be called the great saint of the whole heaven? "

The Jade Emperor said this very clearly: "I know I'm covering him. Who of you will try again?"

These immortals are old-fashioned. Except for the giant spirit God who has a simple mind and developed limbs, they all understand that the Jade Emperor deliberately rewarded Yunmeng dragon. Of course, it must be the first request made by Sun Wukong. It can be seen that Yunmeng dragon has become a nail on the board. No matter how unhappy they are, it will become a fact. In that case, why not add to the icing on the cake ?

"My subordinates understand that yunmenglong is really a great achievement and deserves to be awarded the great saint of Qi Tian. He deserves his name." Li Jing is honest, but he is not an idiot. He has to go against the wishes of the Jade Emperor. Isn't that trying to die?

"Li Qing's family understands. Do you Aiqing have any other questions?" the Jade Emperor glanced at the audience and said pretendingly.

Seeing that the gods were speechless, the Jade Emperor nodded with satisfaction, cleared his throat and said, "since you Aiqing have no objection, that's good." the Jade Emperor paused, raised his voice three times and said, "Monkey King, Yunmeng dragon, obey your orders."

Yunmenglong hurriedly pulled the monkey king down on his knees and said, "brother monkey, give the Jade Emperor some face and bake dog meat for you later."

Monkey King knelt next to Yunmeng dragon and pretended to be pious, but he was bargaining with Yunmeng Dragon: "I want two."

"You... Deal."

"Hey, hey."


"Today, I make you both the saints of heaven, and reward you with a flat peach garden, 10000 liang of gold, two mansions and 100000 adjustable magic soldiers. I see that I don't need to kneel down and worship. In addition, I will marry Sun Wukong and Zixia on another day. I wish lovers get married." In a few words, the Jade Emperor met almost all the requirements of the monkey king and yunmenglong. The supreme old gentleman didn't come, so the matter of asking for the elixir had to be stranded for the time being.

The revelation of this matter to Yun Menglong is: "the ruler who is high above is cow force, and a few words can decide everything."

"Thank the Jade Emperor longen!" said yunmenglong and monkey king at the same time.

Now that everything is done, the fairyland immortals can only congratulate. Whether they are sincere or not, the smiles on their faces are very bright. They keep saying congratulations to Gao Sheng and give more advice to Yun Menglong and Sun Wukong.

The queen mother has a far fetched smile on her face, and everything is out of his control. Cheng Yaojin, who killed yunmenglong halfway, is really harmful. However, she seems unable to hate him.

The construction team of the fairyland is probably the most outstanding construction team in the universe. Their speed of building palaces is amazing and amazing. After the Jade Emperor gave the order, they began construction. That night, yunmenglong and Sun Wukong feasted the immortals in the palace of Taibai Jinxing.

Yunmenglong invited all the immortals in the fairy world, regardless of whether you are the four heavenly kings of Nantianmen or a small Taoist child. As long as you are an immortal, he invited. Yunmenglong prepared 200000 gifts. These 200000 gifts are different, and they are not the same at all. Yunmenglong only spent a few hours sorting out the data of all the immortals to know their preferences, Then suit the remedy to the case.

Gift giving is an art with strong skills. His principle is not to give expensive, only the right. No matter how expensive it is and how much money it costs, if people don't like it, it's not in vain. It's a waste, and the gains outweigh the losses. If you like it, even if it's worthless, you can win favor and enjoy it.

Of course, yunmenglong can get these thanks to the help of Taibai Jinxing. This guy is better than a super spy. For thousands of years, he has studied the character and hobbies of all immortals quite thoroughly, and then made a record very hard.

Yunmeng dragon asked Taibai Jinxing to take out these materials. It was very simple. He roasted a big black dog, and then asked while eating. Taibai Jinxing blushed and his eyes lit up when he ate dog meat. Yunmeng dragon asked, Ya said everything.

Yunmeng Longji is super good. Write down all the fairy hobbies one by one, and then prepare gifts. Of course, all gifts are brought from the earth. There are many treasures in his cangjiao Pavilion, and things in shopping malls and supermarkets are thrown into them. Anyway, these things are generally not seen by immortals, because they have no chance to go to earth, so the things of the earth are quite attractive to them. Although they are immortals, they have no relative freedom, which is not as good as human beings, Every year a spaceship goes to heaven.

What's more, the magic robbers have made a mess of the universe. The fairy world doesn't know because it's not in the same time and space.

Most of the meals at the banquet were made by yunmenglong, and the rest were made by the imperial chef of the fairy God of food. These chefs were invited by yunmenglong from the Jade Emperor. Only yunmenglong had this face. I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible to change the second person. Yunmenglong applied the medicine to the case, sent Ya several beauties, and took off the head of the fairy world.

Yunmenglong's cooking is amazing. Wei Ya finally put his recipes to use. Yunmenglong controls more than a dozen pots by himself. Each finger shoots a flame and cooks vegetables at the same time. More than a dozen pots tumble together in the air. The fire is burning below. After a while, the fragrance of vegetables comes. What's the feeling?

Amazing, amazing!

Yunmenglong certainly won't pile up all the immortals when entertaining the immortals. Isn't it very depressing for you to let the Antarctic fairy, the four heavenly kings and the Taoist servant girls eat and toast together? The great God felt ashamed, and the little fairy felt constrained.

Therefore, yunmenglong divides the banquet into two rooms, half of which are big gods and half of which are small immortals. Of course, he does not limit the whereabouts of immortals, left or right.

Yunmenglong's friendship with the local host through the old nest of Taibai Venus can be said to be in place. Both the great God and the little demon praise the new Qitian saint.

Immortals drink the same, the same is a crisscross of wine, you come and go, laugh constantly, and some will get drunk.

Yunmenglong's trick is to let people eat first and then take it. It's very high. Eating people's mouth is short and taking people's hands is short. These immortals eat and take it again. Won't yunmenglong eat it?

Before leaving, yunmenglong gave everyone a gift, and that gift was their favorite!

After the feast, Yunmeng dragon and monkey king went to sleep, leaving Taibai Venus to clean up the mess.

On the other side, two magnificent mansions belonging to yunmenglong and monkey king have been completed!

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