Supreme Satyr

Chapter 662

"Brother Tian, the moon is really beautiful. It's so bright and round." the moonlight falls to the bottom of her eyes, and Princess Yiyue's eyes are as beautiful as broken diamonds.

Yunmenglong held her fragrant body, looked at the bright moon with the white hands of Princess Yiyue and said with a smile: "no matter how beautiful the moon is, how can it be as beautiful as my moon? No matter how bright the moon is, it can't be as beautiful as my moon."

"No, only brother Tian thinks that the moon is beautiful. Chang'e must be much more beautiful than the moon. However, she should be very lonely in Guanghan palace alone? Otherwise, Chang'e should regret stealing miraculous medicine and the poem of blue sea, blue sky and night heart?" Princess Yiyue is always so kind and simple.

"Whether Chang'e is beautiful or not is her business, which has nothing to do with me, but the moon is different. The moon is my angel. In my eyes, you are more beautiful than anyone." yunmenglong's sweet words are undoubtedly fatal to women.

"Brother Tian is also the best for me, but sister Chang'e is really lonely. I'm going to accompany her. Brother Tian, take care." Princess Yi Yue said, breaking away from the embrace of yunmenglong, her body slowly rose and ran to the moon, just like Chang'e in those years.

"Moon, don't go, don't leave me..." yunmenglong shouted and opened his eyes. This is not the Song Dynasty, nor the world, but the fairyland. There is a stable Monkey King lying beside him. It's strange that yunmenglong didn't wake up because he roared so much.

It turned out that everything was just a dream. I don't know why, since he met the release queen, he often thought of Princess Yiyue. It turned out that among the beauties of the Song Dynasty, Princess Yiyue was the most aggrieved, and yunmenglong really owed her a lot. Only because she was raped in the name of an adulterer, he strengthened an unforgettable love and the crystallization of love - release day. What is more unexpected is that this crystallization has forced his father to a dead end. How good fate is at playing tricks on people. It is yunmenglong, a super genius, who is also played by him in the hands of the stock and is difficult to resist.

Yunmenglong couldn't sleep any more, so he left the nest of Taibai Venus and took a walk in the fairy world. The clouds in the fairy world were very good and obedient. Yunmenglong casually greeted one, stood up and said to go. Cloud has become the most environmentally friendly and magical means of transportation.

This is the fairyland that people flock to. The greatest pride and dream of those practitioners is to successfully pass the test of heaven's robbery and enter the fairyland. In the world, they are just a small minion. Immortals are also divided into earth immortals, human immortals, upper immortals, immortals. The gap between earth Immortals and immortals is so great that people are desperate.

The status of those who first entered the fairy world is the earth fairy, that is, the fairy from the earth.

Yunmenglong's cultivation has just reached the valley opening period, and it is still thousands of miles away from Yingjie. However, this brother is blessed with misfortune. After hanging up, several souls can mix in the fairy world. Today, he is already the sage of the whole heaven and is as famous as the monkey king. The immortals in the fairy world are almost worth his love. The way Yunmeng dragon acts on earth is as unimpeded as in the fairy world. He first uses all means to get the top level, and then entertains the Immortals below before giving gifts. That is, they can't refuse to look at the face of the monkey king. Monkey King, who dares to offend?

Yunmenglong pretended to be a tiger and used the monkey king without trace. Of course, he did regard the monkey king as a brother. He was lucky to have such an unfathomable and righteous brother.

Since there is this opportunity to win over the fairyland, why doesn't yunmenglong fail to win over? This is a powerful backing. With the support of the gods, yunmenglong has a much greater chance of success in his anti magic cause.

"Xiao Hui, dai'er, Qing Yao, Xue Qi, Qi Qi... I'm sorry, it's not that I don't go back, nor that I don't want you, but that I really can't go back. I will take this opportunity to win the fairyland and go back to reunite with you as soon as possible. You must wait for me." Yunmeng dragon is traveling, but his heart flies back to the earth to reunite with his confidants. They must miss him very much, don't they?

The cloud seemed to feel the sadness and missing of yunmenglong. It paused, chose a direction and floated in the past.

Yunmenglong has no sense. Looking back on his life, he is full of miracles, erotic encounters and crises. His wonderful life can be envied by countless people, but he has regrets, tortuous scars and light sadness in his heart. Who knows?

Most of the time, I dare not look back on the road. In the past, in addition to sweet happiness, I can't bear to look back. Sweet happiness is easy to forget, but I can't bear to look back, but I can't forget it.

Why are there sad parting in the castle of memory? Those light happiness, pure love, strong sweet and deep affection are unforgettable, but difficult to remember.

The ancient and lonely music suddenly came, which made yunmenglong realize that it was in the fairyland late at night. It should be the sound of Xiao. The melody is long and deep, twists and turns, with a touch of sadness and deep loneliness. The meaning of Xiao Suo inside is very strong, like the cold wind in late autumn.

Yunmenglong's mood at this time was also an unspeakable lonely low tide. He looked for his voice and went away. Not far away, there was a wisp of snow shadow standing on the spirit stone next to the Milky way.

Graceful and graceful figure, such as waterfall's long hair and elegant white skirt, let Yunmeng dragon's brain blow a storm. This woman feels very much like Su Qingyao, but she doesn't feel so lonely and bleak on Su Qingyao. She is like the bright moon in late autumn. Although it is bright, she is lonely and lonely.

The music she plays is beautiful, but it makes people feel sad.

Yunmenglong got off the vehicle, stood not far behind her, listened quietly, and the sight was covered with dense stars, so bright one by one, which was the legendary Milky way. From such a commanding position, it was breathtaking and magnificent. Just the beauty in front of us, the sad melody, makes people in a trance.

At the end of the song, the beauty put down the ancient flute, opened her lips, sighed faintly, and her unspeakable sadness lasted for a long time.


Although he couldn't see her, the thin figure, graceful posture, beautiful music and even a sigh made yunmenglong very interested in this person. He didn't expect that there would be such immortals in the fairy world. Doesn't it mean that immortals are happy and carefree? The woman in front of yunmenglong reminds him of a modern poem:

Distance is a kind of beauty, but if it is too long, it will lose its beauty,

Parting will miss you, but if you leave too long, you will lack the courage of Acacia.

——I always think of someone inadvertently,

But often inadvertently can not remember who.

The body is at the top of the world, the heart is at the bottom of the world,

But the soul swam in the wind,

Not cold, just desolate!

I am like a grain of dust, chasing the wind in the desert.

You are like a drop of water flowing in the river.

A guest of the Yangtze River,

Say hello, don't let tears shine!


Yunmenglong also sighed. The beauty trembled slightly. It was obvious that she was too involved. She didn't know that an unexpected guest was coming.

"Are you here again? Why?" said the beautiful woman.

After listening to the fairy's words, yunmenglong was slightly stunned. It was obvious that the other party regarded him as someone else. He bowed his hand and said politely: "I'm very sorry to disturb the fairy's purity."

The fairy turned around gently, and the best rogue who used to see beautiful women like Yun Menglong was stunned. She gave people the feeling that she was not amazing, but very amazing!

Not because of her appearance, but a kind of temperament I feel particularly pity for, a lonely and cold temperament that needs to be comforted in my arms.

However, although yunmenglong is lecherous, he won't Meng Lang in front of the fairy. He was stunned for only two seconds and said, "the fairy will recognize me as someone else?"

The fairy asked without hesitation, "who are you? Why are you here?"

Yunmenglong obediently replied: "I'm yunmenglong. I have insomnia at night. I think of some of the past and wander here. I'm very sorry for disturbing the fairy's purity."

The fairy's eyes flashed a trace of surprise, then smiled and said, "you are the new saint of Qi Tian? Congratulations, I don't like excitement, so I didn't go. Don't blame me."

The fairies didn't go too much. Yunmenglong couldn't think who the fairies were. He tried to ask, "it doesn't matter. Dare you ask the fairies?"

"I'm Chang'e." the fairy said two words that surprised yunmenglong.

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