Supreme Satyr

Chapter 684

Chang'e's words are light wind and clear clouds, and her expression is also very peaceful. Only her eyes looking at yunmenglong are filled with overwhelming deep feelings.

When yunmenglong looked at Chang'e, the male body shook and Chang'e blurted out.

Pig Bajie's face was green and white. He couldn't believe that this was Chang'e's answer. What was he? He lost his wife and lost his children. A woman who had loved for tens of thousands of years easily fell in love with others. It was difficult to measure the blow to pig Bajie.

"Chang'e, are you really so determined that you don't miss our original feelings?" pig Bajie asked Chang'e reluctantly.

When facing pig Bajie, the gentle smile beside Chang'e's red lips disappeared. She coldly reminded pig Bajie: "Tianpeng, don't talk blood. When did we have feelings?"

"You..." pig Bajie thought that before, she was really only willing. Chang'e was content with the situation, and she didn't promise or refuse. She couldn't help but be speechless. The expression on her face changed from sadness to embarrassment, and then resentment.

Finally, pig Bajie smiled, which reminded Yun Menglong of a very popular song on the Internet: Pigs laughed.

"I've always been willing to love alone. For someone who doesn't love me, I even threw away my wife and son. I'm really a stupid pig, ha ha..." pig Bajie laughed and smiled up to the sky, with tears cold!

"Bajie, be open. There must be something in your life sometimes. Don't force it all the time. It's yours. It's always yours. Why bother to pursue things that don't belong to you? What you have to do now should be to restore your feelings with Miss Gao and be responsible for your children and family." Sun Wukong patted Zhu Bajie on the shoulder and comforted him.

Zhu Bajie is completely disappointed with Chang'e and has an unspeakable feeling for yunmenglong. In fact, he now understands that Chang'e will not choose him even if yunmenglong does not appear. But he just couldn't swallow it. He looked at Yunmeng dragon and said word by word: "I want to duel with you!"

Yunmenglong was stunned, the monkey king was stunned, and Chang'e was stunned.

"Tianpeng, you should make it clear that I'm not empathic. I haven't loved you at all. It's none of Menglong's business. Why should you challenge him?" Chang'e said anxiously because she was afraid that yunmenglong couldn't beat Zhu Bajie.

Seeing Chang'e's worried expression, Zhu Bajie was more jealous. He stubbornly said, "no matter what you say, I won't give up."

Monkey King also frowned and accused pig Bajie: "Bajie, you're crazy. What's your duel with Menglong? Does it help? If you defeat yunmenglong, can you get Chang'e or return to your family?"

Pig Bajie is Wang BA's iron heart. He has always been afraid of the monkey king. He even looks directly at the monkey king. The war in his eyes is like a flame: "brother monkey, even if you kill me, I will duel with yunmenglong."

Yunmenglong knows that this battle is inevitable again. As Zhu Bajie, it is a breath and an outlet for the love in his heart for many years. Of course, he also wants to prove that Chang'e's choice is wrong, but no woman takes whether a man has high martial arts as the main indicator. Beauty loves heroes. The hero she loves is not external Kung Fu, but a spirit and spirit. Xiao Feng's greatness is not because he can subdue the 18 dragon palms, but because he has justice and full of manliness.

"OK, let's go out to duel. Guanghan palace is a holy land and can't be desecrated." Yun Menglong and Zhu Bajie are calm. He also wants to take the opportunity to see how far the gap between himself and the immortals in the fairy world is. He hasn't fought for too long. He almost forgot his kung fu.

Chang'e opened her mouth as if she had thousands of words to say, but finally she gave up. She knew that as a woman behind a man, the only thing to do was to believe and bless her man. She only said three words: "be careful."

Yunmenglong nodded: "don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll come back to pick you up and live a life that only envies mandarin ducks but not immortals. You don't have to follow me. You're afraid of being distracted when you look at me."

Chang'e nodded: "I will pray for you and bless you safe and sound."

The monkey king interposed impatiently, "you don't have to pray for the gods. We are all gods. With me, they will be fine. Just rest assured."

Pig Bajie didn't say much. He looked back at Chang'e and walked away with a big step. The women in Guanghan palace have no place worthy of his nostalgia.

A woman who doesn't love you will be hurt only by herself.

The monkey king flew out of the wall.

Only Yunmeng dragon and Chang'e are left in the huge Guanghan palace. Seeing that Chang'e's eyes were full of worry, Yun Menglong held her small face that could be broken by blowing, kissed her gently and said: "Good baby, smile. I'll be fine. Even if I can't beat Tianpeng, there's brother monkey. What's more, my escape Kung Fu is invincible in the world. In order to save my life and my beloved Chang'e Meimei, I absolutely don't mind taking 36 plans."

Chang'e puffed a smile and her face was relieved. She stroked yunmenglong's face and said angrily, "you, I really don't know what to do with you. Tianpeng and I are really nothing. You have to believe me."

Yunmenglong pinched her greasy and elastic face and said with a smile, "that's nature. My sister Chang'e has been waiting for me for tens of thousands of years. Your kiss, your hug, and even yours... Hey, it's all mine."

The meal of yunmenglong and the ill intentioned hehe made chang e blush. She pushed yunmenglong and said, "go, be careful, don't be too brave."

Yunmenglong nodded and left, and was stopped by Chang'e: "wait a minute."

Yunmenglong looked back and said, "what's the matter, baby?"

Chang'e ran back to the inner hall, took a crystal small porcelain bottle and put it in yunmenglong's hand: "Congxiang Yulu, revive as soon as possible. I'm waiting to accompany you all over the world."

Yunmenglong took it and put it away. He nodded firmly and said, "don't worry, it will."

After leaving Guanghan palace and looking back at the prison like buildings, yunmenglong was more determined to take Chang'e away, that is, it didn't matter if all the gods stopped her. He is the kind of person who can be the enemy of the world for his beauty.

Zhu Bajie and Yun Menglong's PK only had one audience, the monkey king, and the place where they fought was Tianhe, which was in charge of Zhu Bajie at that time. Now the chief executive of Tianhe has been sent by the monkey king to visit the South Tianmen gate thousands of kilometers away.

Yunmenglong and zhubajie stand opposite each other and confront each other quietly. Pig Bajie holds a nine tooth rake, while yunmenglong is empty handed. Pig Bajie's eyes spit fire, while Yunmeng dragon is calm and has no killing intention in his eyes.

Before Sun Wukong, the referee, said to start, Zhu Bajie had raised his nine tooth rake and hit Yun Menglong. Pig Bajie's nine tooth rake marks nine white mans, and lightning cuts at Yunmeng dragon. Yunmeng dragon knows how powerful it is, Liuyun steps out, and instantly avoids three white mans, and six. Yunmeng dragon's left palm spits slightly, and the blue dark fire spits out, eliminating the white mans invisible. The right hand emptied a circle in the air and shook several times. The flood caused the water of Tianhe, whistling and rolling towards pig Bajie.

Pig Bajie shouted: come on. The nine tooth rake turned into a turntable in his hand. The water was blocked by the invisible air wall and rolled back in the direction of Yunmeng dragon.

Yunmenglong put his hands together, vertically in front, passed through the surging waves and rotated at high speed, like a poisonous dragon drill, penetrating the air wall turned out by the nine tooth rake. Then he appeared in front of pig Bajie like a God. With a wave of both hands, the heaven and Earth Dragon seven sabres attacked the big acupoints around Zhu Bajie.

Seeing that pig Bajie was about to splash blood on the spot, pig Bajie's pupil suddenly shrunk and burst into a loud drink: "change!" unexpectedly turned into a small hummingbird, chirped and flew out of the sphere of influence of dragon seven sabres.

Then pig Bajie turned into an eagle with iron claws and steel mouth and jumped at Yunmeng dragon in the air. Yunmeng dragon's pupil flashed. A snow-white, blood red, ice and fire demon pupil appeared. The fire pupil ejected a fire golden arrow, and the ice pupil shot a cold ice arrow and pierced the eagle.

The eagle steel claw breaks the ice rocket and grasps the eyes of yunmenglong. Yunmenglong stands upside down and kicks the eagle with his feet. Before landing, the eagle turned into a gibbon, hugged yunmenglong's thigh and wrapped it around him flexibly. With a flash of his left hand, a cold file appeared in his hand. He fixed yunmenglong's throat with another claw and cut the file to yunmenglong's neck.

Yunmenglong wanted to break off his claws, and his whole body was strongly fixed, which couldn't make him strong at all.

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