Supreme Satyr

Chapter 685

At the moment when Zhu Bajie was about to move yunmenglong's head, yunmenglong suddenly disappeared. He became the most classic Dongdong he had just learned, Xiaoqiang!

Pig Bajie lost the force object. He was stunned and looked down. A very handsome Xiaoqiang ran left and right and climbed forward quickly.

Pig Bajie raised his furry feet and kept stepping on them. Xiaoqiang crawled faster than ever before. Pig Bajie kicked for a long time and didn't step on the target. He saw countless footprints on the beach of Tianhe. They were crooked and disorderly, which combined into a very abstract famous painting that could make Van Gogh fall down. Unfortunately, these words are not eternal. The tide surges over the beach. After a while, those footprints have disappeared in the Tianhe water.

The most advantageous weapon against Xiaoqiang is

Pig Bajie changed into a giant gunman! Then, facing Yunmeng dragon, he strongly ejected a special thick fog. In the boundless fog, Xiaoqiang flashed away. Zhu Bajie sprayed for a long time, until everything became clear, but he couldn't see Yun Xiaoqiang's figure?

Pig Bajie was confused. There was a strange wave in the air. A bowl sized fist appeared out of thin air with a roar like a storm.

The Milky way is frightening, the waves are surging, and the water is splashing. This fist is the peak boxing of yunmenglong, the holy Gang divine fist!

The power of this fist mainly comes from Tianhe, which is caused by the perfect combination of his energy, water and spirit with Tianhe.

This fist has the power to tear everything apart. Just like tai chi, it is good at water, and water droplets fly through the heart like ten thousand arrows.

Pig Bajie was shocked. The power of this fist was too great. Time and space seemed to collapse. He didn't expect Yunmeng dragon to have such power, but it was difficult to defeat him. At least he was also a grand immortal expert Marshal Tianpeng. Besides, Tianhe was his hometown. He was arrogant on his territory, and old pig was angry.


A furious roar came out of the old pig's mouth. Ya really turned into pig Bajie this time. He was fat and big ears. He had an amazing belly than a pregnant woman. His body grew several times, and the target suddenly became larger. Yunmenglong's fist seemed to slow down.


With a dull sound, pig Bajie's stomach was hit. The bulging stomach was deeply concave under the impact of such a great force, and the thousands of water arrows were also put on pig Bajie.

Zhu Bajie didn't make a sound. Ju Gaolin looked at Yunmeng dragon with mockery. The fist of a cow fork like Yunmeng dragon hit Zhu Bajie on the stomach like a blow. There was no meaning of exertion. Seeing Zhu Bajie's smile, Yunmeng dragon's heart was terrible and wanted to take back his fist, but it was sucked in by the power of a vortex.

Yunmenglong raised his feet, gathered energy on his legs and kicked pig Bajie. Pig Bajie, who was more than ten feet tall, was kicked to fly, but yunmenglong's hand was still trapped in his stomach, like a swamp. And his people had to fly with pig Bajie's fat body. The old pig looks like a pig parachute.

When yunmenglong focused on how to take his arm out of pig Bajie's stomach, a strong murderous spirit suddenly appeared behind him. Yunmenglong looked back and was shocked. Marshal Tianpeng hit him with a nine tooth rake!

Pig Bajie, marshal Tianpeng, isn't this a fucking person? How did this happen?

"Die, Yunmeng dragon, nine tooth heaven and earth strike!" Marshal Tianpeng roared, and the nine tooth rake fell on his head, as if heaven and earth were pressing on the Yunmeng faucet at the same time. If he was hit on the head, it would be strange that Yunmeng dragon would not be crushed to pieces.

Right above yunmenglong is the fat pig Bajie, who has not been thrown away. On the upper side is Marshal Tianpeng who targeted him. The nine tooth rake came with unparalleled power. Yunmenglong took a deep breath and twisted his body to welcome Zhu Bajie to marshal Tianpeng's nine tooth rake.

"Boom!" with a loud noise, pig Bajie was smashed to pieces by the power of the nine tooth rake, but no blood flowed out. It seems that it is true. This pig Bajie is just a tool used by Marshal Tianpeng to shackle yunmenglong. Yunmenglong doesn't feel well below. This blow made him quickly exercise his skills and resist. Unfortunately, his body lacks soul and his resistance is very weak. When those forces were used to crush and tear his internal organs from all directions, he couldn't stand it.

The sweat drops of Dou Da dropped from yunmenglong's face. His face was as pale as paper. The operation speed of the gossip energy group in his body was several times slower. Finally, he ejected a mouthful of blood and finally dissolved the energy invading his body.

"Menglong, are you all right?" Sun Wukong shouted with concern.

"No." yunmenglong smiled brightly and said only one word, but it was really hard.

"It's all right? Then you'll die." Marshal Tianpeng ignored others, and the nine tooth rake roared again.

Yunmeng dragon's face sank like water and said word by word: "yes, you, force, I, you!"

After that, his figure suddenly disappeared, and then magic generally appeared in the front, back, left and right of Marshal Tianpeng, drawing a virtual giant gossip, Qian, Kun, gen, Li, Kan

Marshal Tianpeng couldn't catch the exact position of yunmenglong. He was very angry and swung the nine tooth rake to kill the four directions. The energy took the nine tooth rake as the center and shot out irregularly.

Yunmenglong finally appeared in the center of the eight trigrams, holding a long sword in his hand. The sword body is slender and glittering with colorful light, which obviously condenses great energy.

Heaven and earth changed color, lightning and thunder, dark clouds pressed over, and the water of Tianhe jumped uneasily. Even the monkey king felt the unparalleled murderous spirit. This murderous spirit can no longer be controlled by the boundary he laid. The boundary is destroyed and the energy is released. No one knows the power of this sword! Monkey King was startled by Yunmeng dragon, and his mind was a little uneasy. Even he might not be able to create such a momentum easily, but Yunmeng Dragon

What kind of person is yunmenglong? What if this sword really destroys the sky and the earth? Everything he worked hard for will be wasted. Maybe his end is to be punished at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain instead of me!

Sun Wukong's idea flashed and couldn't help saying, "Menglong, stop!"

But it's too late!

"Marshal Tianpeng, look at the sword! Xuanyuan demon God cuts!" yunmenglong looks like an ancient demon God, holding a mysterious Kyushu artifact. The ancient divine soldier cut out the sword. His hair turned white and dazzling. He is like a lonely and injured beast. One eye is cold with ice and frost, and the other is red with rage

Is Chiyou born again?

No one can describe the power of this sword. The red awn of tens of feet jumped at Marshal Tianpeng. Marshal Tianpeng was completely stupid. His body was tightly grasped by Xuanyuan sword and couldn't move at all. This sword can not only tear him up, but also everything! Maybe half the buildings in the fairyland will be completely destroyed.


The heaven and earth shook uneasily. The heaven and earth were moved by the sword of the nine day demon God. All the immortals were vaguely uneasy. They looked at the direction of the Milky way and didn't know what had happened. Qianliyan and shunfenger became blind and deaf. They couldn't see or hear. The separation of the Jade Emperor was still in the body of the beauty, but it softened in an instant.

Xiaotian dog turns restlessly and barks constantly

Is Marshal Tianpeng dying? Will the fairyland be destroyed? What will the fate of yunmenglong be!

Yunmenglong was on the line and had to send it. This was the first time he really used Xuanyuan sword. Who knows that the power was so great that he couldn't stop or control it. He had no time to think about the consequences of this sword. Once the sword came out, the world would be in chaos!

Is everything you have worked hard to manage going to waste? After this sword, everything turns to ashes. Yunmeng dragon has become a sinner for thousands of years! Is this the end?

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