Supreme Satyr

Chapter 686

"Amitabha Buddha!"

A Buddhist Chant that resounded through the world was like an evening drum and morning bell. It was enlightening. The hostility in the heart of Yunmeng dragon disappeared in an instant, and the boundless murderous spirit became peaceful, just in these four simple words.

The Buddhist Chant was thick and deep, but it was like a raging wave, coming in waves, and like endless echoes. The last word "Buddha" went around in yunmenglong's mind, making yunmenglong want to become a monk immediately.

Yunmenglong looked blankly at the sound source. He saw a glittering Buddha descending in mid air and sitting cross legged. He didn't know when to drop or what to do. According to the experience of the Tathagata Buddha yunmenglong saw in his journey to the west, the fat man who will take the golden light is the Tathagata Buddha!

The Tathagata Buddha is coming, and his murderous spirit is gone, but what about this sword? Once the sword moves out, the energy is enough to destroy the sky and the earth!

Yunmenglong's worry was immediately answered, and his all-out strike was easily dispersed.

The Tathagata Buddha mercifully stretched out a finger and gently put it on the edge of Xuanyuan sword, the most powerful offensive weapon of Kyushu artifact. Xuanyuan rogue sword lost its light, dull and dull, as if it were just a piece of scrap iron.

The blow to yunmenglong was unprecedented. Originally, yunmenglong thought he was already high above the world. Although he had high magical skills, he would not flatten the Tathagata Buddha into a pig's head, but could he beat him at least? Who knows

Gap, gap, yunmenglong is so depressed that he can't say a word. In my heart, I am grateful, admire, hate and depressed about the Tathagata Buddha. I have a little idea. I am grateful that he stopped the catastrophe. I admire that Ya is so awesome. Four words and one finger will eliminate the power of the chaos in the fairy world. What I hate is that he was so strong and defeated himself so easily. What's depressing is, when did ya come? How did she come without signs? The small idea is that if I have his ability, I will kill him, then I am the Tathagata, ha ha.

"Wow, Tathagata, it's a good time for you to come. Aren't you studying stocks and economic problems in the west? Why did you suddenly come here? Look at you. I still want to persuade you to lose weight. Forget your speed." Monkey King smiled at Tathagata Buddha after wiping a cold sweat.

"You monkey head, you don't speak seriously. If I thought you had been pressed for a long time and moved your heart, do you think you could come out from the foot of the five finger mountain?" the voice of the Tathagata Buddha is like a bell. If you sing the tenor with your voice, Pavarotti can only rank second.

Monkey King quickly smiled: "yes, yes, I know that the Buddha is kind-hearted and compassionate. My grandson was moved in a mess. Do you want me to promise him by example?"

The golden face of the Tathagata Buddha showed a helpless expression: "Amitabha, monkeys are stubborn by nature. They really should be beaten."

Zhu Bajie dared not be so presumptuous as the monkey king. He folded his hands respectfully, lowered his eyebrows and eyes and said, "thank you for the help of the Tathagata. Tianpeng is very grateful. Tianpeng is wronged and asks the Buddha to preside over justice."

When Sun Wukong recovered his strength a little, he also apologized to the Tathagata Buddha: "the unintentional loss of Yunmeng dragon almost led to a big mistake. Thanks to the timely arrival of the Buddha, the disaster will be eliminated in the invisible, otherwise the Yunmeng dragon will die hard to redeem."

The Tathagata Buddha smiled and said, "this is bad. It's a robbery, not your loss. If it weren't for this sword, I wouldn't come, you wouldn't know me, and I can't say something."

Yunmenglong was a little dizzy and looked at the Tathagata Buddha high above. He didn't know how he could stop in mid air. The throne below seemed very heavy without cloud support. Could it be that the Buddha could do magic like David Copperfield?

"Buddha, do you want to talk to me? Yunmeng dragon is flattered. I'm all ears to anything." Yunmeng dragon folded his palms.

The Tathagata Buddha is a first-class man beyond the three realms. He must speak very slowly, because slow has weight, which shows that he is calm and his words are very important. But there is also a disadvantage of being slow, that is, it is easy to be caught in stitches.

The Tathagata Buddha hasn't said anything yet. He has been answered by Zhu Bajie: "Buddha, you have to make decisions for me. Yun Menglong destroys my family happiness and takes love with a knife!" Zhu Bajie complains about Yun Menglong.

Yunmenglong and Sun Wukong were stunned. Isn't this a mouthful? When Sun Wukong was about to speak, yunmenglong shook his head. Sun Wukong looked at yunmenglong and had to swallow his words. See what the Tathagata Buddha will do.

"Bajie, I can't solve emotional problems, and I've always been insulated from love. Therefore, I can't help you with this problem. What's more, is your family really destroyed by yunmenglong? What's more, what is love? It's not what you love that is' love ', but what you love and what belongs to you that is called love! Chang'e doesn't belong to you, so there's no horizontal knife The question of love, Bajie, you are already a Buddha, how can you still be so persistent? "The Tathagata Buddha seldom talks so long in addition to talking about Buddhism. It seems that the Dragon broke the commandment for the sake of cloud dream.

In fact, Zhu Bajie also knows all this in his heart. He just doesn't want to face the tragic end that he has nothing, so he is still dying, deceiving himself and others, learning that the ostrich buried his head and thought no one could see it. But the words of the Tathagata Buddha completely made Zhu Bajie face reality.

Zhu Bajie didn't listen to what others said. He had to blame yunmenglong. The Buddha made Ya recognize the reality in a few words. Otherwise, it's not empty talk to turn around. At least for the Tathagata Buddha, it's easy to persuade people to turn back. If you can't persuade me, you can press it directly at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

Pig Bajie put his hands together piously, bowed deeply to the Tathagata Buddha and said, "thank you for the guidance of the Tathagata Buddha. Bajie knows his mistake. Now Bajie will go back and try to save my family. In the future, Bajie will be an ordinary person and live a happy life."

Then pig Bajie bowed and apologized to Yun Menglong: "I'm sorry, I'm not good. It's because I did something wrong that caused the good family to fall apart. I went to the fairy world to humiliate it. Chang'e is a good girl. You should treat her well."

"It's all over, I don't remember," said Yun Menglong with a smile. After a pause, he said, "you don't have to worry about Chang'e's problem. As long as she follows me, I will give her happiness, one day or a lifetime."

Pig Bajie nodded. Finally, when he faced the monkey king, his eyes were red: "brother monkey..." Bajie's voice choked. It was obvious that he was reluctant to give up this senior brother.

When they hold each other together, they are two hot beating hearts. Brothers are like brothers and sisters. They are so interlinked,

"Brother monkey, I'm leaving. Remember to come down to see me when you have time." Zhu Bajie told the monkey king reluctantly.

"Don't worry, have a nice trip. When I have Goku, I will take Zixia and Goku to see you. Miss Gao is a reasonable person. As long as you sincerely admit your mistake, she will forgive you." Monkey King also put away his usual immorality and spoke like a model.

Pig Bajie nodded heavily, said goodbye to Sun Wukong, Yunmeng dragon and Tathagata Buddha, and drove away.

Yunmenglong's long hair stood beside the Tianhe river. The river flowed quietly. It could not be seen that everything had returned to normal after a catastrophe. The □□□, forever is only a moment. Unlike the human world, the war is always endless. Does war happen in different ways every day? What the hell is all this for? Is it too boring for God not to control the world?

Ling Tianfei looked at himself in the reflection of the river. His thin shadow, handsome face and bleak eyes were infinitely lonely. Suddenly, I miss how many days I spent in the fairy world at the beginning of the rising sun and the beginning of the month. I don't dare to worry, because it's useless to worry. Now with the condensed fragrance jade dew and the soul gathering divine pill, it's time to go back.

As for the underworld, isn't there Sun Wukong? Give it to the monkey king to ensure that everything is OK. After all, Ya has also been the boss of Huaguo Mountain. She is quite experienced in being the boss.

Pig Bajie left in a hurry. It was just an episode, but it left an indelible impression on yunmenglong. At least it made yunmenglong miss his love very much. Come and go in a hurry, even didn't accompany you to laugh for 3000 times, didn't talk about dawn, come without shadow, go silent

The three people stared at each other. For a long time, a pig like cry came from a distance: "wife, I'm back!"

The three people looked at each other speechless, went, and finally had a voice.

"Yunmenglong, come with me. I have something to tell you." after Zhu Bajie left completely without trace, the Tathagata Buddha said to yunmenglong.

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