Supreme Satyr

Chapter 690

Hearing this, Yun Menglong looked at the fat brother of the Tathagata Buddha incredulously and said with exaggerated expression: "no? The first strong man in the fairy world, brother, don't fool me. Just sit down for a while and have an inexplicable dream, and become the first cow in the fairy world? That's too simple?"

Tathagata Buddha is still calm. Although his expression is tired, he feels relieved. In that way, he seems to put down a heavy burden. In the future, he can travel, speculate in stocks, chant scriptures, chant Buddha and play online games every day. Er, the fat body of the Tathagata Buddha comes from not exercising for a long time. If you jump up and down like the monkey king every day, you can ensure that Ya is in good shape, at least not the same tonnage as the current peak.

Although he is not handsome, he is the leader of the three realms. Being fat is called a status symbol. Most people are fat when they grow up like this. The Buddha is called spectrum.

"Monks don't lie. Tathagata never speaks falsely. I say you are the first."

"Brother, how do I feel about you? It seems that you have suddenly relaxed a lot. Nirvana. I always feel that I have got a lot, but the cost is hard to estimate. It seems that you have been on the thief ship." yunmenglong is very strange. Now there are some fire eyes and golden eyes that are not lost to Sun Wukong. I see through the Tathagata Buddha at a glance.

"Ha ha, you've wronged me. I've only increased your combat effectiveness several times, which will greatly increase the odds of victory when you compete with the demon emperor. It's entirely for your own good. As for ease, you're better than me. Of course, the task of fighting the demon robbery is up to you, and I can retire to the second line." the Buddha laughed happily, His small but bright eyes narrowed into a seam, and a little pride seeped out.

"What? Retreat to the second line? No, you're shirking responsibility. How can you do this? If the magic robbery really hits, you won't watch me be beaten?" yunmenglong always wants to hide behind the fat brother's body. He feels very kind and safe. What he always thinks is to lean behind the big tree, challenge the magic robbery and want to play with his brother. OK, You can move the mountain first. Now, the mountain ran away and sent him to the front. Without the Buddha as the backstage, I'm really terrified and have no place in my heart.

"Don't worry, I won't watch you being flattened. I'll close my eyes and pray for you. I hope you can feel the invisible power I silently support behind you. Come on, move forward, face the enemy bravely, defeat the magic robbery and work for the welfare of the whole universe." the Tathagata Buddha looks up to Ling Tianfei. His big hat is buttoned down. When he is proud, he becomes a big tail wolf again.

"By the way, I'd like to ask, what's the odds of winning a single fight with the demon emperor?" yunmenglong asked this key question after he was satisfied.

"If you get the relic before, it is ten dead and no life."

"What about now?"

"Now is a near death." the Tathagata Buddha definitely said this shocking word.

"What? A near death? It's not dead yet. It's also called greatly improving the combat effectiveness?" yunmenglong stared at his big blue eyes and questioned the small eyed Tathagata Buddha.

Buddha Buddha nodded innocently, which really greatly improved the combat effectiveness. In the past, you fought with the demon emperor, which was absolutely dead, and you didn't even have any hope. Now it's a narrow life, at least there's one hope. With your wisdom and flexibility, you don't have to survive and become the only savior of the three worlds. Menglong, everything depends on you, You have to shoulder the future of the universe! If I have something, I'll flash first. Don't bother me if I have nothing in the future. Don't bother me if I have something. Thank you for your cooperation. " The Tathagata Buddha said Amitabha and disappeared out of thin air in the sight of yunmenglong.

In addition to the Buddha himself, two of his extremely ugly envoys disappeared with him, as well as Guanyin, Puxian, Tang Sanzang, Maitreya Buddha and eighteen Arhats. It's just that people have left. Even the magnificent looking building, xiaoleiyin temple, has disappeared.

Yunmenglong stood on the open ground, not next to the world, not distinguishing between the southeast and northwest. He was completely depressed: where is this? There is a continuous fog all around. Shit, I'm lost.

"Buddha, I'm lost." yunmenglong screamed, but he could only hear his own echo.

The Buddha didn't answer, but before long, a heinous crane with bright eyes, tall and majestic, and snow-white hair came. He opened his mouth and said to Yunmeng dragon, "great saint, the Buddha asked me to take you to the great saint palace."

Yunmenglong looked up at ya's snow-white wings and said, "if you twist it down to make Orleans roast wings, it must be very good. Or catch this talking crane back and put it in the zoo, it must be rich."

"Da Sheng, what are you laughing at? When shall we go back?" the crane looked at yunmenglong and giggled at it. He couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Especially when he looked at himself, he was clearly looking at delicacies and seafood, full of greed. If he didn't try to control it, his saliva would flow down.

Yunmenglong recovered, swallowed his saliva, coughed and said, "it's all right. I'm glad to see you look so handsome. Who did you learn Mandarin from? It's very standard. Can you speak English? Now you can't find a job without a second language. Is your salary high?"

The crane was stunned. He didn't expect yunmenglong to ask himself such a question, but he did study a second language, so he answered obediently: "the great sage flattered me, I can speak Eagle language," and then demonstrated to yunmenglong: "# ¥¥%%%%%%%%% # ¥%% #..." listening to yunmenglong's first three big, this is the pure and fake bird language. I really can't understand it.

"All right, all right," yunmenglong quickly interrupted the crane: "let's go, I think brother monkey."

Sitting on the crane, I feel comfortable for a while. Lying down with this soft feather is like lying in the quilt stored by Baiyun. It's called a comfortable. This is the most high-grade quilt. Ya is alive. The wind whistling in my ears and the warm wind blowing in my face are filled with the fragrance of flowers without demons, which is relaxed and happy.

This crane is the best transportation tool yunmenglong has ever made. It is very comfortable to lie down, walk on the ground, no noise, environmental protection, no traffic accidents, wide, and so on. Unlike the narrow space of cars on earth, it is simply not a place for people to stay. As for the dragon, although Ya's back is wide, it's too hard. It's not comfortable at all. It's like making a donkey cart.

However, although the crane has many advantages, its disadvantages are still obvious, that is, speed! Yunmenglong wants to go back and talk to the monkey king about his improvement. But the flying speed of the crane is far from meeting the requirements of Yunmeng dragon. Lao Yun's heart is like an arrow - a rocket. The crane's speed is as fast as an arrow, but it's just an arrow shot by a man.

Yunmenglong thought that it was not easy for a crane to carry him, so he enjoyed it. He endured an anxious state of mind and slept on this super classic and environmentally friendly vehicle. I woke up and looked around. It was still a very uncertain place.

"I said, brother, you've been flying for so long, should you be not far from my great holy palace?" yunmenglong couldn't find the answer himself, so he had to ask the lovely Mr. mount.

With a simple and honest smile, the crane said to Yun Menglong, "it's almost time for you to sleep for another ten years. It's still early."

Yun Menglong: "I... day! Forget it, you'd better show me the way and I'll camel you."

The crane made a twist: "what's the good meaning?"

"Shit, don't talk nonsense." yunmenglong stared and said impatiently.

As soon as the crane saw that Yunmeng dragon was angry, it immediately pointed out the direction. Yunmeng dragon didn't talk nonsense. He picked up the crane and set off towards the target like a meteor catching the moon. The speed was so fast that the crane almost suffocated from lack of oxygen. Its snow-white feathers flew all the way. When it reached its destination, Ya became a bald tail quail.

"Here we are," said the quail, er, the crane.

Yunmenglong was confused. The place where the crane brought yunmenglong was a continuous mountain, shrouded in black fog. The roar of wild animals broke through the sky and poured in from all directions.

"This... Is my great holy palace?"

"No, this is Wanmo mountain!" a strange dry voice came from behind Yunmeng dragon.

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