Supreme Satyr

Chapter 691

Yunmeng dragon looked for prestige. A monster with a cow head, an elephant body and a pair of huge wings behind the pig feet stood opposite him. It seemed very innocent.

Yunmenglong frowned and asked, "brother, were you talking just now?"

The monster's ox head nodded, "yes, I'm talking."

Yunmenglong hugged his fist and said, "you look so creative. Just because of your shape, ordinary people can't see who your father and mother are. By the way, brother, what's the magic mountain? How did you get me here?"

Brother Niutou said, "ten thousand demons mountain is a mountain. There are ten thousand demons in the mountain. As the name suggests, it is called ten thousand demons mountain. This is the base camp of three demons. We are electing the demon king. I heard from Buddha Tathagata that you are a very ox and fork demon, so please come to the election."

Cloud Menglong listened to his heart and said, "the fat Buddha is not kind. It's too insidious. The God of heaven doesn't give me arhat Bodhisattva. He gave me 10000 demons with ugly appearance, strange shape and indistinguishable genes to lead. It's too perfunctory."

"Is there really 10000 demons in this magic mountain? What if new demons come to join?" yunmenglong's question is very boring.

"Well, yes, there are only 10000 demons here. If there are new demons, it depends on the ability of the new demons. If there are babies who can bribe us, we will kick out a powerless monster and ensure the number of 10000. This is also worthy of the name of Wanmo mountain." the Tauren monster explained.

Yunmeng dragon fainted. Shit, there's this thing. It seems that the head of Wanmo mountain is not a good bird. Otherwise, how can there be a general election. It is estimated that he committed demon anger, so he was impeached.

"Then make sure no new monsters sneak in?"

"No, all the demons on the mountain have registered. Only with an ID card is the demon of benwanmo mountain. If not, it is smuggling and will die miserably." the Minotaur is very patient and answers all questions about Yunmeng dragon.

Yunmenglong touched his chin: "last question, what do you do? Is it the goalkeeper here? And your name?"

The Minotaur smiled with a simple and honest smile and stretched out three furry fingers: "you asked me three questions?"

Yunmenglong looked at the Minotaur angrily: "I'm not good at math. I can't do it. Answer quickly and give me less hawing."

The Minotaur flashed a killing opportunity in his eyes, but disappeared in an instant. Ya continued to pretend to be pure: "I am one of the competitors of this ten thousand demon mountain. My name is Niu demon king."

Yunmenglong jumped back, looked at the Minotaur incredulously, and said in a lost voice, "Monkey King's sworn brother, ox demon king?"

The Minotaur nodded and smiled innocently: "my brother is famous. People say I don't say, 'Wow, so you're the ox demon king.' they say, 'Wow! You're the second sworn brother of the monkey king?' it seems that I was forced by the monkey's brother. Alas." at last, I sighed, as if I was very dissatisfied.

In fact, it's normal. Who wants to live under the light of others all his life? Just like size s, when others see small s, they say, "Wow, you're big S's sister. It's so powerful." small s will swear angrily: "go to hell, I'm powerful because I'm small s, not because I'm big S's sister!" that's the truth.

Yunmenglong patted the cow demon king's wings and comforted him: "brother, you're content. You're going to be destroyed by humanity on earth. It's good that you can fight for the king of demons here." yunmenglong had observed the fierce light in the cow demon king's eyes just now, and he found it inadvertently. A simple change in the eyes of the ox demon king made yunmenglong's divine consciousness have a strong reaction. It seems that Ya is more real ox fork. Since the Tathagata Buddha asked him to fight for the demon king, I believe he will succeed.

The ox demon king thanked him gratefully and led yunmenglong to participate in the demon king battle.

The demon king battle was held from the demon field of Wanmo mountain, because it was a little flat, so it would not be covered by clouds. Both of them knew who to fight and were killed.

Yun Menglong has seen a lot today. These demons are really personalized. They have colorful hair and diverse heads. The patrons of the twelve zodiac signs have come out. One by one, they look different and more creative than those brothers in the aliens.

Let's say the two PK on the battlefield. One is more than three feet tall, with a tiger head, a lion body and a leopard tail. His movements are as fast as lightning. He roars and shakes the earth and mountains, flying sand and stones, which is as powerful as a mountain collapse and tsunami.

Yunmenglong asked the ox demon king, "brother Niu, who is this arrogant boy?"

The ox demon king smiled and said, "he, the king of tiger and lion, is a very popular demon recently. He is a hot favorite to win the championship this time. There are thousands of demons supporting him."

Yunmenglong nodded: "the tiger lion king really looks like a king, especially the big word" King "on his forehead. He is very stylish!" after praising, he asked the ox demon king: "brother Niu, how many people support you?"

The ox demon king corrected yunmenglong and said, "it's not a man, it's a demon." then he sighed sadly: "there are too few people supporting me. It's really not worth mentioning."

Yun Menglong was attracted by the Warcraft fight in the challenge arena. He didn't pay attention to the eyes of Niu demon king, but he didn't need to pay attention. With his current cultivation, Niu demon king couldn't escape his divine sense.

Fighting with the king of the tiger and lion is a monster that looks like human beings. His red hair is two meters long. He dances without wind, and there are demons dancing in disorder. He is different from ordinary humans in that he has three hands and can stretch. With this innate advantage, it is absolutely the best of three hands to steal.

Three hands fly into the air. The three hands use three different moves: Crouching Tiger fist, splitting lion's paw, splitting leopard's claw, flying down to attack the tiger's head, lion's body and leopard's tail.

The fist strength is highly concentrated, emitting a dazzling white light and a "Chi Chi" sound. It's like the sound of meteorites scraping through the atmosphere. The split palm is like a sharp dagger. It cuts at the lion's body. The third hand wraps around the tail of the tiger lion king and pulls it hard.

The tiger lion king smiled grimly and opened his big mouth, "Hoo!" spewed out a raging flame. Ling Tianfei was startled at the blue flame. This is the purest flame, with a temperature of more than 20000. Such a flame will completely destroy everything. Burning to ashes is really the spiritual fire in the world.

The flame is spiritual and burns directly to the "three hands", regardless of his sharp attack. It was a wonderful move to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Yunmenglong looked at the unknown flame with great interest and doubted that the tiger lion king was not a local monster. Besides himself, Yunmeng dragon has seen one who can use such a flame, that is ah Huo. Isn't ah Huo sent by him to subdue the underworld?

After leaving the world for so long, yunmenglong really doesn't know what happened. The vision to the world has long been inexplicably blocked.

While meditating, the three hands have been defeated and killed by the sweeping army with a move of the dragon and tiger king.

The Dragon Tiger King's leopard tail is really powerful. It is swept up within a five mile radius. All human, animal, shrimp and crab are turned into fly ash.

Then, the second team.

Yunmenglong has been trying to be a professional audience. Seeing the highlights, he can't help screaming and clapping. Other eunuchs also clapped their furry hands and continued to watch the play.

The world of Warcraft war of 10000 demon mountain is really super wonderful, which is tens of thousands of times more objective than the world of Warcraft war of sky and moon. One by one, yunmenglong's imagination was tested. Not to mention, they all had strong bodies and super fighting ability. Just now, the demons who were dying and sprayed with blood came back to continue watching the play.

At the same time, he was interested in these strange Warcraft. If he organized this army, it would be an invincible and personalized army.

Of course, if the Buddha wants to use 10000 Warcraft to let him give up the idea of fighting immortals and Protoss soldiers, it is wishful thinking. Yunmenglong is absolutely stable. If he can pull a pair, he will never leave one.

The ox demon king came on the stage. As expected, yunmenglong expected that the old guy was an absolute old slick. Pretend to be a pig, eat a tiger, talk and laugh and kill demons. The most shameless is the one at the beginning. When people bowed politely to him, he pretended to bow. As a result, when people bowed, Ya's wings flashed and fanned out his opponent thousands of miles. It turned out that his wings were famous banana fans.

In the end, those who played were either blown away or beaten into pig heads.

Yunmenglong looks at ya's madness of beating people. It's really different from his simple and honest smile. Seeing yunmenglong's super infiltration, his outlook on life began to change dramatically.

Finally, there was only yunmenglong on the PK table.

The master of ceremonies monster said loudly, "the great saint of Qi heaven, Yunmeng dragon, come forward to fight."

Yunmenglong didn't come back for a moment until the monster next to him reminded him: it's your turn.

Yunmenglong looked, and sure enough, there was no one on the seat.

He kept staring at the stage, watching the winner turn into a loser, and sighed that things were changeable.

Yunmeng dragon Shi ran went on stage, relaxed his muscles and bones, and was ready to use the ox demon king as a target to see his current skills.

However, the ox demon king smiled with a simple and honest smile: "I can't beat Yun Dasheng, I admit defeat." then he left a stunned Yunmeng dragon on his face and patted him on the shoulder.

"After fierce competition and fighting, we finally have our new demon king. He is the cloud dream dragon, the great saint of Qitian! Everyone warmly welcome!"

Applause thundered through the mountains.

Yunmeng dragon was stunned and said to himself, "I haven't made any moves yet. Where did the fierce competition and battle come from? Shit!"

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