Chapter 107 - COLE WAS DOOMED!

Cole and Vinny walked down the hall to attend their math class.

All throughout, Vinny had been speaking about the video of how the unknown figure saved them from the massive asteroid hitting them and destroying the entire place.

Cole could do nothing but listen to it all and remain quiet even though he wanted to scream it out that he did not want to hear about himself over and over again but he could do none of that.

All the teachers asked him about the reason behind his absence and he had to lie to them all.

That did not make him feel even one bit good. He just wanted to avoid all the talks that were indirectly directed at him.

He had been never depressed so much just because people all around the world kept talking about him. That was not how he thought of his life to turn out.

Vinny and he got inside the classroom, ready to attend their next class in the schedule. As usual, both took the last-second bench together and moments later, the teacher came and started the regular class.

In the middle of it, the intercom of the principal interrupted their class, and it announced that all the teachers and students in the classroom were to listen to the urgent message straight from the United Nation's General, Selena Dion Theorex, live from the Greenlands.

Even hearing the news made Cole cautious. He could only wonder what the General had to say now to drop messages live in the middle of everyone's life.

He had been keeping track of the news on the identification of him in the video and he was thankful that no one till now had figured it out yet. Although there were many speculations about it being a human but still no proof were projected so he was safe.

Plus the robot assured him that no one could break into the system anymore so the state officials even if they tried to do so they could not be able to do so.

Also, they had shut down all forms of signals the system sent in the outer space and along the area to keep the protection ring on around the earth.

So Cole felt a little bit better about that. Plus he did not hear from the hacker anymore. He just did not know what more to do to protect his identity and hid it as a secret.

More so he did not know how long he would like to be hiding away in his room so he decided to go out and attend school instead.

But here the message that would be broadcasting soon enough by the Madam General, herself not long from now made him anxious of what she had to say and that to of so much grave importance that she could not wait another moment instead of holding the works conference press meet as usual.

"Do you have any idea of what she is going to say??"

Cole let the question out in his mind silently and in reply, all he got was a simple no. The robot did not know what the General had to say. She was very much successful of keeping everything regarding a top-secret.

Selena Dion Theorex was known for her ways of keeping things a big secret that nobody knew about, just her teammate and her companions knew about it before she decided to let others know about it.

This system of keeping everything a top-secret had let her be the three-time in a row, consecutive United Nation's General.

The teacher stopped whatever she was teaching and the classroom turned quiet when the voice of the Madam General aired out.

Cole remained static as she introduced herself very smoothly, addressed the global terror that the very recent asteroid bough upon the humanity.

He was shivering inside as to when her message would stop. When she would be done. Nevertheless, she carried on nonstop without a single break.

The moment she declared the discovery of alien life, he felt a blow coming in his way very soon. She did it...she finally addressed the public of the alien life discovery.

Cole was then sweating speculating of what was coming next when the General even voiced out the cause of his fear right away too.

She let out the invention of the vision system and Cole curled his fingers down the desk as she mouthed out that some criminal stole it from them.

And right away the students in the classroom started glaring, passing hate sights, making noises of dissent.

Cole saw all that and could not help but feel the need to run away somewhere...somewhere no..nobody could find him...where he would be able to hide away from those judging eyes and hatred views.

The teacher silenced the students and they continued to listen to the Madam General's message patiently once again.

The moment, she declared about the worldwide screening test, Cole felt the ground being dragged off from beneath his feet.

His worst fear had come had turned into a vicious reality and now only doom waited for him at the end.

"For this, as I speak, every country and their leader will undertake the rules of the screening process themselves and we hope that it could be done by the end of the week. We hope all the people would cooperate, work together and look out that even a newborn infant does not miss the screening test.

Our eyes are on the young boys and girls. We never know some organizations or any associations, hungry for power might be using the young boy as it looks like in the video captured everywhere might be using him to get their sick job done.

We will go to the deepest portions of this investigation. Do not worry. And we are sorry for not standing up to your impression and failing to protect our valued system just like that.

Even though what I said is a lot to take in. A doc.u.mentary based on whatever I said will be aired right after I m done for a better understanding.

We can only save ourselves from alien invasion by having this vision system. Hence we need it. We need it to keep our planet only to ourselves.

So help us in the screening test, help ourselves in protecting the planet.

Remember we can survive only when we are united. Only when we stand together.

We always stand United!

Peace! "

Cole's breathing quickened as he heard whatever the General had to say. He could already see and sense how much people were going to hate him for being the one who had the vision system.

They would not just spare him...they would try to get their hands on him and even worst try killing him.

Cole wanted...wanted to run away from there as the message was over and immediately right away another message was issued by the Governor of their state by the regards of the President.

It declared that the screening test kits had already arrived everywhere and that the conduction of the test would be done right away the very next day in every school, hospital, office, street, road, park, etc.

Cole's world started revolving around as he heard whatever the Governor and the Madam General said.

Right after everything was in deep chaos. As people, students everywhere started rolling through their cell phones and everywhere the news about the discovery of extraterrestrial life was floating, even the United Nations had shared the photos of their General discussing with the alien races.

The Space Agency was also showcased. The pictures of the Vision System lab, the photos of those bionic lenses, everything was aired out.

The bloggers, YouTubers, started live-streaming the facts, news, about the message that had shaken the world for a brief minute as the Madam General continued to voice out the secrets kept from the general public for so long.

Cole wanted an out from here. He could not stay here anymore. He knew very soon enough he would be caught and he was afraid he did not yet want to die.

He did not at least want to die of getting tagged as a worldwide criminal everywhere with people looking at him with hate and disgust.

Would anyone...anyone then believes that he had no hands in all of this?? That these lenses were handed to him in the name of opportunity when he was in the deepest bottom of his life??

Of course, it was very obvious no one would believe him. Not even maybe spare a second to listen to him. They would come for his head...they would even maybe after getting the lenses back would not stop hurting him as Selena Dion already declared how she was going to make sure the criminal would be sentenced to a terrifying punishment that the works had never ever seen or heard of.

In simple words, Cole was doomed!


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