Chapter 108 - TREACHEROUS ACT!

The next day, every member of the statemen got in work.

They pulled their socks as huge, large trucks carried in the white enormous bag that consisted of the screening test kits for everyone.

Everywhere the trucks carried the test kits in every nook and corner of the countries. And everyone got in line to take the test without any opposition.

It was only because they had seen what had been done to people who imposed a huge threat and opposed in taking the test.

They were straight put to jails and some were even punished severely for trying to disrupt the entire situation.

Within a limited time, the entire world, all the earthlings were undergoing the screening test one by one.


The pictures of the Vision System lab, the photos of those bionic lenses, everything was aired out.

The bloggers, YouTubers, started live-streaming the facts, news, about the message that had shaken the world for a brief minute as the Madam General continued to voice out the secrets kept from the general public for so long.

He could not stay here anymore. He knew very soon enough he would be caught and he was afraid he did not yet want to die.

He did not at least want to die of getting tagged as a worldwide criminal everywhere with people looking at him with hate and disgust.

Would anyone...anyone then believes that he had no hands in all of this?? That these lenses were handed to him in the name of opportunity when he was in the deepest bottom of his life??

Of course, it was very obvious no one would believe him. Not even maybe spare a second to listen to him. They would come for his head...they would even maybe after getting the lenses back would not stop hurting him as Selena Dion already declared how she was going to make sure the criminal would be sentenced to a terrifying punishment that the works had never ever seen or heard of.

In simple words, Cole was doomed!


Cole ran away straight from his school right after that class was over. He did not know what he was going to do but he knew that he was going to be killed if he was caught by these people.

He passed down the street, hiding away from people's eyes as if he was afraid they would catch him. They would suspect him if they were given the chance to look at his eyes.

His heart was thumping against his chest like a hammer beating down on a nail against the wall. He could see how the stalls were made ready for the test to be conducted.

In fact, his school was also getting ready to conduct the test right away the next morning. The principal had declared that the attendance of every student was compulsory and mandatory.

Hence he did not know how else he could hide away from the test. How could he avoid taking the test? He had no idea...he had no plan...he did not know what to do and what not to do...

He could not leave the city either. His going missing would be reported by his mother right away and that would give a direct message and signal of suspicion to the state authorities because they already suspect the thief to be someone of his age.

Leaving to outer space was not even a plan for the NASA was already there guarding any kind of signal going in and out of the earth. It was as if he was already trapped and he had nowhere to escape.

He quietly entered his house and climbed up the stairs to his room. He sat down on his bed as he threw away his bag. He had no one to tell or share his agony with anyone either other than the silly robot living inside his brain.

And that was too out of order for it had gone for another update. So he was all alone by himself....left to wander in his thoughts with no restrictions at all.

For a while, he did think about informing his mother about it. Maybe...maybe she would understand and try to protect him.

At this point even being the most powerful human being on the earth meant nothing. He was trapped from everywhere and no one would believe his story or worst even spare a second to listen to his side of the story.

And then he realized that he needed to find that woman...find the woman who gave him this system..those lenses and trapped him forever as the enemy of the earth inngs forever.

So he took out his phone and started going through the slides that were presented straight away by the United Nations. He wanted to know the creators if the lenses..those who worked in the lab who helped equally in making of the lenses.

So right when he flipped his screen slide from getting a full brief description of the mad scientist, Doctor Marcus Hall...he saw the picture of the woman who indeed came to him and offered him the vision system by falsifying the information that it was not just any ordinary lenses but a system...a very heavy system intact lenses.

Her name was Emily Green...

Name: Doctor Emily Green

Spouse: George Evans

Direction: Assistant Scientist, Coordinator, Simulation Directioner, Assistant Head,

But Cole could not read anything anymore the moment his eyes read the name of her spouse.

George Evans

It kept reflecting back in his mind like as if someone was lighting a flashlight in his direction.

Her spouse was none other than the man who was living next door to him, the man his mother was dating.

Damn....damn...he could not read anything past that information.

He remembered...he remembered Mr. Evans telling them that his wife was dead. He remembered it all too well but if this woman. Emily Green was really his wife then she was not dead..she was very much alive.

He...he saw her with his own eyes. That woman was very much alive and walking with bones and skeletons intact...breathing.

Was..was this all a part of their plan together?? He..he had no idea by then at that moment so he decided to flip through the slides again trying to get more and more information.

And if he had an inch bit of assumption that Mr. Evans could not be that person. He..he could be a different person with the same name. Things like that happened...there could be one signal name that was the same to many men in the world.

But then when he saw a picture of Mr. Evans as one of the working scientists in the vision system lab confirmed that the man, George Evans was none other than the one...the man living next door...the man who always waited with his SUV by their porch to drop his school...the man his mother was dating.

He..he lied to all of them. He lied to his mother and most important he hid his identity as one of the best scientists in the whole of California.

He wanted to storm down the stairs and get that man to confront right away. He now...he now felt like this was all sort of a plan..a plan to trap an innocent guy like him but...but what did..what did they get by doing so...

He had no idea about that. He was even now confirmed with his assumptions that the person trying to hack into his system was none other than that bitch, Emily Green.

She was the one...she was the criminal who actually planned this all out. She was the real mastermind who stole the bionic lenses from the lab which explained the theory that no outsider could ever steal the lenses from inside of the lab.

She stole it because she had access in and out. She was after all the head assistant scientist. She had access to every door and exit of the vision system lab. And she had the shot that nobody would ever suspect her but what Cole could not understand was what she going to achieve by doing all that. the only thing left to confirm was if Mr. Evans was also connected with this treacherous act. He needed to find that out so he stood up from his bed and walked towards his window to check if the man was inside his house and on seeing him that he was right outside cleaning his garden, Cole thought that it was the right moment.

His mother was out anyway and she would not be back any soon. So he climbed down the stairs and made his way out of his house and only stopped in his tracks when he saw Mr. Evans taking something away inside his house and when he zoomed in the view, he saw a woman inside...


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