Chapter 109 - I M NOT A GHOST!!

Evans was shocked to see someone whom he thought had died long ago. He could not believe his eyes as he saw his late wife very much alive and breathing, standing in front of him.

"Do not be in shock. I m not a ghost. "

Emily said as she made her way closer towards where Evans was standing by the door frame.

He could not still believe how come she was alive. It was after so many years he heard her voice. It took him so many guts not to do anything instead just look at her from afar, static trying to analyze if she was really real and not some of his recent hallucinations.

He had seen her before his car two days earlier but she was gone the moment he turned his head to greet Cole. It was so fast and she just disappeared from sight.

Later that evening after coming out from Ivory's house, when he stepped inside his house then and there he knew someone had entered his house.

He saw footsteps, faint ones climbing up the stairs and stopping in his bedroom. After that, there were no footsteps.

He also saw how the photos of his mother and him were misplaced. It was obvious someone had got inside the house and had roamed around his house as it belonged to them.

He for once did think of some kids breaking in but there were no signs of that. There were no breaking glasses of any window or such thing.

He found it strange. But if it was really Emily then of course all his doubts vanished because she was an expert from going in and out of closed and locked doors.

But how possibly could she be alive?? She was dead. They told him she was dead and that they could not find or identify her body because everyone was burned.

Right after that, he packed his bag, prepared for her funeral ceremony, and then once done, he left his job, his scientist career, and left the state of Massachusetts itself and arrived here.

"I know they told you I died but I never died. I was very much alive...still am. "

Emily continued as she realized Evans would not be talking anytime soon. He was in shock. A deep one.

Of course, who could blame him? Who would not be in shock if they had lived their life believing that she was dead? He lived more than ten years believing she was dead.

Heck, he even buried her burned body. He himself threw the mud over it. And here she was standing all alive and breathing like a living person.

"There was a blast in the simulation project. As always, simulations are risky and I got out of the project room right after it blasted. I was not dead. "

"Then why did you not come to me??"

For the very first time, Evans asked...opened his mouth to ask her...ask her where had she disappeared to for so long without even thinking of contacting her if she was alive all this time.

"I came back thinking you would be there for me but you were not. You instead packed up your bags and left right away."

Emily shouted out, frustrated.

" that is totally not true. I stayed there. I examined all the bodies. They said all were burned. It was so hard to recognize who was who at that point that I took the responsibility for the funeral of all those dead burned bodies because I could not recognize you."

Evans said back. He walked closer and thrashed the door closing it in a thud sound.

"I...I was taken to the hospital. I was kept in the lab hospital. Doctor Hall was there with me and he told me..he told me how you left...but.."

"But what?? Tell me. I know you Emily. You are not any dumb woman. You would not just believe anyone tells g you that I left."

Evans retorted back as he raised his hands up in a dramatic way in the air. He knew it..he could now guess that there was something...something Emily was hiding.

"Of course I m not just any dumb woman you are shaging with down the street. "

Emily mocked as she let out a laughter of mockery.

"Do not say anything about Ivory. She is far far better than you.."

Evans roared back. He did not and could not hear anyone bad mouthing about her. She was an ideal woman and he considered himself very lucky that he found her.

"Wow look at you. You are already p.u.s.s.y whippedd huh?? You are such a bastard, Evans."

"You control that mouth of yours and tell me. Spill everything out Emily. I want to know. want to know why you faked your death..."

"Faked my death...??? How did you know"

And in a slip, the truth spilled put of Emily's mouth. She was trying so hard to distract the matter but here she herself spilled the truth out. Now there was no returning back.

"There there. You already voiced it out yourself. What did you do it??? Tell me why the hell would you do such a thing?? Making me believe my own wife's dead??"

Evans screamed in anger ness and deep furry. He could not believe how he was betrayed by his own the woman he loved with all his heart. He loved her...he really did.

It was only because of her that he even agreed to join the ridiculous scientific lab and help that mad scientist with his maddening crazy projects.

He should have known...he should have known that the moment how persuasive she was to him about joining the project. She was no doubt his student once upon a time...she was in fact, one of his best students so of course, she would always support and assist him with his work all the time

"I did it...I did it because I did not want to go with you. I wanted to work and be a part of this project. I had worked hard all my life to associate, to contribute to something as big as this...but being you with your stupid, nonsensical ethics and all that tried to drag us both away from it when we both had worked so hard hard to come to that position...."

Emily took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and stopped talking for a moment. Evans could not part his eyes away from her for a single second either.

"...basically I was tired...I was tired of you narrating my life. All you ever wanted was me to become you, submissive wife, bear your children and push them out. You wanted that and I was not that...I could never be that.. "

" do not try to divert again, Emily. I never pushed you around. In fact, after we got married, we did not even go on our honeymoon because you initiated we assist in NASA's Roboz project which we did, and see what happened to Australia. We only contributed a little there but still, it sickened me to be a part of such a project, killing more than millions of life of not just humans but animals too and you know that ever since I tried to keep away from such horrendous, ambitious governmental knew that..."

Evans vehemently let out. He was speaking the truth. She was diverting it. She was always a cunning, ambitious woman who never thought about others but only herself and her career.

"But...this..this was different...this was not same like Roboz...this was a major project and for you trying to pull me away from that, I could never have done that. I could never..."

And then the door opened....


She stole it because she had access in and out. She was after all the head assistant scientist. She had access to every door and exit of the vision system lab. And she had the shot that nobody would ever suspect her but what Cole could not understand was what she going to achieve by doing all that. the only thing left to confirm was if Mr. Evans was also connected with this treacherous act. He needed to find that out so he stood up from his bed and walked towards his window to check if the man was inside his house and on seeing him that he was right outside cleaning his garden, Cole thought that it was the right moment.

His mother was out anyway and she would not be back any soon. So he climbed down the stairs and made his way out of his house and only stopped in his tracks when he saw Mr. Evans taking something away inside his house and when he zoomed in on the view, he saw a woman inside...


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