His mother was out anyway and she would not be back any soon. So he climbed down the stairs and made his way out of his house and only stopped in his tracks when he saw Mr. Evans taking something away inside his house and when he zoomed in on the view, he saw a woman inside...

He heard nonstop argument from both the sides. He could not yet clearly see the face of the woman for her back side was facing him.

He could not even form a remodel of her front in his mind by using his system which made him a bit suspicious.

Could it be that woman?? Could it be Emily by any chance?? He thought as he tip toed closer and closer towards the door.

And then he heard them arguing nonstop more clearly. It was more related to their personal life as both the man and woman spilled there words out in a vehement tone.

He felt a little rude to just barge inside and confront Mr. Evans when he was so busy arguing with an unknown woman as if they were in a hostile cold war.

So instead he decided to wait for a moment and then confront maybe but they were not coming to any conclusion anytime soon as their argument only seemed to reach the highest peak every minute and out crossing it the next second.

He did not know what got into him as he pushed the door open rather than smoothly but harshly trying to gain attention of the fighters so that they would stop and give their attention to him.

But what he saw next blew his mind. In fact, he thought he could not have entered in the most right time as this.

He got the chance to confront not just one person but two...two of them together as he made his way inside regardless of him being welcomed or unwelcomed in Mr. Evans's place.


" do not try to divert again, Emily. I never pushed you around. In fact, after we got married, we did not even go on our honeymoon because you initiated we assist in NASA's Roboz project which we did, and see what happened to Australia. We only contributed a little there but still, it sickened me to be a part of such a project, killing more than millions of life of not just humans but animals too and you know that ever since I tried to keep away from such horrendous, ambitious governmental knew that..."

Evans vehemently let out. He was speaking the truth. She was diverting it. She was always a cunning, ambitious woman who never thought about others but only herself and her career.

"But...this..this was different...this was not same like Roboz...this was a major project and for you trying to pull me away from that, I could never have done that. I could never open."

And then the door opened as both of them halted for a moment to check out who it was trying to enter their place.

And it shocked both of them out and mostly Emily as she saw someone whom she was never ready to see ever again.

She could only wonder how this hell of a dumb boy tried to get in here. She could not gulp the saliva down her throat as Cole eyed her with pure hatred and it only confirmed that the silly boy was aware of her acts of trapping his desperate self in her will of clutches.

"What...what are you doing here, Cole??"

Mr. Evans was the first one to break the silence and at that very moment, Cole was so angry at the man standing before him, trying to act and pretend innocence as if he thought him to be a damn retard as if he would not be able to find out the truth sooner or later.

He did not just betray Cole but his mother's heart too. He falsified his identity and then penetrated the roots of trust into both his and his mother's mind before letting their mastermind plan to action.

Cole became so so angry that his eyes glowed, blue icy flames evolved out of it, and then in no second, a ray of it burst through, pointing at Mr. Evans but luckily he sided away and it ended up slicing the brown metal covered piano into two pieces.

Mr. Evans was shocked...shocked to no extent as contemplating what did he just saw. He could not...could not believe his eyes.

Emily just stood static, maintaining a good distance between Cole and Evans as she started thinking of ways of getting out of the place right away. It was no safe for her.

"Cole...??? What...what was that??"

Mr. Evans found himself questioning as he eyed the young boy eyeing him with anger and vengeance, betrayal and so much more.

"Do not... I said do not pretend innocence before me. I know. I know it all how you both framed me..framed me into this shenanigans and weeks away from now, I will be hanged in the United Square for treason for what...for something I never did...something you both planned since the very start..."

Cole voiced out and he pointed his fingers to both the a.d.u.l.ts in an accusing tone. He felt so fooled...fooled for his life...fooled to doom.

Mr. Evans could not understand one thing, Cole just spluttered out as he tried to grasp in every word he could on that short notice.

" that the vision system lenses in your eyes??"

Evans asked as he viewed in awe of how the blue light was glowing in Cole's eyes. It could be used to light the entire room in the nighttime.

"Do not. I told you to not act....did not I??"

"Wait..wait.Emily, you did this?? Did not you??"

Mr. Evans interrupted Cole right away as he finally started to figure out the maze. No wonder Emily Green had decided to come back to life from death to him just because of Cole...because Cole had the vision system and so she was here.

Emily Green...Evans knew Emily Green better than anyone. She would never visit anyplace without serving to her personal motive.

But Emily did not say anything and instead sealed her mouth, staring at Cole and Evans as if she had lost her voice. She did not know what to say and what not to say. She was trying to sort things out in her super mind.

"You are are here for this?? Are you not not?? But...but did he get his hands on the bionic lenses??"

Mr. Evans found himself imploring. He could not find or connect the dots there. How did Cole get his hands on the vision system bionic lenses?? Of course, he would not have known about it all by himself. The fact, the entire world does not know about it until yesterday when Madam General, Selena Dion announced it to the whole world.

"She...she gave it to me. She came to me with those lenses on false pretense that these lenses were just some ordinary vision correcting lenses and not some super ultra mega power thing."

Cole said as he pointed his forefinger accusingly in Emily's direction. When Emily tried to lie at that very moment, trying to denounce whatever Cole just accused her of as false, Cole scanned her face with the rays that the lie-detecting machines use, and right away, her lie was caught.

Evans could not even process out the entire ordeal. He could not even try and seek to analyze the situation for it was already destined to ruin.

He was aware of the fact that once the system was inserted in a host could never be seized away from it unless the host is killed and slayed and then the lenses were collected from inside of the body.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_52086645289176032">#!_52086645289176032</a> for visiting.

He recognized the kind of trouble Cole was in. It was accident from where there was no return.

Now he recognized the past events of how Cole's past short-term blindness illness disappeared right away without the need of any treatment which was very sudden and shocking.

It had no explanation and it had vanished right away shocking both him and Ivory. Ivory thought it to be God's grace but it was instead the action of the bionic lenses.

It also explained the past occurrences of how Cole transformed from a lonely, anti-social guy to a happy go run kind of boy right away. It was due to the vision system tactic that always worked in the nervous system of the host to keep him happy and positive.

Also explained when how he started doing good and better in academics. It was so obvious now. It was because of the vision system but why did Emily give it to him. ....


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