Meanwhile, the screening tests had been being conducted all over the world without a stop or rest.

Still, no news of happiness reached Selena Dion's office. She waited impatiently as she knew that the criminal could not escape to anywhere but remain here and must be hiding somewhere trying to avoid the test.

She had made sure no spaceship or being or any kind of rays or radiations was allowed in and out of the earth for the time being.

Thus, he could not be able to escape anywhere out of the realms of the earth not hiding somewhere here in any place.

She was sure to get her hands on him right away. She could not wait for the moment when the culprit would be here right in front of her eyes and she would publicly present it before the general public in a live telecast.

Due to the recklessness, many had stopped believing in the United Nations and it was a serious issue. It took a lot of years of hard work to get where they stood.

It took a lot of time to make the United Nations the center of world politics, economics, the social norm of conduct. It took ages to make United Nations the sole detector of right and wrong in the world of humans.

Before no nations gave much attention to what it had to say or what not to say but after the third war which almost was at the position of swiping away the entire human race and United Nations leadership in controlling it without letting go of the peace in the whole world, changed the order and position of the United Nations forever in the world history, world map and works power making It the supreme organization of the earth.

Selena Dion got elected as it's the tenth General after the revolutionary change and ever since she had led the organization with total enthusiasm and people liked her rule and order maintaining the peace and law and order so smoothly.

But after the recent discovery and announcement of the age-old secret to the general public, she had lost that position of respect and admiration amongst many of them.

She wanted back. She wanted that admiration back right away. She wanted to let the people know that she was not weak...she could regain her position once again and maintain the law and order as it was before.

She wanted to catch this culprit and gain back the trust, the confidence of the general people back in her. So catching the criminal became a necessity. She could not wait when her would hear the good news.

As if the working, if the entire world had come to a halt or stop as everywhere the government officials both in public offices as well as in private firms, were busy in carrying out the screening tests as narrated out by the United Nations.

There was a stoppage of travel, migration, trade paused, imports and exports were stopped too as everyone was busy taking the test.

It was rendered as so much important than any other thing or work to be done at that time. The only factories running at that time were the screening test kit manufacturing industries.

They had to work day and night without a stop, continuing the cycle both day and night without a rest.

That was why there was a nonstop supply of the screening test kit all over the world. Each country had at least ten such industries all over every three consecutive states in a row.

Those industries were placed right away in no time. Another wastage of lots and lots of fiscal resources to attain those industries and so people came to despise Selena Dion once again.

The leaders were getting tired if her heavy expensive policies that caused the imysgae of spending a lot of money to attain the objective.

Hence it became necessary for Selena Dion to get the criminal caught as soon as possible. She kept her eyes and ears open all the time to listen to the news and the radio awaiting for the good news anytime now.


It had no explanation and it had vanished right away shocking both him and Ivory. Ivory thought it to be God's grace but it was instead the action of the bionic lenses.

It also explained the past occurrences of how Cole transformed from a lonely, anti-social guy to a happy go run kind of boy right away. It was due to the vision system tactic that always worked in the nervous system of the host to keep him happy and positive.

Also explained when how he started doing good and better in academics. It was so obvious now. It was because of the vision system but why did Emily give it to him. ....

" also tried to hack into the system. Did not you?? It was you all along trying to intrude into the system??"

Cole questioned to the blonde woman as she stood in the corner without speaking out a single word.

"It was you who attacked me. It was you all the time. Why did you do this??? Tell me?..answer me dammnit?.."

Cole screamed out as he got frustrated. How could be the so fool by coming to believe a stranger in search of opportunity? He should have never heard her. He should have run away from that vicious woman.

They said it right 'stranger danger'. It was always correct. Now he was trapped in such a grave problem from where there was no out or saving him.

Mr. Evans did not say a word as he continued to listen to what Cole had to say and accuse Emily of and at the same time he tried to study Emily's facial expression which only confirmed how shrewdly she manipulated Cole as her scapegoat in her sick game.

"Answer him....answer him. Emily. Why did you do it?? The bionic lenses were not to be handed to some young ordinary boy. People were getting trained all over the world to have that. Why did you pull that stunt??"

Evans questioned too as he stepped closer towards Emily in slow strides and that alarmed Emily as she stepped back, her eyes glowed emitting green flames out and that made Evans stop on his track and so did Cole looked a bit shocked.

He knew that no normal human could draw or emit such flame lighting through their was oy the vision system could do so then how could Emily...

"Wait did you guys make two pairs of lenses??"

Evans implored as he stopped and looked into her eyes. He remembered that the project had a shortage of money already with the preparation of just one such pair then how come he did not know of that they were going for making two of a pair.

But the next thing Evans noticed shocked him to no extent. Emily's hair was turning green too very fading as if no one would notice if they would not see it clearly so Cole did not notice it.

It was then Evans got could or could not be Emily could be totally something else.

"Are you...are you Emily?? Or you are not?? "

Evans asked as he this time started stepping back on his feet, and signaled Cole to get back too at the same time.

"Wait what???..she is..she us not human??"

Cole found himself questioning as he also this time noticed the greening of her hairs as Evans signaled him to notice. It was then he noticed it.

" guys are right. I m not one of your kind. I was never."

For the final time, Emily opened her mouth as her hairs then completely turned green...with shades of dark green on the edges, her eyes glowed more than ever and her body too changed color. It transformed into hues of blue color with yellow spots all over.

She looked nothing like a human anymore. Her body shape was the only thing that remained the same other than that everything changed.

It was for the first time, Mr. Evans was looking at an alien. Ge could not believe that Emily Green was an alien but not a human. He had known her forever then how come...he could not answer himself...

Cole was shocked too. He could not let words out of his mouth as he thought how for the very first time in that park, an alien made a visit to him and offered him those pieces of lenses in the name of opportunity.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_52094871493731768">#!_52094871493731768</a> for visiting.

"I m a Grass formed species. We are from grasses. We are green. But our planet was destroyed in a big catastrophe. "

Emily started stating her origin. Cole was finding it hard to believe as he asked the robot if the person was speaking right and the robot confirmed. Inside his mind the pictures of the Green ( Seujiya) planet was reflected.


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