," guys are right. I m not one of your kind. I was never."

For the final time, Emily opened her mouth as her hairs then completely turned green...with shades of dark green on the edges, her eyes glowed more than ever and her body too changed color. It transformed into hues of blue color with yellow spots all over.

She looked nothing like a human anymore. Her body shape was the only thing that remained the same other than that everything changed.

It was for the first time, Mr. Evans was looking at an alien. He could not believe that Emily Green was an alien but not a human. He had known her forever then how come...he could not answer himself...

Cole was shocked too. He could not let words out of his mouth as he thought how for the very first time in that park, an alien made a visit to him and offered him those pieces of lenses in the name of opportunity.

"I m a Grass formed species. We are from grasses. We are green. But our planet was destroyed in a big catastrophe. "

Emily started stating her origin. Cole was finding it hard to believe as he asked the robot if the person was speaking right and the robot confirmed. Inside his mind the pictures of the Green ( Seujiya) planet were reflected.

"I come from the planet called Seujiya. It is the greenest planet you would probably ever see in the whole Eastern galaxy. "

Emily said as she extended her right hand forward and on her palm, the ray three-dimensional picture of her planet got reflected above her hand.

She was aware that Evans could not see it for himself like Cole because he had the vision system so she volunteered herself to show him too...a glance of her planet.

"Technological leap changed everything. We were so dependant on grasses. Mind it we cannot bear ourselves with tall trees but only grasses. Our planet is only made of grasses. Grasses everywhere ranging from short, microscopic, tall, etc. But not as tall as the tress here. "

She described and at the same time she reflected the beam images of her planet's surrounding too. Cole and Evans kept watching in amazement as she kept projecting pictures.

"We do not have vicious animals either. It is just the grasshoppers that you guys call it, we call it Foring, and then the insect that you guys call the stick insect, we have it as green on our planet because we do not have any stick in there. We only have insects and dragons, yes they are green too. We call it Seujiyasorus. "

Emily took pride in showing the three-dimensional picture of the dragon too as it hawked in the air. It seemed so real.

"We only have been introduced to the modern technology by the Solomia. They are like the capitalist in your country going everywhere introducing and promoting their modern technology but it is only a trap. It is the same as yours too."

Emily said in disgust. She did not like that race anyway.

"So you mean Solomia helping us in the formation of the vision system is a trap??"

Cole found himself questioning almost immediately even shocking Evans and Emily.

" alien species which is called Solomia helped us in the vision system. I thought it was Doctor Hall's idea and Madam Lara's."

Evans asked in confusion. Those two people were the ones for whom he worked and they were always told that the entire system was their sole idea.

He never liked Doctor Hall's experiments and research projects because they were crazy and ambitious driven without the care of the general public. But he could not move ahead and say that he was not impressed by that man's mind that could think complex stuff so easily like the three-dimensional simulation system.

"Madam Lara is not a homo sapiens. She is a Solomia. Her identity is only known to the head and Madam General, Selena Dion. They proposed it to the earthlings in exchange for the South China Sea, Mediterranean sea, and the dead sea. "

"What the f.u.c.k??? How could they?...".

Cole could not stop himself from swearing right in front of them. He did not know about that. Who would do such stupidity of exchanging something like our water resources with a technological leap??

Evans turned to give a look to Cole for swearing. He did not like it. Of course, in absence of Ivory, his parental instinct got switched on every time.

"Wait how come nobody knows about this?? And why does the general public not know about this?? "

Evans implored. It was declared that in the present announcement and message in the live broadcast, Madam General, she assured the people that she did not keep any more secrets with them.

Everything was let out to the general public despite the circ.u.mstances knowing many would not take this information very lightly.

"You think she would go ahead and say that she accepted the contract of technological leap in exchange for water resources ??"

Selena Dion mocked. How could he be so dumb thinking that a person like her, Selena Dion would do that??

"Solomia always roamed around with their technological leap, spreading them in exchange for something else, mostly planetary energy. They are the richest race in this zone of the galaxy. "

Emily mouthed out and then proceeded in showing the other things. Sometimes she also let them have a view of the other scenic beauty of her planet.

Their sun was called Xurjo and it was bigger than the sun of our solar system. It also showed that only three planets were there revolving around the Xurjo.

"Now I know you guys must be thinking what happened to our planet?? It was then when Solomia offered us the same technological leap as what they had offered you guys, we accepted the deal of giving them one-fifth of our grasses. We thought it would not have much effect on our planet system but it did. "

Emily said and closed her eyes recalling how the catastrophe spread. She could see her people, more than half of them being dead and a majority injured for life.

"Within a decade, all the microscopic grasses started to vanish which took us by a shock. We started to investigate the case but we could not for they have limited our technological leap. When we asked for some more, they said they needed more of our grasses but of course, we could not give them..."

Cole and Evans silently listened to her. They were so much drawn to the incident as they ran their eyes on the projectile beam image of the damaged planet reflected on her hand.

"But we were already trapped the moment we said yes to them. So it was of no use. We then took matters into our hands and tried to solve the problem. It was when our ecologist declared that we have instigated a chain reaction by which when we tear away a fraction of grass, the other group would go on dying. We never understood that. Our ancestors did tell us to never pluck any grass but as we grew we did it. We did it to build structures, artifacts and not just the deal with Solomia contributed to the chain reaction but we did too. Long long agoo."

Cole understood what she was saying. He could relate it with their earth too. Just like what the Roboz*five thousand did to their smallest continent, Australia. That day a more than millions of people, species and animals died altogether in a fraction of second.

So he could get how their planet might have been affected. It would have to be a long long process but when you reach the end, there is no returning back. It becomes almost impossible to stop such a chain reaction. No events, no technological up roars could ever transverse the system of chain destruction and extinction back because it is a natural process.

"Our ecologist declared that we cannot stay here anymore. So being the space commander of my planet, I went away in search of help. First target was to find the Solomia planet. They have many but they denied entry. Their technological leap made their planet look invisible to the outsiders so it took me and my team ages to locate it and discover it but when we did, we got an alarm call from our planet and we had to return right away but only to discover that it had been destroyed. "

Emily took a pause and breathed in some air to calm herself down. Her eyes shone a little less brighter than before as she pitied her planet, the people...she could never have them back.

"Our commander could only transport a few million people out and we could not save the animal species either. ..."

But Cole interrupted her right away...

"Why should we believe whatever you are saying???"


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