"Did you kill all of them?" Matty asked.

"No Wait first estimate how many were jumbled up there." Vin questioned.

"It was probably fifty of them. It could be less. I only killed those who were an immediate threat to me. " Cole answered.

"I knew...I knew it. He could never kill all. " Vin let out.

"Vin, I cannot end all my bullets firing up for anything." Cole reasoned as he continued walking.

"True. And here I wonder how many bullets Vin has now?" Matty snorted.

"I answer to that being very close close to zero," Chris commented.

Everyone laughed except for Vin who just grunted out in annoyance for every one of them was making fun of him, pulling his irritated and annoyed leg.

And suddenly Cole said something which stopped them all, silence masked over.

"I see you, Chris."


Cole laughed and resumed walking with steady steps, shoulders down and that was when he saw...saw Chris. His face poking out of a short bush.

"Destination arrived!"

On the map, the place where Chris was hiding was red-marked, highlighting it. There was a moment of silence. 

"Where...where are you?" Chris asked right away.

"Look in the front," Cole answered.

On following Cole's leads, Chris looked in the front, poking his face out of the green, yellow bush, and there...there he saw his teammate.

The feeling then, Cole and Chris felt was elated. They felt like they reunited after lots and lots of endless journey. A point came when they almost gave up trying to locate each other and here they were.

Maybe that was why people said to try over and over again even when you feel like giving up. You feel so lost that you want to drop it right away. But then if you keep the faith, hope, and an eagerness to reach that path where you had made your mind to arrive which you had not seen yet through your n.a.k.e.d eyes, you definitely would reach therein sometimes even if it took longer and much longer time.

"Do you see him too, Chris?" 

Vin could not help but ask because he wanted to hear what was going on. There was a sudden silence and he was very eager to know what was going on. 

"Yes. Chris, tell us you see him. Please please tell us." Matty poked in too.

"I do guys. see him. "

Chris replied breaking the silence and questions that were hovering over the intense suspense like the wind all over the teammates.

"Damn! Damn! Cole, you did it, man." Vin applauded.

"Yes, Cole! Bravo. You did it. " Matty named with joy.

Chris stepped out of the bush and headed to where Cole was standing. Cole could not help , the light smile plastered on his face. Damn! He really did it. Like for real he did it. 

"Mention not guys! I could only wish if we could meet together." Cole let out.

"Yeah...yeah. I m walking towards him. " Chris chimed.

"Lucky you both!" Vin muttered under his breath.

"Danger! Enemies ahead!"


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