Chapter 17 - I DID NOT KILL HIM...

"Damn! Damn! Cole, you did it, man." Vin applauded.

"Yes, Cole! Bravo. You did it. " Matty named with joy.

Chris stepped out of the bush and headed to where Cole was standing. Cole could not help , the light smile plastered on his face. Damn! He really did it. Like for real he did it. 

"Mention not guys! I could only wish if we could meet together." Cole let out.

"Yeah...yeah. I m walking towards him. " Chris chimed.

"Lucky you both!" Vin muttered under his breath.

"Danger! Enemies ahead!"


Chris and Cole, both turned together to see on their right, an enemy pointing M416 at them. 

Chris and Cole were standing five feet apart from each other, not ready with their guns, eyes wide opened. 

Damn! why did the barbie not announced a bit earlier? 

They were having an emotional bonding for a moment. After all so much tryings, rushing, and longing they had finally been able to see or be with one of them together in this unknown world of a realistic version of the game. 

"Danger!Enemies ahead!" 

The barbie continued to alert and the voice would remain there unless and until Chris or Cole shot the enemy standing in front of the dead but it was very likely that the opposite would happen. 

Even before they could point their M416 to the intruder, they would be on the ground knocked out with blood overflowing out of their wound. 

"Guys? You both there?" Matty questioned, anxious.

"Man. I heard barbie saying 'enemies ahead'. Did both die?" Vin asked, restless.

And the moment they heard the gun firing sound, Cole and Chris fell flat on the ground, closing their eyes right away. 

But strangely they did not feel pain...pain anywhere on their body so it made them open their eyes to examine their body. They found no injuries or any wound that had blood oozing out of it. They were not dead.

They looked in the front to see their enemy dead but who killed him or her. Cole and Chris both wondered. 

"Did you kill him, Chris?" Cole implored.

"Oh, man! You both are alive?" Matty was quick to intrude.

"They are talking meaning they are alive, Mat. Common sense." Vin grunted.

"No, I did not kill him," Chris answered Cole's question.

If both of them did not kill, who did it? Cole and Chris walked towards each other and hugged tightly, missing their company. Damn! they were going clueless here. 

In this unknown land of mysteries, shadows, and gaming world which they used to play on their personal computers now, they were living inside it, playing the game that they had played so many times but now they were so oblivious about it. 

Everything was different here and they had no idea how all the things worked. It was hard and hazy to find out in one go because it might get them killed and they would have had to start all over once again. 

Chris ran towards Cole and engulfed him in a tight hug, missing their company. Cole returned the hug and that was when he saw her...sneaking out, unaware that he saw her.

He only could wonder why did she save them and not kill them all? Thus, increasing her killing count. Who was she?

"Let's get going now and find the others," Chris said pulling away from the hug.

Cole nodded and they both started walking forward, keeping themselves alert every second of the time.


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