"Hold hand man...hold hand man..." Chris screamed.

Cole tried to reach for his hands but he was pulled in the other way and like how the compact disc circles around the gramophone, they rotated around it in waves and waves, making their mind frozen and restless.

Oh dear God! What was this? 


Chris closed his eyes in surrender. It was too much to keep looking while moving in a circular motion and that at a speed that he had no idea of but it was so much more than he could expect or estimate about it.

Cole wished, again and again, to be freed from this dreadful circular thing that they were stuck in which he had no idea of. 

Maybe..maybe he was wrong this time of listening to move forward while they could have just stood there in the same place and fight till the end. Even if they would have died, they would return and repeat the same process. 

It was not that bad but then there was a time limit set...they knew it and if they did not end it till the time limit was over, everything would be over even the wish to go back home or at least find an answer to how to get home.

They were getting deeper and deeper, reaching the center of the circular disc in high-speed motion. Their vision got blurry and hazy as it neared the epicenter of the disc.

Cole could only wonder what was this thing that they had not come to encounter in the virtual version of the game. They never knew if such a thing existed either in the game. 

And then a blast took place where everything darkened. Cole closed his eyes tight afraid, scared and so did Chris. They could only pray that this thing was not the final source of ending their life in the game and they stepped inside of it unknowingly like a fool, ending everything themselves.

He felt bad that he dragged even Chris into this when he was unwilling to take part in it. Now if this was disastrous then it would be totally his fault for pulling his friend into this shit too. 

The vibrations stopped altogether and as if they were inside a suction pipe, they were blown out of it making them fall onto God's knew where.

"Damn! Why did it have to kick us out of its clutch?" Chris groaned

Cole opened his eyes and saw that they were in between innumerable broken or ruined apartments. He stood up and looked over at Chris.

"Are you alright?" He asked in concern.

"Apart from having broken a few hip bones, I think I m fine."

Chris replied, applying pressure onto the ground with his both hands on either side to stand up on his feet. Cole helped him a little with it. 

"Bro you are standing up, do not be dramatic much. If your hip bones were broken, you would have been shrieking in excruciating pain. " Vin let out.

Cole could not believe that they were now able to talk with Vin and Matty again because of the time when they entered inside that horrifying tornado, he tried to contact them as much as possible and he was not answered. It was like their connection got disrupted or something.

" could hear us?" Chris questioned, giving an eerie look towards Cole's way.

Perhaps Chris was thinking the same thing as him. Maybe Chris also tried to reach for them and was not answered back.

"Yeah I and Matty can hear you now but you guys shut down your connection or something for a while?" Vin responded.

"No, we did not. Why would we shut it down when we do not even know how to shit it?" Chris made a confused face.

"I do not know then. I thought of asking you guys how you do it once you both returned. Seems like we have another mystery to solve brothers." Vin grinned.

Cole ignored the rest of their conversation as he looked around where exactly they were. There were houses and apartments everywhere, broken and ruined. It looked familiar like the place Schools in the game's map when they used to play.

Immediately he wished to see the map and see where they stood in their current location. 

"You are in Schools, Erangle." 

As soon as Barbie said that both Chris and Cole looked at each other. If they were in Schools then were they standing on the place where Matty was? That was where they meant to go. 

Cole wished to locate Matty and instantly the map beeped and showed them where Matty and they both stood. It looked so so close.

"Martagalus*Intrepid located in forty meters distance from the current location, apartment number six hundred seven west of Schools."

The barbie replied and Cole and Chris could not stop their laughter of joy. They both hugged each other. They did it. They reached where they came to reach it.

So that circle...that circle was the shortcut. It was like a wormhole that connected the two places covering the shortest distance in between them. Cole came to that conclusion. And probably that was why their connection to converse with the others were disrupted because the technology would never work inside a wormhole.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

They journeyed inside a wormhole. Cole would not believe it. He might be wrong but he did not know what else to pick it up as. He had only a vague idea about what wormholes and black holes were. 

It had no event horizons so possibly it was no black hole so probably a wormhole. Ahhh...damn! Whatever it was the shortcut that got them here.

"You guys start walking and meet me in six hundred seven apartments." Matty broke Cole's reverie.

"Yes..yes.. let's meet you Mat in twenty minutes." Chris cheered.

"Guys when will you all come to get me?" Vin groaned.

"We will get to you soon, Vinny," Cole said.

With that both, of the friends started to walk in the direction of the west as one of them kept their eyes upon the map and the other one acted as a guard for hiding enemies. 


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