Damn! Damn! Damn!

They journeyed inside a wormhole. Cole would not believe it. He might be wrong but he did not know what else to pick it up as. He had only a vague idea about what wormholes and black holes were. 

It had no event horizons so possibly it was no black hole so probably a wormhole. Ahhh...damn! Whatever it was the shortcut that got them here.

"You guys start walking and meet me in six hundred seven apartments." Matty broke Cole's reverie.

"Yes..yes.. let's meet you Mat in twenty minutes." Chris cheered.

"Guys when will you all come to get me?" Vin groaned.

"We will get to you soon, Vinny," Cole said.

With that both, of the friends started to walk in the direction of the west as one of them kept their eyes upon the map and the other one acted as a guard for hiding enemies. 


"You have arrived at your destination." 

Barbie said in the air.

Cole and Chris looked at each other, grinning as they stood in front of the apartment six hundred and seven. There was no door. 

Finally, they did it. They were getting closer to each one of them and possibly, later on, complete the game too and find a way out of here to get back home.

"Guys, stop the dramatic-looking at each other and get in." Matty snorted.

"Yeah...yeah man. I was about to say that." Vin throttled.

"We are going in ok. Just wait." Chris rolled his eyes.

Cole shook his head and stepped inside with Chris looking around as they passed the broad living space with broken tables, sofas scattered on the white tiled floor. Glasses, broken flower vases, pots, and too many things laying on the floor. Cole and Chris eyed it as they moved past it.

"Matty, why don't you just come out? Why make us get inside the house?" Chris irritatingly let out. 

It made sense. So Cole agreed with Chris. Why did not Matty just come out? It would be easier that way than going around and finding him in each and every room of the huge apartment.

"Guys...I have a. I have a problem." Matty let out after a brief silence.

"What? What do you mean?" Chris implored as he looked at Cole

That piece of information got them to halt on their steps and stop to hear what Matty had to say. What if...what if the boy was in danger? Or in some kind of threat? 

"I cannot walk up to you guys." 

"Why Matty?" Cole asked this time.

The silence was what Cole got as an answer as Matty took his sweet time to reply back.

"Matty common do not be so dramatic. Speak it out." Vin angrily let out.

"Do not be angry at him, Vin," Chris mumbled.

"Well, he is wasting his time dude. We have to complete this game too. Go out there and fight or we remain stuck here once the time limit is over which we have no idea." Vin retorted back.

"He is right actually. Matty, we have a game to play outside. Common speak it out." Cole intervened.

"Guys...I m stuck. " 

"Damn! Matty, we thought something else happened. " Chris yelled.

"I told you he was being dramatic." Vin snorted.

"Ok. Tell us where are you exactly?" Cole ignored the commotion.

"Upstairs. Take right and turn north. This house is super big." Matty replied.

Cole nodded his head and soon enough both Chris and he ascended the broken rusty stairs carefully looking out for enemies. You never know where these people could hide and be aiming for your head.

They followed the direction as narrated by Matty and entered inside the first room. The damn house was surely big.

"Did you guys find him already?" Vin asked getting restless.

"Matty...Matty you here?" Chris omitted Vin's question and instead called out for Matty.

"Matty. If you are here, respond." Cole repeated.

When they received no answer back, Cole and Chris thought maybe he was not here and exited the room right away and entered inside the adjacent one.

"Guys...I m here. I can see your shoes. Look underside the bed." Matty's voice bloomed.

Chris and Cole sighed in relief and immediately looked down to see Matty stuck by the heavy metal case. His legs were stuck underside it and he could not lift it with both hands as it did look heavy. 

"Damn! Man, how did you get inside of it?" Chris interceded.

Cole stood by his side and with the help of Chris pushed the wooden bed aside. Matty raised his head, sighing in relief for he was laying on his back for a very very long time now with no hope of waking up until his friends could get him.

"How did you..?"

"I was fighting and then magically I must have picked up the M416 with the least number of bullets in it because Vin killed half a century people still his bullets are left up till now. And then to save me I ran here, those bastards or bitches whoever they have followed me in. " Matty cut Chris short.

Cole and Chris placed their hands on either side of the metal case ready to lift it on the count of three as Matty continued to speak out the situation to them.

"They did not stop following me and so I sneaked here. I got inside the bed and this case was held up by two narrow slits under the bed but I must have knocked those slits down and it fell on me. " 

Cole and Chris again counted one two three and tried to lift it but to their bad luck, they could not. They groaned in annoyance.

" The case was just too damn heavy and I got stuck in here. Hopefully, no one came to look out for me here or else..." 

Cole and Chris tried for the fourth time and finally slid the case aside making sure they did not hurt Matty anymore than he was hurt.

"Can you try getting up now?" Chris asked with concern.

"I guess I could try. Hopefully, they are ok down there. " 

Matty replied looking at his freed limbs trying to move them sideways, it ached in the joints but with the help of his two pales, he finally stood up with their support.

"You think you can walk?" Cole polled.

Matty nodded his head, "Yeah...yeah I think I will be alright."

"Then come to me now. I m dying all alone here, blood all over me." Vin groaned.

The three of them laughed finally breathing in relief after brief hard labor and completing it successfully without regrets. 


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