The boy was scared out of his shit. After all, he was just fourteen. They could not blame him or accuse him of being so fearful. This everything so new, so different, so weird must have gotten him real bad.

The three boys laughed as they eyed him in his fearful state. Vinny could not help himself but make sounds, noises of them being in grave danger, hurt from the explosion. 

"Ahhhh....ahhhh...I m dead. Save me." Vin screamed.

Chris laughed his guts out as Vin ran around screaming, crying for help trying to grab little Matty's attention. Cole was helpless. It was just so unstoppable from getting his friends distracted. They always got distracted. It was so easy for them to forget the current tense situation. 

"Stop it, stomach hurts." Chris cackled, feeling hot.

After a while, Matty decided to look up and what he saw got him blushing in shame. He thought for sure an explosion took place from Vin's crying and yelling for help. 

"Ahhhh....we are us...ahhhh...." Vin continued running around like a lunatic until Matty walked up to them.

He looked at them feeling ashamed of being so fearful. And a minute ago he was trying to point out why Cole was not fit for being the leader when he was not perfect.

"Aww, our little Matty got fearful." Vinny awed.

"Stop Vinny. God, you are too goddamn funny." Chris pulled Vin off from Matty.

"Let me press this time. But Matty does not run again." Vin chuckled.

"He will not. Double press it. " Chris asserted.

Matty was just too embarrassed to even say anything. He looked up at Cole but Cole just gave him a cool look.

When Vin pressed and nothing happened. They let Matty try it too but even then nothing happened.

"Cole it is your turn now."


Cole moved forward and bent down to press the blue button as his friends eyed him and his every move doing it.

"We all know that it could be only done by Cole then why did we waste time taking our turns?" 

Vin mockingly threw the question in the air and Cole halted on his action of pressing the blue button. 

"We all wanted to try I guess. Now common let Cole do it." Chris answered.

"Do not run away Matty now." Vin made fun of.

And without giving any much thought, Cole pressed the blue button. Matty closed his eyes, shielding his ears with both of his hands once again. Chris and Vin looked around if something, anything would happen. 

They waited for a brief second but when nothing happened even after that yet Matty did not dare open his eyes nor taking his hands off from his ears.

"Nothing happened?" Chris broke the silence.

"This must be a game prank or something. Mat common buddy, open your eyes. " Vin laughed.

And exactly at that period, the ground started to shake drawing everyone's attention. They all looked at each other with eyes asking questions, unspoken to each other.

The shaking of the ground got hyper in the next second and then suddenly the heaps of sand dunes spring up in the air like waves surrounding them. 

"What the hell? What is this?" Matty cried out

"I have no idea brother," Vin yelled back.

The vibration of the ground now was also emitting a brief noisy sound that made them bring up their hands and shield their poor ears. 

The raising sand dunes started dancing in the air enveloping them in a wide circle. Chris, Vin, and Matty closed their eyes afraid the sand would get in. Cole tried to see what would happen but could not keep it open for a longer time. 

Sand started blowing at high speed and then a wheezing sound was heard. They felt like they were caught in between a ragging tornado now blowing them away to God's knows where they had no idea about. 

They only opened their eyes when they heard the sound of the gun firing, people yelling and screaming. 

"Holy shit!" Vin grasped.

They were in the middle of the war. They found their shoulder to be heavy and turned to see the new M416 hung on there. 

Cole quickly slid his M416 in the front taking position, Chris had gotten a snipper and he was so happy about it. Vin got M416 and so did Matty.

They immediately parted and started firing their enemies which they had no idea of. All they knew was to have the highest kill here and be out. 

Cole took a position on the left and started knocking everyone, timely hiding near the rock like a pedestal to protect himself. He looked over at his friends and they were doing good too.

Chris and Matty stood side by side as they started slaying. It was a hard business to knock one down completely for their teammates would be nearby to revive them right away. 

"Everyone here has their teammates," Matty uttered.

"Of course they would not come to fight unless they had rescued all their teammates," Chris replied, aiming his snipper. 

He made sure only to knock those down twice who were a few distances away from their teammates. The lens in the snipper helped him to see their name on their custom thus helping him to recognize if their teammates were close by.

Matty remembered he had two hand grenades which he collected from the apartment where he had been stuck. He slipped his hands inside his pocket to find them there. He was afraid that being inside the tornado made him lose those two awesome things.

" boy..don't you want to kill enemies?"

Chris asked as he noticed in between firing that Matty was grinning at something. Matty showed him one of the grenades which he threw up in the air and boom, a hundred or at least a thirty-something were knocked in one swift move.

"Well done bud." Chris smiled.

"I know my quick ways," Matty smirked.

"Keep another one for later." Chris pointed out.

Matty nodded and resumed his old way of slaying and knocking down anyone and everyone which his eyes could see as all of them were nevertheless their enemies.

Vincent was always an expert in shooting in real-life as well as in gaming because he had good aiming and also his move was speedy. He kept a quick count of how many he knocked down up till now. 

When the teammate of the person he just shot would come to give him or her a revival, he was quick to knock them all down all together thus ending the story of one whole squad right away. 

He was after all an A-grade shooter in real life. His father was serving in the military and he was also expected to follow the same route for his studies was another story of grand failure. He had no regrets over it.

Cole resumed killing with no rest. The battleground was full so there were plenty who you could aim to knockdown. And as said, when they ran out of bullets in their present weapon, a new one fully loaded appeared on their back right away.

Halfway through Matty got shot but Chris was quick to give him a revive and the entire team was relieved.

"I see Viku guys..." Vin screamed.


"Say what?" 

Cole and Chris shouted back at the same time. Finally, they had come to notice the winning head of the game. They were planning to get rid of him.

Cole wished to know their kill count and barbie declared it right away.

"You are fifty-five kills away from the winning team, Salsiku!" 

Cole again wished to know the time of the game left. It was necessary to know how much time they had in their hand to turn the winning story of the game over.

"One hundred and seventy seconds left from a total of seven hundred and twenty-second total game time." 

The barbie declared. They had only a little more than two minutes which was a lot of time in correspondence to the game but they needed to act quickly and kill more than fifty-five right away but they needed to knock this Viku down first for he would continue killing and killing none stop. 

"We heard what Barbie said," Chris said.

"Should I knock him down? He has two of his teammates with him." Vin let out.

"Knock the goat down. " 

Cole gave the green signal. That would at least stop the shooting machine as Viku was called at least for a while. Knocking him and his team down would make them board the plane and come back down here just wasting a little more time of the left over two minutes which they could use it to increase their killing count.

"Damn! I knocked down Sikara instead of team Kosoo."


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