Chapter 28 - IT IS YOUR TURN NOW!

He closed his eyes again and wished for the third time. He knew he was not going to get the answer for his mind was not calming instead of in a restless, frenzy state. 

He opened them only to discern the sad, worried faces of his friends. He hated that look plastered on his face. He felt like giving up but he could not. He knew that. Either he gave up the idea of going home which he could never so he tried again. 

"Invalid command!" 

"Invalid command!"

"Invalid command!"

"Invalid command!" 

"Invalid Command!"

This got Cole. It messed up his mind totally and he angrily sat down on the sandy ground thinking it was over. He could not do this anymore.

But then he was reminded of his mother who would be waiting for him back at home which got him all over himself. He needed to win this game by hook and crook. He had to and there was no going back. 

He looked over at his friends and their eyes were set on him. He breathed in and gave it a try for the final time. 


"I just. I just do not know how to get that barbie to talk to me about getting more weapons." Cole said, sighing in defeat.

"It is alright ok? We will just try to collect more weapons, explosives on the way. Let's just sit here for a while and then we move to the battleground." Vin patted Cole's shoulder.

"All we will get are spare guns, leftovers with a few bullets in it. " Matty shrugged.

"We will make it work with that. So it will be alright." Chris let out.

"But guys have you not thought about the possibility that when we played war mode in our personal computers, the weapons are automatically delivered to us on our back maybe it will be the same for this reality version too that is why the barbie is saying the invalid command. " Vin explained.

Chris nodded his head, "It could be that too."

Cole felt so lucky to have friends like this who were so supportive and cheerful of him. He did not know what he would have done if they were not by his side. Now he could only hope if they would successfully be able to win the game and get the hell out of here.

"So now how do we get to where everyone is?" Matty asked.

"Maybe try asking Barbie? You do not have to if you do not feel like it." Chris gave a genuine pat on Cole's shoulder.

Cole shook his head, "Let's do this man. I m alright now."

They gave him a little space as he closed his eyes to wish for where everyone was. On the first go, he did not receive any reply but he did not give up and went on with it again. He knew that this took time and patience.

This time when he could not do it and opened his eyes to see his friends looking back at him, he did not feel pressured or rushing things because he knew his friends were there for him. 

He shut his vision down once again and wished to be where everyone was. And right away he did not expect an answer but as he waited for the barbie to speak, he heard his friends yelling out his name from the distance. He hesitantly opened his eyes.

"Cole come over here?" Vin called out.

Cole gave then and knowing look and walked towards them as he thought what was it. When he got closer he saw them, he saw that their eyes were focused on a tiny box with a card placed atop it.

"What is this?" Cole asked.

"We do not know. It just fell down from the sky. I suppose it is from what you wished for?" Vinny said.

"Let's read what is written on the card," Matty notified.

Everyone nodded as Cole picked up the card with no idea whatsoever could be written over there. He turned it over and was taken aback by the four simple words written on it and nothing else to explain any of it.


"What is written? Read it out loud." Matty urged.

"Press the red button. " Cole quoted what was written on the page.

"Just that?" Matty questioned.

"Yes, just that and nothing else," Cole answered.

"What? What the hell?" Chris snatched the card from Cole's hand to reread it.

Chris passed Cole a weird look and returned his eyes back on the card. Cole did not know what to say. Chris passed the card to Matty and Vin. And all of them just gave him the same weird look.

"Why are you guys eyeing me like that?" Cole could not help but ask.

"Because there is nothing written on it. It's blank. " Matty replied.

Cole gave them the same look they were giving him a while ago. He yanked the card from Vin's hand and reread the same four words written on it again.

'Press the red button!'

"Why the hell can't you guys see the four words written in bold over here?" Cole asked irritated.

This situation kept getting weirder and something they did not know how to confront. 

"I get it." 

Everyone turned to look at Vinny. His eyes were fixed on the box laying on the sandy ground with a red button in the middle.

"Perhaps only Cole can see what is written on the card and we cannot. " Vin reasoned.

"That makes sense." Chris nodded his head.

"And there is a blue button on the box. Let's just press it and see what happens." Vin further said, pointing at the tiny blue button atop the box.

"What if...what if something happens?" Matty doubted.

"What if...what if an explosion takes place killing us all? We can't just press it just because we are asked to." Matty quirked.

Vin shook his head, " Then what else are you going to do? We need to do what is asked of us obviously because we do not know more."

"Let's just press it and get over with," Chris said and quickly pressed the button.

Matty ran backward, shielding his ears with both of his hands. Vin and Chris stood in the same place as Cole waiting for something to happen but nothing happened as they waited and waited and waited...

"Nothing happened I see." Chris broke the silence. 

"Look at Matty." Vinny pointed his finger.

Matty stood feet apart from where all the three were standing, eyes closed, ears shielded with both of his hands, his forehead had a lining of stress and fear, anxiety at the same time.

The boy was scared out of his shit. After all, he was just fourteen. They could not blame him or accuse him of being so fearful. This everything so new, so different, so weird must have gotten him real bad.

The three boys laughed as they eyed him in his fearful state. Vinny could not help himself but make sounds, noises of them being in grave danger, hurt from the explosion. 

"Ahhhh....ahhhh...I m dead. Save me." Vin screamed.

Chris laughed his guts out as Vin ran around screaming, crying for help trying to grab little Matty's attention. Cole was helpless. It was just so unstoppable from getting his friends distracted. They always got distracted. It was so easy for them to forget the current tense situation. 

"Stop it, stomach hurts." Chris cackled, feeling hot.

After a while, Matty decided to look up and what he saw got him blushing in shame. He thought for sure an explosion took place from Vin's crying and yelling for help. 

"Ahhhh....we are us...ahhhh...." Vin continued running around like a lunatic until Matty walked up to them.

He looked at them feeling ashamed of being so fearful. And a minute ago he was trying to point out why Cole was not fit for being the leader when he himself was not perfect.

"Aww, our little Matty got fearful." Vinny awed.

"Stop Vinny. God, you are too goddamn funny." Chris pulled Vin off from Matty.

"Let me press this time. But Matty do not run again." Vin chuckled.

"He will not. Double press it. " Chris asserted.

Matty was just too embarrassed to even say anything. He looked up at Cole but Cole just gave him a cool look.

When Vin pressed and nothing happened. They let Matty try it too but even then nothing happened.

"Cole it is your turn now."


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