Chapter 27 - BY HOOK OR CROOK!

Damn! What the f***?" Vinny groaned.

Chris too strode forward and kicked Vin on his front lightly, joining hands with Matty. Cole smiled knowing what was going on finally figuring it out.

"Why the hell everyone kicking my arse?" Vin grunted, laying on the ground.

"Join us, Cole. Give this piece of shit a taste of his own medicine." Matty called out for Cole.

Vin gave his puppy a cute face towards Cole making him laugh. It was his way of saying sorry. They all knew that Vin being Vin, he would not just come down like someone else or anyone else would and hence Chris and Matty started to fight amongst each other. 

Cole did not understand that first but now he did. He thought they were fighting for real but they were not. It was to bring Vin down because he was just not going to come down. It was after all Vin, they were talking about.

"That is not how you greet your long lost friend." Vin accused, standing up with the help of Cole.

He quickly engulfed Cole in for a bone-crushing hug. It had been a while since they saw each other. One day, they were at school, talking about winning the match and now they wake up to this whole new world of which they had no idea of and were completely stuck inside of it if they did not win the game and figure out the rest. But winning the game did not sound easy either anymore.

"So guys...we are here. All four together. We should decide the plan how to come out as winner." Matty recited. 

"What is the time?" Vin asked.

Cole wished for the game time again and barbie replied right away with that they had a total of seven hundred and one seconds left in their hands. 

"We know Viku will be there. And also others. All of them we were having a match with are here." Chris said.

"We need more weapons than just the spare gun we picked up." Vin asserted.

"That is absolutely true." Cole nodded.

"And we need to come up with a plan of the highest kill. We need to know who has the highest kill and in that way, we can know how much more we have to kill to win." Vin stretched.

"But how do we do that?" Chris intervened.

"Cole...Cole try wishing it. Wish for knowing who has the highest kill in the game right now. " Matty directed towards Cole.

"Yes. Only you can do it. " Vin affirmed.

Cole nodded his head, "Can you guys give me at least a second to do that. It needs concentration and calmness of mind else it does not work. " 

"Take all the time of your life but remember we are running out of time too. " Vin chuckled.

Cole shook his head in disapproval and walked feet away from the three of them as they continued to talk about how they discovered how they were stuck in a game and how they survived so long.

Cole closed his eyes and wished. 

"Invalid command!" 

He did it again with patience and calmness. 

"Invalid Command!"

He reminded himself to stress out so he did it again and again and again and again but to his distaste, every time the reply was "Invalid command!". He was reaching his breaking point as his friends surrounded him, showing their support. 

" Give another try. We all know you can do it." Vin patted his back.

Cole held onto his last bit of patience and closed his eyes for the nth time as he led his mind in a state of calm and peace, wishing this time differently. 

He asked to know how much more he had to kill to win the match and hoped direly heartedly that this would work and anxiously waited for the barbie to speak up. 

"You are ninety-nine kills away from surpassing the highest kill of two hundred and fifty. "

And the master who killed so many got reflected in the sky. It was none other than Viku. 


All the four of them looked up in the sky as Viku's name got reflected up there with two hundred and fifty kills. 

It sums up the kill of his entire teammates together. And counting their total, they had only about a hundred and fifty. They needed two fifties and more to surpass Viku and his team and finally win the game. But that would not be so easy as they were here still figuring things out, Viku was somewhere increasing his killing count.

"Guys...we need to know how many bullets we have in our M416. Plus also we have to figure out how to collect more explosives. " Chris stated.

"Yes exactly. One grenade kills at least fifty people nearby. We need such things to increase our killing count as soon as possible. " Matty spoke out.

"Maybe...maybe Cole try asking if we can get more guns or bombs anything from Barbie?" Vin questioned.

"Yes, Cole. Try doing that. " Matty pointed.

Cole just nodded his head to each one of them and separated himself as he stood ideal trying to think that this time it would work right away as the last time it took too much time for him to make Barbie speak things out.

He closed his eyes and wished to know ways to collect more explosives, guns, shotguns, bombs, hand grenades, grenades, anything, whatsoever to increase the number of their arms and ammunition. 

He cooled his mind down and finally let the wish out but as expected it never worked out on the first try. As if it was coded that way and Cole had figured it out.

He closed his eyes once again and noticed his friends watching him, their gaze fixed on him, seriousness looming over the air. 

But the Barbie did not come again and Cole opened his eyes to see Vin about to stand up and walk towards him but Chris stopped him and indicated him to carry on.

"This is kind of unfair man. I mean this is a team game why give every privilege to the team leader?" Matty grunted out.

"What do you mean, Mat?" Chris asked, drawing his eyes away from Cole to Mat.

"Clearly Cole is getting tired of having to do this all by himself. " Matty reasoned.

"But he has been doing it correct all these times. " Chris asserted.

"He found Chris, you, and me. He figured out how to get the zoomed version of the map, the shortcut through the wormhole, and all that, even the game time. He is doing it correctly after all. " Vin indicated.

"I m not blaming him or accusing him that he is not doing it well. Perhaps having to do all these all by himself is costing us time which we cannot lose at the moment." Matty reverted.

"So what do you suggest?" Chris narrowed his eyes.

"It is the has been built that way. We cannot do anything about the inbuilt process of the game. " Vin proclaimed.

"Definitely. We will have to wait and try finding it out one by one. That is all we can do. Rushing things is not going to get us anywhere." Chris tried to calm the situation down.

Cole heard them all. He could sense it... a sense that his teammates were getting a little bit tensed with his skills. He could not blame them though because being a leader, he must have had figured this entire thing before but even he was new to this and it messed everything up.

He even had no idea how he got inside this reality version of the game and how come all of the participants were here too. It was just so frustrating. Every time in something crucial like this, he always messed things up.

He closed his eyes again and wished for the third time. He knew he was not going to get the answer for his mind was not calming instead of in a restless, frenzy state. 

He opened them only to discern the sad, worried faces of his friends. He hated that look plastered on his face. He felt like giving up but he could not. He knew that. Either he gave up the idea of going home which he could never so he tried again. 

"Invalid command!" 

"Invalid command!"

"Invalid command!"

"Invalid command!" 

"Invalid Command!"

This got Cole. It messed up his mind totally and he angrily sat down on the sandy ground totally thinking it was over. He could not do this anymore.

But then he was reminded of his mother who would be waiting for him back at home which got him all over himself. He needed to win this game by hook and crook. He had to and there was no going back. 

He looked over at his friends and their eyes were set on him. He breathes in and gave it a try for the final time. 


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