Chapter 40 - I M NOT A KID!

"Mom I need you to promise me something," Cole said.

Ivory looked at her son with seriousness evident in his eyes, she thought maybe it was something, he was going to say it out loud to her now. She felt somewhat relief knowing that she would come to know why he was behaving that way bit was somewhat anxious too what if the news, the thing he was about to say was going to be bad news.

She did not say anything and instead nodded her head letting him know that he could continue with whatever he wanted to say to her. She always wanted him to be free with her and share everything with her. 

Being a cold boy, who did not say much, Ivory always tried to make him open up to her and tell things to her but with time, it seemed things had improved.

"Promise me you will not work in the club. It's... it's not that I m embarrassed or something of you working there but I just do not like the fact that those perverted men watch you for the show. Please...please promise you will not work there anymore." Cole explained.

Ivory understood her son's concern. She let him know that she had left the job for good and asked him to sleep as she bid him good night. She was yet waiting for him to open up to her. 

She knew that was not what had been bothering him because they had talked about it in the hospital too and she was kicked out of the job two days before the accident for she denied giving special favors to some customer.

Once his mother was gone, Cole stood up and still, the uneasiness in his eyes was there. He headed inside the bathroom and turned on the faucet to wash his face clean, he poured some like warm water In his eyes thinking if something had got stuck in there, might come out.

He examined himself in the mirror and he could see himself staring back at him, his reflection yet the picture was not totally clear. He wanted to punch on the mirror, shattering it into pieces.

Damn! If his life was not easier from before and now there was this addition to it. 

What if these were an indication that in the later while, he was going to turn into a blind young man? 

Would he be able to live with not being able to see the colorful world? 

Just thinking about a life without being able to see for the rest of his life made him breathless, not out of a good feeling but how pathetic and miserable it would get. 

And again the vision got blurry, black and white. This time it lasted longer than before. His knuckles turned white as he held on to the sink counter waiting for his vision to return. 

He wanted to kill himself. The feeling of not being able to see was dismal. He could see how his life was going to be if this disease becomes a permanent thing in his life. He would not want to live like this. 

A strand of tear fell off from his closed eyes and when he opened his eyes, his vision had returned but still was blurry and unclear to see.

Did he catch some deadly disease or something? 

It was spreading too fast than it should have been? 

It was only this day, a few hours ago when he woke up, he declared to the doctor that he could not see clearly but then the doctor said it would be alright as time would pass by but then it was getting worst.

He remembered the doctor would book him an appointment with the best eye specialist doctor if he dropped a text to him...

Cole immediately rushed towards his bedroom and then picked up the jeans that he had worn while coming back home from the hospital. He had slipped in the number of the doctor written in a paper after deleting the contact from his mother's cell phone. 

Dr.Johnny Sins

+1 99966677700

Georgia Hospital 

Cole stared back at the card and then it got into his damn mind that he had no cell phone anymore because probably he had dropped it in the living room on the accident day and it got burnt to ashes. 

He cursed out as he realized he had no means to send the damn text for booking an appointment for tomorrow after school. was planning to go to school tomorrow. Because it was the only way he could come to see and talk with Vin about it all. The thought that they were alright it not was still hitting his mind repeatedly.

Even though his mother urged him that he did not have to go to school tomorrow but he somehow made an excuse that it was a test day and he would miss it if he did not go so eventually she agreed.

Now how was he going to drop the most important text to the doctor asking him to book an appointment with the best eye specialist doctor in the hospital for tomorrow? 

Plus, he would also need some extra cash too for if it was the best doctor then the charges would surely be higher. He sighed in distress.

Here he was thinking of not bothering his poor mother anymore about money for a while because she had so many debts to pay the next-door neighbor, Mr. Evans for all the bills he paid off in the hospital and also the house repairing charges. 

But he was helpless here. He would have to let her know that he would need some cash for tomorrow for the checkup. Not now probably. He would inform her later about it only if he could manage to book an appointment with the doctor.

But how? How was he going to drop a text to the doctor now? 

He wondered laying down on the bed holding the card close to his chest. His life was so pathetic and miserable. He realized that. 

Even though he was aware of that even before but he always thought that one day he would be able to turn the pages of his life and make it change for the better.

He used to think that this part of his life, this pain, the sadness of having a bastard father and an angel-like mother whose life he transformed into a misfortune case would not last evermore.

Suddenly he heard the knocking on the front door. He ignored it thinking it would be someone that his mother knew from work or anything so he decided that they could come back when his mother would return but when the knocking continued, Cole sat up, disturbed. 

"Who the f.u.c.k it?" He cursed.

The knocking on the four resumed and he took his sweet time slipping his feet inside of the night slippers and did not bother rushing down the stairs for he was still expecting that whoever that was would go away after a while but seemed like it was a stubborn person who continued to knock on the door.

Cole finally reached near the front door and when he dragged the curtain aside to see who it was before opening because these days were not safe. It could be a burglar or a thief, who knew? His mother strictly asked him to open it only before looking out who it was.

If it was not a familiar face then not to open up but if it was, then asked him to let the person go and come back when she was available. 

It was none other than Mr.Evans. He smiled at Cole through the other side. Cole only groaned in annoyance having to come face to face with no one but him exactly. 

"Cole, I see you are the door." The man said loudly smiling, still knocking on the door.

Cole continued to watch the irritating man in monotone thinking that he might walk-off if he did not open the door but he remained there in the cold winter still knocking. 

"Cole, open the door. Let me get in. " 

"Why? Mom is not here. She is at work." Cole shouted back.

"I m not here to see your mother. In fact, your mother sent me to you. So open the door. " Mr. Evans replied, a smile still plastered on his face.

"Why will mom sent you for?" Cole questioned, crossing his arms.

"To check up on you. Now common open the door boy. " 

"To check up on me? I m not a kid..." Cole frowned.

"...just open the door." Mr. Evans cut him short.

"Well, why? You already saw me. I m alright. Go back to sleeping. " 

Saying that Cole quickly turned his back to head upstairs but then he felt a little bad knowing that the man had been nothing but exceptionally kind to them.


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