Chapter 6 - GOOD IDEA

He had to look back at the belt one more time for it being open just like that. He had the struggle to open so much in the earlier times. 

It was so simple. He just had to think and the belt opened. He with a few headed through the lobby and when it was his turn, he jumped off without thinking twice.

He just could not wait anymore to hear from his friends again. He needed to listen to their voices and feel good again...feel hope to find a way of out of here....

This time the air hitting on his face felt refreshing, there was no sort of any hesitation in him that bothered him on stepping back on the ground again.

He in fact liked how the cool air was hitting his sweaty face. The cold breeze blowing over, moving the grasses down as if they were dancing following a certain rhythm. He liked it...he liked all of it.

Once he landed, he quickly started moving in whichever direction he had no idea. He did not care either. He just knew that he needed to keep moving in order to be alive and also to remain alert if he did not want to be shot right away once again for the nth time and repeat the entire process all over again.

He had an idea that by calling onto each other, they could come up with a place where they all could meet. He knew that if they could communicate well and point out the nooks of where they were, they could perhaps figure out to meet in one place and get back together. 

From there on,they could move forth together and figure out how to get out of here. Being together was better than roaming alone and thinking and thinking till it felt exgausting and tiring.

"Guys, you there?" Cole voiced out.

And when there was no reply, no answer from the other side, he felt blank...he did not know what to feel and what not to feel at that moment. And that made him very anxious.

Did he..did he lost connection with them after getting shot? He had no clue or whatsoever. If he did lose connection, he felt so tensed and felt like screaming out out of frustration.

"Chris, Matty, guys there? Hey...hey can you all hear me?" Cole tried again.

The shooting sound, gun firing all made it a little bit hard to maintain the connection. He did not even know how the connection thing even worked. He was still getting used to this whole new world of games.

He made his way through the vast number of shooters, shooting some of them away, the ones who post an immediate threat to him. He did not want to get shot again. Not like he was afraid of it or something but he just was too much tired of repeating the damn cycle again and again.

There was no hiding spot nearby as he could not see any either. He perhaps could try and hide in a secluded house or a broken, shattered apartment like in the virtual game to establish a connection with his buddies.

But where he was standing with his gun in action, there was no hiding spot and as far as he could see there was no single place with a shadow where he could take a momentary rest. 

He did not think much about whom he was killing or who was dead from his bullett hitting them, but every time he killed someone, a voice bloomed naming out the victim, the name of his squad too.

So it helped him to know if he killed someone he used to play with. He just knew that this type of thing was not there in the usual game that they used to play together. By now, he did not find any name that was familiar to him. 

"Hey...guys? Can you all not hear me?" 

Cole asked for the nth time after knocking a guy and girl right in the middle of their forehead. He was bad at aiming at the forehead in the virtual game but here in the three-dimensional version, he was getting good at this.

" this Cole?" 

"F.u.c.k, Matty?" 

Cole halted on his steps the moment he heard a voice from the other side. He pressed his ears together, he had no idea if there was an earpod or something attached to it but he did so that he could hear the voice more clearly. 

"Yes..yes it is Matty. Man, where the hell was you?" 

"Matty, I got shot and had to jump from the plane again." Cole clarified.

"Yeah, dude because the game is on war mode that is why," Matty said.

"I got it too after pondering much about if this was real or not real. I got shot six times, had to jump down six times too." Cole explained.

"It is very much real, Cole. The first time the bullet pierced in through my flesh raw, I got it, this shit is real." Vin voiced out.

" that you?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, man... it's me. " Vin answered.

"Well if the get-together is over. Can we all come up with an idea of how do we get the hell out of here?" Chris voiced out.

"You got shot, Chris? Right?" Matty laughed.

"So what?" Chris shrugged.

"No, you zoned out for a moment so I thought.."

"Yes, your assumption is correct Matty. Now keep your eyes straight front and back for not getting shot." Chris advised.

"True. True. I m running ahead trying to find any hiding spot for now." Vin let out.

"Good idea man. " Chris complimented.

"Wait...where the hell are you guys then? I m inside an apartment right now and as far as I could see outside the window, there is a whole lot of broken houses spread out there." Matty asked confusedly.


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