Chapter 7 - SKY COLLAPSED!

" that you?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, man... it's me. " Vin answered.

"Well if the get-together is over. Can we all come up with an idea of how do we get the hell out of here?" Chris voiced out.

"You got shot, Chris? Right?" Matty laughed.

"So what?" Chris shrugged.

"No, you zoned out for a moment so I thought.."

"Yes, your assumption is correct Matty. Now keep your eyes straight front and back for not getting shot." Chris advised.

"True. True. I m running ahead trying to find any hiding spot for now." Vin let out.

"Good idea man. " Chris complimented.

"Wait...where the hell are you guys then? I m inside an apartment right now and as far as I could see outside the window, there is a whole lot of broken houses spread out there." Matty asked confusedly.

And all the other three stopped speaking right away. If Matty was in a place where everywhere there was broken and shattered apartments just like the virtual version of the game, where the hell was they? 

As far as Cole could see there was no so called broken houses anywhere. All he could see was this enormous field with golden tipped grasses everywhere. No single sign of the houses or let alone a single damn roof.

Same was the scene for Chris and Vinny. Except for Vinny there was this huge rocky cave somewhere about a mile or so away. He could see with his bare eyes. All he had to do was walk towards it but for the time being he remained near the giant pine tree.

But then a conclusion struck Cole's mind as he literally could feel that apart from Matty, Vinny and Chris, they were closer to him. Maybe even in the same region because they too could not see any houses or so called roof anywhere near them either.

As they described, they too could only see a huge endless field ahead of them. So it made sense if they were in the same region just different location.

"Guys..guys..can you all hear me?" Cole questioned.

"Yes, Cole go on," Chris answered.

"Yup Bruh. carry on.."Vin replied.

" If all the three of us cannot see any houses or apartments meaning us most probably are somewhere near to each other apart from Matty of course," Cole said.

There was a brief silence in the other line for a minute or so. As the other three took their sweet time to analyze what their buddy just said, Cole had to quickly knock down one another enemy, hiding behind the bushes, if it were delayed for a second, he would have had got the bullet straight on his heart and would have to board the plane again only to repeat the entire process all over again.

"Makes senses bud." Vin was the first one to break the silence.

"Yeah..yeah it makes sense." Chris joined in too.

"Wait, you guys are planning to get together without me?" Matty interrupted.

" Matt. We are just trying to relocate each one of us and get together. " Cole spoke out.

"Matty do not f.u.c.k.i.n.g interrupt. You are hiding, we are in the open field, vulnerable from all the sides. Anyone could kill us. Do you know that?? " Vin voiced out.

"Exactly my thought. So Matty shut those iron-deficient lips of yours. " Chris mocked.

"So what if I m iron deficient, you have red eyes from iron deficiency too. Stop with your mockery, Vinny."

Matty snorted annoyed. He just did not like being made fun all the timed by Vincent just because he was the youngest one of them all. That did not give them the right to mock him every damn times.

"Guys..guys concentrate. " Cole announced.

That was the main problem of their group for that they would get distracted too easily. And this was the very reason why they could never win one good finale match ever as one of them would forget the plan and start doing something totally different.

"We are listening to you, bro," Vin said.

Cole had no idea how they could meet or at least think of a meeting place where all the three of them could head towards and meet there and then together strode forward in search of Matty. 

But the question was how? Because in the virtual version of the game, they were able to see the map and accordingly point it out so easily but here they did not know how to look out for the map. 

Did this virtual reality version even has map thing in them?? Cole thought of. Maybe the things here were different than from the game they used to play.

Cole looked up at the sky thinking maybe he could see something. Because usually the map was located on the top of the screen, in the right-hand side corner in a circle. 

Accordingly, Cole looked up and shifted his gaze to his right side and like a miracle, he could see it..see the map embedded in a circle high up in the sky but it looked too small.

It wad too small and he could not even see anything at all. But knew that it was the map. The circle that enclosed the map was golden in colour and looked like real gold the way it was shining so brightly. He tried to set his vision more clearly and try looking more closer into the map but it was an useless act for it was obvious he would not be able to see even a damn thing.

He thought if only if he could have a closer view of it. And closed his eyed in remorse thinking how he was able to locate where the map was but cannot have a closer view.

And when he opened his eyes, just like that..the sky enlarged, coming closer to him. Cole bought his hands forward, dropping the M416, and fell down on the ground, letting out a big outcry afraid of thinking the sky collapsing over him.


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