Chapter 61 - CREEPY!

" Miss Sullivan. I do not get bothered at all. You can ask me anytime. I saw Cole the past time in school before he left with you for the hospital checkup. "

Vin spoke out placing his coffee mug on the table after finishing it. He told me that he knew about Cole's problem as he told him about it before leaving with his mother.

He skipped the part about the gaming experience they had. It was useless to mention but he could not lie to himself and say he was not afraid as his mind kept linking Cole going missing if he did get missing with the game.

Everything was just not the same after they returned to the real world from inside the virtual reality of the game.


"You know that  I have no money right? "

She must have thought that sharing blood with the Great Night Show Host, Arnold McCain, he must be loaded?

If she did then she was so in the way of her hopes being shattered by him. He had nothing to do with that bastard father of his.

" You should  know that I will never ask for money from my biological father more like  land from him." 

Cole started and waited for her to snatch the box from his hold and walk away furiously muttering him a 'd.i.c.k' for wasting her precious time.

"Wait, you said you have no father back in the hospital?"

The woman questioned him back with confusion. She did hear them talking to Doctor Leslie very clearly. They said they had no father.

Cole was taken aback by that kind of response. So she did not know? He did remember saying to Doctor Leslie in her office that they had no father. He asked his mother to lie about it.

If she did not know who his biological father was, then why was she showcasing him all that about her latest vision super technology?

If she heard them clearly in the hospital cabin that they had no father, she must have of course heard also the part where they stated that they had no money.

They were somehow feeding themselves and running the household kind of family, not the ones who were wealthy and had it all. Or even the middle-class ones who had some money saved with them or hope they could arrange for such kind of money in a week time at least.

"You do not know about, Arnold Mccain?"

Cole could not help himself but ask that out. She expected him to immediately rush over to him and ask him how did he know about that famous television host? Just like everyone did.

Instead, she did not say anything and resumed to watch him with confused eyes. As if she was not expecting him to ask that question at all. Plus she looked so much confused right then.

"Who is Arnold McCain?" She questioned.

And Cole got the huge blow as she probably was the first one who he met who did not know about that famous bastard. What in the world? Was she for real? He wondered.

"You do not know who Arnold Mccain is?"

He asked again to confirm but she just shook her in negative indicating she did not know about it.

Weirdly Cole felt good coming to know that not everyone knew about that goddamn bastard who was so proud of himself.

"Why does it even matter to know who that guy is? Do you want help or not?"

The woman inquired, narrowing her eyes at him. Cole just shook his head in a no indicating it was of no use.

"So you want to help me even after knowing about my financial condition?"

Cole asked. He wanted to make sure before he had his hope high. He was tired of getting disappointed.

"I did hear about how you guys cannot afford anything for a while and still I came here in search of you so what do you think?"

The woman questioned him back instead of giving a straight forward answer. But the question did answer the confusion, Cole had and he could not help but think if this was real or unreal.

"Look Cole, it is getting real. If you still that this entire thing is false and have doubts, I can go and find someone else having a problem maybe or maybe not similar to yours but excited to try the possibility of the given opportunity. Let's save both of our times."

The woman explained in a very speed tone as if she really had works and was in a hurry. She did look like someone who had no time to waste.

Cole did not know if he was doing it right or not but he finally decided to get it on. What wrong would it do? It was just a pair of lenses with upgraded visibility than the normal ones maybe.

It was no harm in trying out products like these when offered free so he agreed and spoke out.

"I m ready so you will give me those lenses now?"

He asked unsure what to do and what not to do. He could see that the surrounding around him was getting darker. It would soon be dusk. And he knew his mother would surely be too much worried about him.

His iPhone was dead too. It was new and probably nobody charged it enough to last long.

"Follow me. I have to put the lens on you. They are not your normal lenses. "

The woman said as she started walking in her boots. Cole followed after her. He had to run to keep up with her pace. She was a fast walker.

She stopped in front of her car..a black bulletproof Mercedes Benz. Why would someone like her would need a bulletproof car? She was just a researcher, right? Or was she more? She was not an army officer for sure.

Cole did not voice all that internal thoughts of his and got inside the passenger seat. The inside of the Mercedes was warm as she turned on the heater and started the engine.

"May... May I know at least your name?"

Cole snorted in the midway as she kept driving without saying a word or even turning on the radio. He had no idea where they were going either.

"Did you not read it from my identity card?" She asked.

"I have lost my clear vision as you know already so I could not see," Cole stated.

"That is why you need the lenses more than anything."

She asserted, looking at him for a brief second and then turning to keep her eyes at the road once again.

Cole nodded his head knowing that he did need those lenses. He just had no idea if they would only help him correct his vision or do much more than that?

He wanted to ask but he knew the woman did not like answering questions by now. She just returned them with more questions from her or hanging him around with long shitty answers, he had no idea of.

He could tell that she was anti-social just like him and had no life other than from her research project as she did not know who Arnold Mccain was.

He meant like who did not know Arnold Mccain? Only those who never ever opened their television or had one at least.

"Where are we going again?" He asked.

"Just anywhere isolated place. "

Her answer was short and simple. He thought she would be taking him to her research institute and fit the lenses there but her answer was totally different.

He did not know or had any idea of why they needed to head to an isolated place to fit the lenses. He could just put them on by himself if she stopped driving the damn car so speedily.

" Do not worry, I m not kidnapping you."

She murmured, smiling at his way. He just groaned out, leaning his head back on the car seat.

It was after a while, she applied the brakes nowhere and they stood in the middle of nowhere probably.

Cole had no idea as no signboards were stating where they were exactly. She took off from the highways and drove inside an alley so he had no idea where they were at that point.

It was already dark. The full moon was shining brightly. The narrow road was empty with large fields on the sides. There were no one apparently here present. It was not a residential area either as the huge plot laid empty.

"Perfect place. Out from the city noises."

She sorted after drawing off her seat belt and letting the ceiling of the car open. Cole looked up as the bare sky got bared to his gaze.

She reached out for the dashboard, taking the box containing the lenses, and looked at Cole.

"Get inside the backseat. "

Oh! It sounded so creepy!


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