Somewhere in the middle, he was tensed. 

There was no news about his whereabouts yet and his parents were going crazy over it. The police had been continuing their search but could not come across any evidence or point yet.

"I...I just went out to clear my head. And forgot to keep track of time."

Cole started but stopped himself from saying about what exactly happened for he recalled the words of the woman in the middle of those fields in the dim light, how she asked him to keep it a secret.

So he covered it up and applied brakes on his mouth right away before he ended up blurting out everything to Vin for he always told him about each and everything.

Vin eyed him with seriousness trying to analyze if he was telling the truth. If it would have been other times, the act of not being about to match eyes with him would make him know that Cole was lying.

But this..this time he could not figure out anything for the lenses had come back online from being updated and it covered up everything even unknown to Cole.





As all those voices echo inside Cole's head, he turned to look around trying to see who was setting their robot up on the board daylight.

"Did you hear those voices?"

He asked Vin who just gave him a weird look, shrugging his shoulders off telling him that he did not hear a damn thing.

But before they could implore much on it, the school bell rang and all the students ran towards their allotted classrooms across the corridor, shutting their lockers down.

Cole, as usual, was about to take a seat on the last bench but it was already taken by some other students so he huffed in annoyance and made his way towards the third row empty spot and sat there.

Soon after, Miss Willson entered the class and the students stood up to greet the teacher. She asked them to take their respective seats and started the class right after completing their attendances.

Periods after periods passed by and Cole groaned in tiredness. He stretched his hands. He was getting bored for there was no Vin to whom he could talk to.

Vin had gone for soccer practice and would not return until the fifty periods. And when it was time for the fifth period, Vin entered the classroom.

Cole waved his hand pointing him to the seat by him. Vin gave him an eye for not being able to book their usual place in the last. They have not used to seating in the front...seating in the third row was too much closer to the teacher's podium.

"Man...why the third place?"

Vin groaned keeping his bag under the desk and sitting down.

"First, you stink and it was already taken."

Cole answered taking his math book out. It was the time for AP math class, the subject that Cole distasted the most.

"The coach made us run around the field like a damn stallion, man."

Vin snorted and stood up when the teacher, Mr. Miles entered the classroom. They could not wait for this class to get over and get ready for lunchtime.

" Solve all the differential equation noted down on the board and I need at least answers ready for two questions in the next five minutes."

Mr. Miles declared after he completed writing down the differential equations on the board.

All the students grunted out in annoyance for maths could be tiresome and to solve all that amount of differential equations before lunch seemed a pretty hard job.

"No groaning and m.o.a.ning of dying. I have taught you all the properties, the formulas and so now start applying it, you lazy people."

Mr. Miles said as he stepped down from the podium and started walking in between the rows of desk going through the student's not copy of they were even trying to do at least.

When Cole finally decided to eye upon the questions that he jotted down in his notebook, a strange thing occurred.

A ray of light blueish light emitted out of nowhere and started scanning the questions in his notebook.

Cole looked up in the ceiling thinking if there was some kind of blue light that was switched on but he saw nothing.

The lights reminded of him the same color of light but darker in shades emitted out of the lady's eyes but what the hell was happening right then.

Soon enough, he saw a reflection of some differential equations on the blank pages of his notebook, and on checking them out closely, he noticed that all were the answers to the questions that Mr. Miles had asked to solve.

Cole was taken aback to wonder who was reflecting him the answers to the questions. He looked up to see if the projector was projecting it but it was switched off.

He placed both hands on the top of the notebook trying to see what might happen then and the reflection floated on the back of his palm. It was similar to when you step on the way of the projector during a slideshow.

Cole had no idea what exactly was going on at that moment and right after he again heard those same voices that he heard during the morning time before entering class when he was talking with Vin.

'Go on note the answers down! '

What the....? Cole looked around to see who just spoke out. Where was this invisible voice coming from?

And in that exact moment, Mr. Mikes took notice of Cole who was just strangely staring at his notebook instead of working his pen on its pages to try solving the problem at least.

So he passed off from the second row and started moving towards the third row unknown to Cole who was busy eyeing his notebook, trying to figure out from where did this reflection come from.

As Mr. Miles stood in front of him with him having no idea, Vin tried to grab his attention by coughing and sneezing right beside him but Cole was too much engrossed to notice anything at that time.

Vin thought that Cold must have been going through his temporary blind phrase at that moment and so he could not see that Mr. Miles was standing just before him, eyeing all of his actions.

The entire class stopped doing the problem-solving task in their notebook and watched the whole scenario of what might happen shortly.

Vin had no option kicked on Cole's legs from sideways. It was the only way he could think of then to grab Cole's attention and let him know something was going on before him. He pitied his condition.

Cole groaned in annoyance and was about to eye murder towards Vin's way for disturbing them in moments like these when he stopped midway and saw Mr. Miles standing there, right in front of him, looking at him seriously.

'When did Mr. Miles get here and how long had he been standing here?'

Cole thought as he was oblivion to when the teacher stepped in front of him. And suddenly the voice popped again out of nowhere.

'When you were busy examining if the answers were right or not!'

'What the actual f.u.c.k?'

Cole looked around to see who was that voice speaking out. He looked at his back as if the person standing behind him was someway whispering, unknown to him, mocking him but who would dare to speak in a moment like this when Mr. Miles looked angry.

'Stand up you dumb kid! Show respect!'

Cole stood up nervously not knowing what to do and what not to do, listening to what the voice asked him to do. He had no idea who was speaking?

"What seemed so intriguing to you for staring at the blank pages of your notebook these entire time? Mind sharing with me and the rest of the class?"

Mr. Miles questioned as he crossed his hands against his chest and Cole was very much aware of the fact that he had riled up Mr. Miles today and it was not a good sign.

Plus he came to know that Mr. Miles could not see the answers to the questions that were reflecting on his notebook and still was as he looked back at the notebook again to see if it was still there.

'What the actual f.u.c.k is going on?'

He thought but could not voice that out loud. As Mr. Miles continued to look at him expecting a reasonable answer from him and so did the entire class, Cole was out of thoughts, not knowing what exactly he had to do or say to the teacher that would get him out of trouble.

'Just say you were solving the problem in your head!'



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