Cole looked up in the ceiling thinking if there was some kind of blue light that was switched on but he saw nothing.

The lights reminded of him the same color of light but darker in shades emitted out of the lady's eyes but what the hell was happening right then.

Soon enough, he saw a reflection of some differential equations on the blank pages of his notebook, and on checking them out closely, he noticed that all were the answers to the questions that Mr. Miles had asked to solve.

'Go on note the answers down! '

What the....? Cole looked around to see who just spoke out. Where was this invisible voice coming from?

And in that exact moment, Mr. Mikes took notice of Cole who was just strangely staring at his notebook instead of working his pen on its pages to try solving the problem at least.

So he passed off from the second row and started moving towards the third row unknown to Cole who was busy eyeing his notebook, trying to figure out from where did this reflection come from.

As Mr. Miles stood in front of him with him having no idea, Vin tried to grab his attention by coughing and sneezing right beside him but Cole was too much engrossed to notice anything at that time.

Vin thought that Cold must have been going through his temporary blind phrase at that moment and so he could not see that Mr. Miles was standing just before him, eyeing all of his actions.

The entire class stopped doing the problem-solving task in their notebook and watched the whole scenario of what might happen shortly.

Vin had no option kicked on Cole's legs from sideways. It was the only way he could think of then to grab Cole's attention and let him know something was going on before him. He pitied his condition.

Cole groaned in annoyance and was about to eye murder towards Vin's way for disturbing them in moments like these when he stopped midway and saw Mr. Miles standing there, right in front of him, looking at him seriously.

'When did Mr. Miles get here and how long had he been standing here?'

Cole thought as he was oblivion to when the teacher stepped in front of him. And suddenly the voice popped again out of nowhere.

'When you were busy examining if the answers were right or not!'

'What the actual f.u.c.k?'

Cole looked around to see who was that voice speaking out. He looked at his back as if the person standing behind him was someway whispering, unknown to him, mocking him but who would dare to speak in a moment like this when Mr. Miles looked angry.

'Stand up you dumb kid! Show respect!'

Cole stood up nervously not knowing what to do and what not to do, listening to what the voice asked him to do. He had no idea who was speaking?

"What seemed so intriguing to you for staring at the blank pages of your notebook these entire time? Mind sharing with me and the rest of the class?"

Mr. Miles questioned as he crossed his hands against his chest and Cole was very much aware of the fact that he had riled up Mr. Miles today and it was not a good sign.

Plus he came to know that Mr. Miles could not see the answers to the questions that were reflecting on his notebook and still was as he looked back at the notebook again to see if it was still there.

'What the actual f.u.c.k is going on?'

He thought but could not voice that out loud. As Mr. Miles continued to look at him expecting a reasonable answer from him and so did the entire class, Cole was out of thoughts, not knowing what exactly he had to do or say to the teacher that would get him out of trouble.

'Just say you were solving the problem in your head!'

"I...I solved..solving the problems in my head, Sir."

Cole stuttered as he narrated out whatever the hell the voice was saying him to.

Vin shook his head negatively as he heard what his best buddy had come up with as an excuse. Damn! It sounded so lame.

' Trying to solve the problem in his head?  He never even tried to solve simple math in his entire school life!'

Vin thought. Mr. Miles eyed him curiously and the entire class started to murmur, trying to control their laughter from being heard by the teacher at Cole's sorry of an excuse.

"Trying to solve the problem in your head?"

Mr. Miles implored. He knew what kind of a student, Cole Sullivan was. His grades in math never went up from a perfect D ever.

He did not expect him to solve the problem at all for he knew the boy was completely ignorant when it came to having mathematical knowledge and all that but trying to lie and act smart in front of him got the teacher very very angry.

'Why are you staring at him? Say yes! Nod your head!'

As Cole looked at Mr. Miles nervously not knowing what to say and what not to say. He just wanted to be out of Mr. Miles's wrath and the immediate trouble that he could see approaching him.

"Yes...yes Sir!"

Cole said, trying to sound confident and brave. On the inside, he was sweating like an ice cream kept outside of the freezer melting away on the heat.

Mr. Miles eyed the boy for a brief second and then asked him if he solves the problem inside his head.

"Did you complete finish solving the first  question in your head?"

'Say yes! Say yea! With CONFIDENCE!'

Cole shook his head positive and said, "Yes..Yes, Sir."

Vin thought what was wrong with Cole? He was signing himself for straight away the punishment trying to lie and act confident before none other than any teacher but Mr. Miles.

"Fine then go on. Voice out the solution, Cole Sullivan."

Mr. Miles let out and Cole's head pinned thinking what was he going to do now. And in the flip of fingers, the entire answer to question number one got reflected in front of his eyes as if someone was holding a notebook with solved answers before his damn eyes.

His eyes widened thinking and seeing what was actually going on? He was really awestruck in not a good way or bad way either but in a traumatic shocking way.

"What happened? Mr. Sullivan? Go on voice out the answer."

Mr. Miles asked again and Cole gulped the saliva down his throat as he wondered whether or not to narrate the answer being reflected in front of his eyes.

What if anyone would see him doing it? They would for sure report it to Mr. Miles and he would get into more serious trouble than the one he was already in for trying to cheat the teacher.

Mr. Miles watched the boy weirdly and looked at his back to check if something weird was going on but he saw nothing other than the blank board and the white wall.

"What are you looking at?"

He implored and that got Cole to turn his eyes and see the teacher instead of looking straight on to nothingness.

It ringed to him only then the reflection could not be seen by anyone but him...damn! What was happening? What was going on?

'Just answer the damn thing, you dumb kid!'

Again the voice made him look around trying to detect where it was coming from.

The entire classroom broke down in laughter looking at Cole behaving like he was in some kind of hallucinations or something. The boy did not seem like he was in his right state of mind.

"Someone did not have a good sleep last night!"

One of the students joked and the rest of the classmates laughed at it. Cole was embarrassed and flushed but he had no idea what was seriously going on at that very moment.

"Silence! Silence class! "

Mr. Miles voiced out and the murmur and whispers of the class disappeared out in no time. The teacher's attention was back on Cole now.

"Mr. Sullivan do you know the answer to the question?"

He asked one more time and at that point, Cole knew if he did not answer out then he was in for a severe punishment that could even land him to detention which he did not want at least not when the year was going to get over in a few months.

So Cole shut his eyes for a brief second and opened them to see the answer being reflected before him in the air and narrated them out, taking his time, shocking the teacher and the entire class too at the same time.

When he was done, Mr. Miles could not believe what he just heard, and neither Cole could think of what just happened.




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