The entire class started whispering and murmuring again encountering a failure turning into a genius in no time.

Mr.Miles was about to ask him to solve another problem but the bell rang and it was the time for recess.

Cole huffed in relief as he heard the bell rang and the students started packing their notebook inside their bag and heading out of the classroom.

Everyone ss the passed by could not help but comment out what just happened in their math class today.

Mr. Miles eyed Cole for a brief second before heading out of the classroom

Vin finally stepped out of his desk to confront his best buddy for not telling him when did he master up in all the chapters of mathematics?

Did he take tuition or something? Coaching perhaps? But even taking those would not give such quick results for Cole did not know even he did not know about the basics. How then?

But before Vin could ask, his team members called out for him, dragging him to the practice field.

Cole sighed when he saw Vin walking out, looking at him the entire time. He knew that Vin would fire a ton of bullets of questions his way for what just happened and he would not be able to answer either for he had no idea.

The voice was suddenly gone and even the reflection if the answer was out. Cole looked around again, coming out of his desk, eyeing the ceiling very observantly if there was something up there.

But there was none. He slapped on his forehead wondering what was going on. He slipped his books, and copies inside his bag and headed out of the classroom.

He was all by himself in lunch for today for Vin was out for practice and he knew that he would not return even after the school would be over. They were practicing for the annual match.

Anyway, Cole was glad because he could not be able to bear to answer any of the questions of Vin when he was unsure himself about what the hell was going on.

He walked down the corridor as he could feel the eyes of students on him standing by the corner or near their locker, gossiping about him.

He just bowed his head down and continued to walk away from there still trying to figure out what just happened back in the classroom.

How magically the reflection of the answer appeared right in front of his eyes and then disappeared like it was not even there from before right after the class ended.

Then there were those voices that would speak up and it seemed like it was only he who could hear it and no one else.

But where were these voices coming from? He could only wonder and then suddenly it came back again in the board daylight as he resumed his walk towards the cafeteria making him stop in between to look around once again.

'I m inside your head!'

What??? Say what?

Cole was stuck in his position when he heard the voice telling itself stuck in his head. What the freaking hell?

Was it having some sort of side effects on the lenses?

....which may be the lady forgot to mention??

'It's not side-effects, you are in a system!'

What?? What a system?? What is the system??

All those questions started firing off from every nook and corner of his head. He had no idea what was happening to him. How could the voice be coming from his head??


The voice answered for him when he was still contemplating how the voice could be coming inside from his head.

What the hell was going on?

He threw the same question for the nth time, losing count on how many times he had asked the same question over and over again.

But still, the answer that he was getting from the voice did not satisfy his need to know more about it.

Was this really a side effect of wearing the lenses? Maybe...she forgot to mention and now he had to deal with it all alone and figure things out by himself.

'It's not a side effect, dammnit! Told you!'

"Then what is it?"

"Where are you coming from? Why no one else can hear you and only me?"

Cole finally let go of his intact and started to whisper his questions out in the air. There was no easy way but to get into a conversation with that damn voice and know some things out.

'You do not have to voice out your question, I hear them because I m inside your head!'

"Say what??  You are inside my head?"

'Do not talk to yourself, people will think you are an anti-social psychopath !'

Cole was astounded by the reply of the voice. It was calling him an anti-social psychopath?  Wow!

'And about me, I m the Artificial Intelligence auto controlling the VISION SYSTEM till you get the hang of it!'

What?? What the hell was it saying? His head...inside his head a robot was speaking out from it?

He could not believe what the hell his ears were hearing it. Was he hallucinating? Was he again back to the gaming virtual world?

Only there they had this Barbie talking to the like that and they could also talk to it just wishing whatever they wanted to ask it. And it replied right away.

So was he back to the gaming world?

Cole looked around trying to detect if he was still in the real world, inside his school boundary.

And when he saw students still present there and talking, having fun and is not the midst of some huge field all alone to himself, people running away holding a gun, he was sure than ever that he was not inside a gaming virtual reality but in his world, the present one where he was born into.

So...was that real now? An artificial intelligence...a robot really residing in his head...inside his damn mind.

To begin with how the hell it happened got in him? Got inside his head? How come?

He did not remember swallowing any kind of chip or something.

'I wonder why Emily even chose you?'

What??? Who is Emily?? And how and why did she chose him??

What the hell was this robot that was residing on his head was even saying??

He was going crazy and Cole's head started spinning so he walked near an empty bench to sit on it and then think.

He took a deep breath and started to process everything that was going on right at that time.

He decided to accept things even when it sounded abnormal and out of the world.

A robot was residing inside his head???

If so then that would totally explain the was the voice of the robot then it made a little sense.

It was the robot who had been talking to him and even showed him the answer to the questions back in the math class.

'Yes! It's me! Dammnit, I did let you see the answers and help you! '

The robot said and Cole was not yet settled with a voice speaking to him from nowhere but inside his head. He needed some time to settle with it and let everything else to soothe in.

"Can you..can you not just speak out of nowhere? It scares me!"

Cole voiced out his thought and calmly waited for the robot to answer but then no one was replying.

What?? Where the hell it got lost again?? Did it go off?? Was he free now??

'No no no! Bud, we are into this forever!'

"Did I not tell you to indicate before you speak?"

Cole screamed it inside his mind as he looked around him if anyone was eyeing him weirdly. What if people would start noticing himself talking to himself and for real this time denotes him as someone who lost their mind.

'I can't stop myself speaking when your thoughts are about me dying? I m not someone who can die!'

"What are you then?? Who put you inside me? Is there a way to get you out and return you to your owner?"

Cole let those questions out trying to seem cool at the same time seating all alone on the bench. He took out his new iPhone and started to act like he was texting someone on it to not seem crazy and nut head.

'Dude! Too many questions asked at the same time!'

Cole rolled his eyes, grunting in annoyance. What was even this? He thought.

'I told you, I m an artificial intelligence. Emily set us up only after your consent! '

Who was Emily again?? Cole thought and when did he even give his consent to it??? So many unanswered questions...

'And I m not going anywhere! You are my owner!'






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