'But in ten years or more like five years from now, the head of The United Nations had decided to address the people all over the world that alien life had been discovered and also would ask the governments of all the states to carry on informing the general public.'

Cole saw the picture of the present chairperson of the United Nations. The round table meeting was attended by all the states.

'They came to this decision only after Earth was threatened for keeping its normal earthlings in dark of what the world was like in space. It was violating a code of conduct of the international space universe and hence the states decided to address the general public in three years from now.'

"Wow! I never knew about all these."

Cole exclaimed as he let out the thought in the open air. The World was si much bigger and it was dealing with such big big matters that he never even imagined about.

'It is to happen in the future and this news is kept right now as top secret. You would come to know about it three years later from now! '

The robot said and Cole nodded his head understanding it. He indicated it to carry on enlightening him more about such things. He was enjoying and liking it.

'So in between this time, the scientists were busy creating the lenses you are wearing, that Emily gave you. These are not just ordinary lenses to clear your vision. It is the most powerful weapon of the earthlings to defend themselves from the extraterrestrial invasion and at the same time collect information from the deep space and cosmos to advance our technology more!'

Cole could not believe what he just heard. He thought..he thought that these lenses were a little bit advanced from the normal lenses as Emily said that it was their latest project of some Vision Institute where she was working.

If these lenses were the advanced shield technology to protect the earthlings then why did Emily hand it to him??

Damn! What the hell?? What the f.u.c.k?? Why give such a previous, advanced weapon to him??

'Answer to that question, I have no idea too. After the process of making the bionic lens was over, the United Nation decided on selecting amongst the group of ten humans exceptionally being trained to handle the lens and it's a system from across the world. Every country could give five of their candidates and after a brief competition or something, the human that would control these high edge tech lens would have been selected but you just got it doing nothing at all...'

Cole was astounded hearing about what the robot just said. He had no idea that those lenses had value more than that he ever thought it to have.

Why then Emily hand such a precious thing to him?? Did the state come to know already that the lens was stolen from their high-security lab??

'I do not think the states are still aware of it. And you are now the sole owner of these lenses.'

"But I do not deserve it. I do not know anything about it. Help me in removing it, please. I will report it to the state governments and they can take it from here..."

Cole was quick to speak out. He had not spoken a single thing and was listening to what the robot was saying but after listening to that the device the entire globe was making it to protect itself, he had it under his possession, Cole was taken aback.

'No..once attached, it cannot be removed! That is how it was made!'

The robot answered entirely shaking every living cell of Cole in frustration and tension. Was he stuck with these lenses forever then??

'I have no idea why Emily did it though but when the head scientist would come to know about it, he will be so furious but it is just too late now to resolve the matter. '

Cole remained silent again and continued to hear whatever the robot was saying. He did not want to interrupt it for he now knew that there was no way he could get the lens out of him.

'Once the lens gets inside your eyes and gets engraved behind your cornea, there is no way to take it out only if you want to pull your entire eyeball out of your skull, and then someone can pick the lens out of it.'

Cole was terrified hearing that price of information. He never expected that accepting the lens would bring him to face a massive problem like this when how he thought that getting them would solve all his problems forever.

He was so happy back at that time for having the possibility to be able to see the world in the future without the fear of turning blind and being able to see the world.

But now all had reversed and he could not help and not feel more burdened, troubled by having those lenses all to himself when a few moments later, the entire earth would come to search for it once they would come to know that it had been stolen from the high, tight security of the laboratory.

'Cole... Cole close your eyes right now!'

"What?? Why, ??"

Cole asked. He could hear the hint of alertness in the voice of the robot from inside his head. What was going on again??

'Someone is trying to break into our system! Close your eyes immediately then no one can prove its signal to us!'

"But then how am I going to walk home??? What is happening?? I m scared! Did the state come to know about it already??"

Cole fearfully intervenned as he looked around trying to figure out what to do and what not to do. He was in deep shit and he realized it very very late.

'Just call Vin and say you turned blind and ask him to get you but dammnit, close your eyes!'

The robot said and Cole obliged to its words and closed his eyes, ready to give a call to Vin.


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