'You are not going to be killed!! Breathe common!!'

"Who was it?? Was it some state agency??"

'No! It was not the state! It was someone!'

"Who was it?? Could you not locate it??"

'I told you signals were not strong enough for me to scan the identity of the person. It was weird or else I could have blocked out it for once n forever!'

"Are we in danger??"

Cole could not help but ask that. He had no good feeling about it. Why did he feel like this was going to be the starting of all the never-ending problems that would be coming for him in the future??

'For now, we are not?'

That made Cole sit up. What the hell was wrong with this robot?? How could he respond to that particular question like that??

'Damn! Boy! You are scared!'

"Of course I m. What do you think?? Are we in immediate danger or something??"

Cole implored, running his fingers through his hairs, frustrated and clueless as he paced around the small room.

'Maybe?? '

"Maybe?? What kind of artificial intelligence is this?? You said you are the high tech, most advanced of our times and ten times to that super robot or something??"

Cole flared annoyed and irritated as he did not know what was waiting for him shortly. He thought that he would not have any problem figuring out the situation with the high-tech robot residing in his head and now it was being useless.

'Take a rest kid! Damn you are a scared puppy!'

"What?? What do you mean??" Cole snorted.

'I was just messing with you! '

And the weird voice of laughter of an old man in his seventies aired in Cole's head. He had to hold his head trying not to burst out. Why did it have to laugh like that when it probably knows that this hurts him??

"Stop it!!! Will ya?? That was not funny. Not funny."

Cole yelled.

'You are safe!! You kept your eyes closed as I asked you to! We are good for now! Now common don't give me the silent treatment! You do not know how good it feels to talk after being in that white lab for more than a decade!'

Cole did not say a thing and kept silent thinking what he could do to get rid of it. But then he realized, it could hear his thoughts too.

'You are never getting rid of me!'

"Oh!! Common give damn privacy!!"

'I m in you, now!! No privacy!!'

"Eww!! Gross...stop with that."


The next day was usual as Cole got ready for school. His mother kept asking him if his vision was giving him any kind of problem or he turned blind often then.

Of course, Cole gave her a positive reply that he was alright and that there was nothing to worry about even though he could not tell her that his vision was clear but he just signed himself up for more crucial problems this time and getting out of it seemed impossible.

Mr. Evans did drop him off at school like the other day as if the man had become his chauffeur now.

Their relationship had gotten better than before as they would talk about football or the latest technological news on their way.

They would even sometimes end up having the same notion about a topic or sum it up with a token of appreciation of each other's opinions after a long debate.

Cole was liking Mr. Evans's company now. He could not wait to get in with his morning ride and head to school.

In school, Cole had become the 'talk of the class'. Every student and teacher were talking about him. How he was so talented, knowledgeable, and how he knew it all... It was a mystery.

The boy who barely passed in his subjects was now topping in every one of them and breaking the highest scoring record.

They kept strict eyes on him during the exam and did not find any means of cheating or fraud on his part and that shocked them more.

Cole surely had become the school's top scorer in the quiz competitions, inter-school matches, and everywhere. His name was just everywhere.

He had become the cool kid of the school with no one even knowing or having the slightest idea of how, when, and where.

Students became to envy his knowledge and basically his ability to ash in every field including studies and sports.

Vin being his best friend even had no idea. Although Cole helped him in exams to score better than before.

Yet still, he did not share the reason for being so active and good in every department of life.

The old Cole, depressed, anti-social, silent, a failure in studies, and lazy ass of a boy was gone and in its place, another version of him was placed.

A version of him that was way better than the old version. That was not anti-social, silent, and became a master in all the fields of his day to day to aspects.

His relationship with his mother and Mr. Evans together also became quite good. He started accepting the fact that his mother needed company beside her.

Ivory could not believe how her son was blushing with life inside of him. She wanted him to see that way all her life. She felt so at peace. Everything was falling to its place in the end.

Cole declared his vision problem was gone and just said he did not know how it happened but it happened on its own and he was feeling so good about it.

Although in some point, Vin found it hard to believe the explanation given by him. Vin was suspicious that there was more to it and yet he did not know how to poke the information out of Cole.

In the end, Cole felt good and great like he never felt before. More than a month now and no problem. Maybe it was not that bad and scary as he thought it would be until...

'We are under attack!! Get ready!!'


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