Chapter 86 - NO PRIVACY!!

"Cole?? Tell me?? Why are you not speaking out?? Is something wrong?? Common voice out damnit!!"

Vin yelled, shaking his friend but Cole didn't do anything just continued to stare at him.

In his his eyes, Vin could see how he wanted to tell him but he could not. That made Vin suspicious more than ever and he knew then there that something deep was going inside Cole and he was not voicing it out.

He should...should have known it already when he saw and heard how weirdly he was behaving in the school and talking to himself as if he was talking to someone else.

...those things should have made him think about it sooner that there was something not right about Cole.

It was obvious that the game incident had a thing to do with it and of course, Cole was finding it hard to share these newfound changes inside him.

He just did not know how else to persuade Cole in telling him everything but he also knew that it was useless...Cole would not tell him anything right now so he stepped back and looked away.

Cole looked at him, mouthing sorry inside his head. He wanted to tell Vin everything but he could not and he felt bad about it for there was nothing ever Vin hid from him and so he was not supposed to hide things from Vin either.

By doing not telling him a single word and keeping this entire thing a huge secret, he was breaking their bro code but how could he tell him all the things in a situation like this...Cole had no idea.

Vin suddenly remembered he had to go grocery shopping and his mother would go crazy if he did not bring the list of items on his way home from the supermarket. Their housemaid had done for a break.

He still could not grasp the fact of how come his mother allowed the maid to take a break for she never allowed that before...but he had to he just headed out without telling a damn thing to Cole.

He was just angry at him for keeping things away from him and how disrespectful of him not to even open his damn mouth for once to say at least a sorry and that he would explain it later.

Cole turned to look as Vin stormed out of his room, thrashing the four thud in a loud sound making him know that officially he had succeeded in making Vin angry and upset.

'That did the trick! Did not it??'

"What?? What trick?? What did you do?? And why the hell I sound different?? Why do I sound like you??"

'Damn! Buddy! Take a breather!! Will ya!!'

Cole hushed and sat down on the bed again. He was so breathing in relief that Vin did not have to hear his voice like that.

"What is going on?? Who tried to hack in?? Is it bad?? Are we safe now??"

'Do not throw too many questions at once!! How many times do I have to tell that!!'

Cole rolled his eyes and just waited for the robot to start answering his questions one by one. He was annoyed and irritated already.

'We are safe for now!!'.

"What o you mean safe for now??"

Cole could not help but break in and shout that out. Were they in more danger?? Damn!!! What was he supposed to do??

'Let me complete you silly boy!!'

"You are starting to scare me."

'I have shut the system down successfully and so it is taking it's a sweet time to restarting again and taking over your body! I could not detect who it was but I could tell the intruder is from here nearby!!'

"What the hell?? How could you tell so??"

Cole's heart thumped against his chest thinking how the intruder was already near to his place. He was sure to get caught and be killed now.

'You are not going to be killed!! Breathe common!!'

"Who was it?? Was it some state agency??"

'No! It was not the state! It was someone!'

"Who was it?? Could you not locate it??"

'I told you signals were not strong enough for me to scan the identity of the person. It was weird or else I could have blocked out it for once n forever!'

"Are we in danger??"

Cole could not help but ask that. He had no good feeling about it. Why did he feel like this was going to be the starting of all the never-ending problems that would be coming for him in the future??

'For now, we are not?'

That made Cole sit up. What the hell was wrong with this robot?? How could he respond to that particular question like that??

'Damn! Boy! You are scared!'

"Of course I m. What do you think?? Are we in immediate danger or something??"

Cole implored, running his fingers through his hairs, frustrated and clueless as he paced around the small room.

'Maybe?? '

"Maybe?? What kind of artificial intelligence is this?? You said you are the high tech, most advanced of our times and ten times to that super robot or something??"

Cole flared annoyed and irritated as he did not know what was waiting for him in the near future. He thought that he would not have any problem figuring out the situation with the high-tech robot residing in his head and now it was being useless.

'Take a rest kid! Damn you are a scared puppy!'

"What?? What do you mean??" Cole snorted.

'I was just messing with you! '

And the weird voice of laughter of an old man in his seventies aired in Cole's head. He had to hold his head trying not to burst out. Why did it have to laugh like that when it probably knows that this hurts him??

"Stop it!!! Will ya?? That was not funny. Absolutely not funny."

Cole yelled.

'You are safe!! You kept your eyes closed as I asked you to! We are good for now! Now common don't give me the silent treatment! You do not know how good it feels to talk after being in that white lab for more than a decade!'

Cole did not say a thing and kept silent thinking what he could do to get rid of it. But then he realized, it could hear his thoughts too.

'You are never getting rid of me!'

"Oh!! Common give a damn privacy!!"

'I m in you, now!! No privacy!!'

"Eww!! Gross...stop with that."


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