He could see the microbes floating in the air, the minute particles of which metals and no metals were made up of.

"Just thank you for being there for me every time without a break."

Cole uttered out, staring at the green grades dancing in the blowing light wind. The windy days were the dreamy days. You could just sit on the ground and gape at it with no sense of time.

'Ehh!! You are the one that is making all these wonderful and cheerful!!'

"No, if not for you, I would have been so confused. You give me an ample amount of time to know and learn things."

'I know I should be more strict with you as danger could come at any time from anywhere but I m being too light!!'

Cole cackled listening to the robot in his head. As much as it used to sound weird before that a robot resided in his head but now it felt normal and almost cool.

He could not go a second without that voice inside his head saying things out loud to him, voicing out his thoughts, and answering out his deepest thoughts.

"Did they not find it out yet?? Why is it taking so much time??"

Cole inquired. He was curious How could the state rest in so peace when the ultimate source of defense had been stolen.

Till to this date, he could not point out any theory as to why Emily, that woman would dare to steal such a valuable object of grave international importance and hand it over to a random kid without even a thought of consideration.

'It is a secret mission. They will not air the news in the media. They will carry out the investigation underground, Cole through agents, secret agents.'

"Makes sense. Another year after the United Nations would declare the alien presence in the earth right??"

Cole asked as he wanted for the normal public to know at least something. He was grateful for getting to know about all these beforehand but it would be fun to be able to discuss it with a fellow partner.

Having to hold all this information all to himself sounded tiring and boring. He could then at least talk about it with Vin.

'Can't confirm that, Cole! Humans change their minds and decision too often!!'

"True to that but how long are they going to hide it that we will be under attack sooner or later??"

"I mean you said the Andropirals are heading towards us thinking of invading us, right?? "

"Plus...I will be ready by then. I mean I have already learned to make use of the three waves better than before. And you will be there to guide me anyway..."

"Hey...why are you not talking?? "

Cole sat up thinking what was wrong and only then he saw something weird in the sky.

Can't confirm that, Cole! Humans change their minds and decision too often!!'

"True to that but how long are they going to hide it that we will be under attack sooner or later??"

"I mean you said the Andropirals are heading towards us thinking of invading us, right?? "

"Plus...I will be ready by then. I mean I have already learned to make use of the three waves better than before. And you will be there to guide me anyway..."

"Hey...why are you not talking?? "

Cole sat up thinking what was wrong and only then he saw something weird in the sky.

The sky started moving, the wind started blowing faster than before. He looked around to see a few people strolling and they were also heading out when the wind started blowing at a higher speed.

Nobody noticed the moving of the sky. It got transformed into several honeycombs like shapes in its volume and expanded.

Cole observed these signs to be for danger and perhaps it was not visible to the eyes of the ordinary people.

"Hey?? Are you there?? Do you see this??"

Cole questioned hoping for the damn robot to speak out in a time of need. It always had the stupid trait to go missing when he needed it the most.

"Do you hear me?? What is happening?? Are the Andropirals here already??"

As times passed, Cole felt the vibrations, the shocks from the air, and then there, he could tell some other alien race had arrived.

It could be the Andropiraks or the friendly Sprintz or the destructive Soltz. Which one could it be??

Did the state notice all these changes?? He wondered as he impatiently continued to watch the sky turning different in color and patterns.

The alien race could land somewhere else on the earth and still, Cole would come to know about it. He just did not know if it was required of him to visit the place where they have landed and interrogate them.

The robot never told me about such things. He had no idea if it fell under his duty of works but through his senses, he could tell that it did belong to his part of work for this was designed to protect the earth from the invasion by the alien race or any other problems.

But the thing was where was the robot. Where was he to narrate to him what was he supposed to do? He could not possibly expect him to figure this out on his right??

And suddenly out of nowhere, Cole's show faded like creatures flying down from the up as if a string had been attached on their back.

They looked like small balls shaped in like oranges. No facial features, no hands, and legs. They were like the orange falling down from the sky.

Cole was taken aback. It then landed on the ground and started rolling away as moving away. Cole's eyes widened when he realized they were not small in size as compared to how they looked high up in the sky.

They were bigger than the size of the footballs combined into three bases and were hollow in the middle.

There were a sort of vibrations followed as those creatures of which he had no idea if rolled away on the ground.

Were they an alien race or just something peculiar falling from outer space??

Cole was astounded when he noticed that more of these things were falling onto the grounds of earth and that got him on the alert. He decided to follow where these things were rolling off too.

So he started walking away casually as if nothing was happening, his eyes stuck on to the creatures or things rolling away. The vibration was light but it could not be ignored.

Immediately Cole knew that these things did not roll away with their shape but with the help of the vibration by creating a disturbance in the particles which put them in motion.

He was trying hard to figure out what these things or being were. The robot never showed him pictures of these things or beings ever.

He had to cross the road as he followed it. It was disturbing to see how the cars on the road squeezed the things or beings whatever that was and it was not bothered at all, it slipped away from the hold of the vehicles and continued rolling away.

Cole looked around as he made sure not to give anyone ought of that something weird was going on as he stepped to the other side of the road and followed it.

As he walked with following these things, more of them were falling from the sky and Cole wondered how many of them were going to approach the ground.

Were the harmful or harmless?? He thought. He continued to follow it in silence and at the same time, he also noticed that how the damn thing was covering the entire ground now.

They were for sure invisible to the eyesight of normal people and so nobody knew what was going on.

When Cole realized that he was moving away from the main town area and into the forest, he stopped and thought if he should really go or not.

What if something happened?? What if these creatures were dangerous?? What if he did not know how to fight them off??

Several questions revolved inside Cole's mind but he had no answers to them. At that moment, he needed that damn robot to wake up and guide him. He could not just walk away after noticing things like that.

For a time being, he felt like heading back home and wait and ask the robot when it came back to life what to do and what not to do but then a sudden shaking took place which felt like an earthquake.

He could hear the screams of people. The birds flew away from inside of the forest. It was then Cole knew something was up for all those creatures who had disappeared into the forest.

'Danger!!! We are under attack!!'

'Warning: System update time!!! System shutting down!!'


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