Chapter 90 - EMPTINESS !

Rogers, head of the security department of the Vision System Lab made his way inside the white giant 

The glass doors opened automatically when he strode in and closed on its own too. The red lights were on indicating theat everything were on it's place. 

It was about time that the nations had decided on bringing in the system out of it's confinement. So here he was to collect it from the vast developed security system that nobody could break into.

Once he climbed up the stairs, he took a u turn. The halls were empty as compared to the time when everyplace was full with scientists working around , busy figuring out the modules, building a system that the human world would be proud of. 

Back then the place was crowded with scientists, doctors, lab experts from allover the world gathered around here trying to make the impossible possible, all under the leadership of the mad scientist, Doctor Markus Hall.

The lab was built especially for the development of the vision system and nobody knew about it's location except the leaders of the nations. It was a top secret.

Rogers opened the head door and then proceeded to open the final chamber only to see emptiness.


So he started walking away casually as if nothing was happening, his eyes stuck on to the creatures or things rolling away. The vibration was light but it could not be ignored.

Immediately Cole knew that these things did not roll away with their shape but with the help of the vibration by creating a disturbance in the particles which put them in motion.

He was trying hard to figure out what these things or being were. The robot never showed him pictures of these things or beings ever.

He had to cross the road as he followed it. It was disturbing to see how the cars on the road squeezed the things or beings whatever that was and it was not bothered at all, it slipped away from the hold of the vehicles and continued rolling away.

Cole looked around as he made sure not to give anyone ought of that something weird was going on as he stepped to the other side of the road and followed it.

As he walked with following these things, more of them were falling from the sky and Cole wondered how many of them were going to approach the ground.

Were the harmful or harmless?? He thought. He continued to follow it in silence and at the same time, he also noticed that how the damn thing was covering the entire ground now.

They were for sure invisible to the eyesight of normal people and so nobody knew what was going on.

When Cole realized that he was moving away from the main town area and into the forest, he stopped and thought if he should really go or not.

What if something happened?? What if these creatures were dangerous?? What if he did not know how to fight them off??

Several questions revolved inside Cole's mind but he had no answers to them. At that moment, he needed that damn robot to wake up and guide him. He could not just walk away after noticing things like that.

For a time being, he felt like heading back home and wait and ask the robot when it came back to life what to do and what not to do but then a sudden shaking took place which felt like an earthquake.

He could hear the screams of people. The birds flew away from inside of the forest. It was then Cole knew something was up for all those creatures who had disappeared into the forest.

'Danger!!! We are under attack!!'

'Warning: System update time!!! System shutting down!!'

"What the hell?? You can't just shut like that!!! "

Cole groaned and cursed under his breath as he thought of multiple ways how to resolve the matter. He was clueless and did not know what to do and what not to do.

Was it better to go home?? And wait for the system to revive back to life and then decide what to do??

The shaking of the ground had lessened then and everything seemed stable for a while.

Those strange creatures disappeared into the woods and Cole was contemplating if or not he should go in and see for himself were they still there or had vanished.

Out of nowhere, his phone started ringing, Cole pulled it out from his back pocket and saw it was an unknown number.

He thought for a while thinking who's number that could be. He did not remember giving anyone his phone number.

When the ringing continued, Cole picked it up without a thought and was startled when he heard a female voice from the other side.

"Hello. Is this Cole Sullivan?? "

He kind of recognized the voice and as if he had heard it somewhere but could not pinpoint exactly where and when.


He answered after a long pause and waited for the reply from the other side.

"Good to know. Meet me ten meters away from your home."

Cole was taken aback by what he just heard. Who was this?? He wanted to scream it out and ask but he knew better than people like them would not of course answer whatever questions he would ask. They liked to keep the mystery alive.

"And why should I be even bothered to do what you are asking me to??"

Cole questioned back knowing he would not get involved in another massacre. The first one caught him off guard anyway and made him get involved with plenty numbers of trouble.

But before he could ask for anything anymore, the call ended. Obviously, the person on the other side did not want to answer his questions.

Cole at that point looked up in the sky, thinking what to do. Should he just go inside the woods and look out for himself what was going in there?? Or should he just return home and meet this anonymous person and hear what it had to say??

It could be related to the system thing, who knows??? He sure as hell needed to know more about it so he thought maybe meeting the person would not be a bad idea...

He could just hear her out what she had to say and he would not this time accept any sorts of things from and get into further trouble.

So without wasting another minute, Cole started making his way towards home. He did not like the way he walked away like a coward despite of the fact that he had the ability that was meant to protect the world in him and yet he ran away from it like a coward.

The thought of not feeling good about this whole ordeal constantly kept hitting him and without realizing it, he reached home.

He was supposed to look around as he passed by, he groaned out in exhaustion and entered inside the house.

"Cole??? Is that you??"

He heard his mother from inside and so he moved towards the living room. She was dressed in her nightie, watching the television sitting on the sofa holding a bowl full of milk and cereal.

She must have woke up just now. Cole thought as he took a seat beside her.

"You are early from the park."

"Yeah...there was some shaking of the ground.."

"I experienced it too. That woke me up and I thought it to be an earthquake but it was not..."

Ivory said as she placed the empty bowl on the wooden table and opened the bottle of water to drink some of it.

"What?? What do you mean it was not an earthquake??" Cole questioned.

"It is all over the news. The Mayor said some disruption in the underground water system while the others say it is something else entirely. The same movements are felt in southeast Asian regions. Weird right??"

Ivory said switching the channel from music to news as the flash headlines were read by Cole immediately.

Instantly he thought, could it be that those creepy round creatures not only landed here but also in the southeast Asian regions.

He waited for the system to get back to life once again as he nodded his head towards his mother as she kept on talking about things.

He excused himself out and headed inside his room. He did not have to open the door as he used the waves to open it.

This was his ways of practicing and getting used to using the waves in his day to day life. Of course he would not do that it when his mother was nearby or anyone else.

It was still one month of using it but when his eyes started to illuminate colors whenever he made use of heavy wave use, it felt weird. It indeed made him feel powerful to the maximum extent.

The door closed and Cole sat down on the bed in deep thoughts.


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