Chapter 91 - SILLY BOY!

The glass doors opened automatically when he strode in and closed on its own too. The red lights were on indicating theat everything were on it's place. 

It was about time that the nations had decided on bringing in the system out of it's confinement. So here he was to collect it from the vast developed security system that nobody could break into.

Once he climbed up the stairs, he took a u turn. The halls were empty as compared to the time when everyplace was full with scientists working around , busy figuring out the modules, building a system that the human world would be proud of. 

Back then the place was crowded with scientists, doctors, lab experts from allover the world gathered around here trying to make the impossible possible, all under the leadership of the mad scientist, Doctor Markus Hall.

The lab was built especially for the development of the vision system and nobody knew about it's location except the leaders of the nations. It was a top secret.

Rogers opened the head door and then proceeded to open the final chamber only to see emptiness.

He could not believe what he was seeing as he closed the glass case only to open it again and still see nothing inside of it.

Where did the vision lenses go?? 

Did the experiment not end yet? Did the scientists took it for another some kind of experimentation without his knowledge? 

But then again, the experiments had been done like a year and a half ago. After all the examinations were done and completed, when it was declared by the head inventers that it was finally prepared and ready for making it to put in use, the lab since then had been closed and was put under strict security system.

Evens the makers, the labourers, the scientists, founders and everyone else were evacuated out from the lab first to make sure nobody could have any access to the system after that. 


"What the hell?? You can't just shut like that!!! "

Cole groaned and cursed under his breath as he thought of multiple ways how to resolve the matter. He was clueless and did not know what to do and what not to do.

Was it better to go home?? And wait for the system to revive back to life and then decide what to do??

The shaking of the ground had lessened then and everything seemed stable for a while.

Those strange creatures disappeared into the woods and Cole was contemplating if or not he should go in and see for himself were they still there or had vanished.

Out of nowhere, his phone started ringing, Cole pulled it out from his back pocket and saw it was an unknown number.

He thought for a while thinking who's number that could be. He did not remember giving anyone his phone number.

When the ringing continued, Cole picked it up without a thought and was startled when he heard a female voice from the other side.

"Hello. Is this Cole Sullivan?? "

He kind of recognized the voice and as if he had heard it somewhere but could not pinpoint exactly where and when.


He answered after a long pause and waited for the reply from the other side.

"Good to know. Meet me ten meters away from your home."

Cole was taken aback by what he just heard. Who was this?? He wanted to scream it out and ask but he knew better than people like them would not of course answer whatever questions he would ask. They liked to keep the mystery alive.

"And why should I be even bothered to do what you are asking me to??"

Cole questioned back knowing he would not get involved in another massacre. The first one caught him off guard anyway and made him get involved with plenty numbers of trouble.

But before he could ask for anything anymore, the call ended. Obviously, the person on the other side did not want to answer his questions.

Cole kept turning and tossing on his bed as the conversation kept playing in his head.

Plus the voice...the voice seemed so much like what he had heard before. It almost felt like it happened only a while ago.

He got up after trying effortlessly to take a nap. He was not feeling good either after walking away from the sight of those creepy hollow circular creatures.

The mayor of the state was of course lying. No doubt at that. He did not even know why they kept lying till now. It must be an invasion sign.

Those creatures could be a messenger or either some different race. The robot did tell him of space messenger agencies that came first to inform another race of it being invaded by others from deep space of whom they had any knowledge of.

So it could be either those messenger agency or the another race. The strange thing was why did it only chose to land here in their place and somewhere in the southeast Asian region only. Why not everywhere??

There were just so many unanswered questions and he could not pinpoint out any correct answer to each of them.

Perhaps meeting that unknown caller at this point did not seem like a bad idea and so he thought of getting out and wait for the caller again.

Without wasting any time, he climbed down the stairs and made his way out of the house not letting his mother know about it. She must be inside resting for she had long night shifts.

He took a u-turn once he noticed that Mr. Evans's house was locked and the man was not looking at him from inside his house with the sorry excuse of keeping tabs on him as asked by his mother.

He walked past five houses and waited silently by the side strolling around lazily, eyes everywhere. He could not see anything suspicious or like any different car being parked by the entry of the alley.

He looked down on his wristwatch as he waited and waited and suddenly he felt someone trying to mess up with the system once again.

Cole immediately got into alert mode. His eyes shone sparkling blue as he looked around trying to find the source that was daring to hack into his system again.

The robot had taught him well of what to do in situations like this. He needed to shield the system and protect himself at the same time too.

The street was empty. Strangely, the dogs were missing and he did not notice it before but now he did.

Because if they were to be present here, they would not have allowed some strange to walk inside the alley just like that.

It all made sense now. It was a trick. Trick to try and hack into his system. It felt weird to call it his system but then what else he could do...he was stuck with the system for his life.

He decided to head home instead and not look out but as soon as he turned around, he was hit by a wave making him trip on his step and fall down.

He..he was being attacked and Cole could not feel any more in danger than this. He quickly got up in the speed of air and flipped his forefinger upwards of his right hand in the air hitting the wave back to where it came from.

He did not hear any sound of someone falling down or hitting...maybe they escaped. But now Cole got into his ultra shield motion and in his mind, he concentrated as he circled a hunch of an electromagnetic wave around his entire state like a protection shield.

Any waves other than the ultraviolet waves would not be able to penetrate it. His eyes shone a deep blue as he ran his vision in every nook and corner of the street.

If it were to be some normal intruder, his vision would have got ahold of it and it could not have escaped from his strike.

This one had to be someone a pro with wave usage and escaping his vision and still trying to hack into his system.

For the robot clearly said that his system was the best one and no one could penetrate it through.

As an elderly woman passed by, Cole restored his eyes to normal color and smiled at that old lady, Martha whom he knew. The woman smiled back and kept walking away.

When Cole turned back to business and saw another hit on his way, he slipped away from the position but then the strike passed by and would have hit the old woman if not for Cole running towards her and pushing her off it.

The old woman eyed him weirdly for doing that. Cole only shot his hands up in a surrendering manner.

"There was a bug...I had to get rid of it."

"Silly boy!!"

The old woman mouthed.


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