Cole got ready for another day of school. He had learned enough about the alien race last night with the robot inside his head.

They had talked about all the possible kind of dangers that could be hailed upon the planet if one of them landed.

He asked as many questions he could. The holograms, were the most intriguing one he concluded. Then there were some invisible one.

They were not invisible but they did not fall under the visible range of humans which did not mean that they were very small or tiny in shape and structure.

In fact they were bigger and huge than human. He only wondered what more strange he could find out.

As usual, Mr. Evans waited outside of the house with his SUV parked in front of the gate. When he pressed the horn urging Cole to get out soon, he saw someone he never really thought he would ever see again.

There she was standing, looking at him with not much change. Her eyes still glowed....she did not get rid of them.

When the car door losing sound evoked, he turned sideways to see Cole seating on and putting his seat belt on.

"What?? What happened?" Cole questioned.

He saw Mr. Evans a little strange the way he usually was. Mr. Evans turned to look back in the front again to see if she wass still there but she was gone...long gone...

Did he hallucinate or something?? Was he day dreaming?? He had not been reminded if her for the past months for he was happy with Ivory, Cole's mother.

Ever since he got together with her, he never felt lonely or the need to recall for her to reminisice theur good old memory.

Then why did he see her there and if she was for real standing before his car, a moment ago, what was she doing here?? Why did she come here??

All these thoughts started revolving around Mr.Evans head but he kept mum and shook his head to Cole saying that everything was alright.

"I just did not have enough sleep last night."

He lied as he looked away and started the engine of the car. Once it roared with life, they moved away from there. Evans eyes tried to scan the spot if she was still there and just hiding somewhere.

After dropping Cole, Evans was quick to take off. It was not a surprise to Cole anymore that he lied to him. He knew that he lied to him about something, the moment he said it like that...his face reflected it quite well.

But he thought of not saying anything anymore. He just did not want to pose anymore threats to their relationship. It had been hard to get in touch with him and get along as well.

But then a dangerous thought hit Cole's mind and which he could not ignore. What if...what if Evans was cheating on his mother??

And that thought, he could not put it aside. He had noticed that lately he had not visited their house either enough. His mother was in love with the man , he was aware of that.

'I do not think your assumptions are right.'

The robot said it out.

"And how could you be so sure?? Or do you know what is going on inside the mind of the man?? I smell something fishy."

Cole stated. He was hundred percent sure of the fact that something was fishy and that something was up and he needed to dig into the matter.


As the news of the vision system of being lost spread, the leaders of the nations and several private giant corporations which also donated to the project now started firing bullets of questions to the United Nations.

A search party from all over the world was summoned. The best and best of the search party members were recruited.

All if they were aware of the fact that the owner of the vision system would by now have known and discover the tricks of how to use it and run it, so approaching him and taking it back from him or she was not going to be an easy battle.

Selena Dion hid the part of the news where once the lenses were installed in someone's eyes, it could not be removed unless the eyes of the owners were notched out.

The mad scientist, Doctor Hall told her that and even trying to find the system would not be an easy task either. They told her that but despite that, she decided to not mention this piece of news to the search party authority and demotivate them even before the search began.

She for then just wanted to make sure to get ahold of the person who had the system and then she would decide to what to be done and how to snatch the system from him or her.

Every nation extended the best of their search party officers. Since time was limited, so they decided to not give much time and waste it on just recruiting the members alone.

Once the members were ready, they were ordered to search each and every nook and corner of the planet.

The government of the nation of the search party belonging to them would monitor their actions. Hence every nation now got into action. They had no other choice but to oblige with the United Nations because not finding the vision system would be a loss to everyone in the world.

All they needed to do was find who had the system, send information to the United Nations about how the person was, his or her characteristic if it was a big association trying to get the system for its own selfish desire of power....based on such information, the United Nations would formulate plans of how to get the system back and keep it under its clutch.

So every state and nation got to work. All of them pulled their socks up. It was time to get serious and find the one thing that could protect the entire human race if the earth.

Two days passed by and nation could give out where the vision system was...nobody could even give a hint to the United Nation.

Selena Dion paced around her office on the hundredth floor of the thinking when would someone...any nation would give her the news or any signs or any hint about where the precious system lenses were.

"You know that finding it would be difficult."

Selena Dion turned to see Doctor Hall standing by the edge of the door frame. She nodded her head for him to get inside. The doctor got inside even though he was halfway in already before she gestured him to get in.

"We have made the system such a way that once it gets aligned with the host body, it stopped any kind of signal that would allow anyone in this world ir galaxy to trace it and get access to the system unless we know where exactly it is and maybe try to hack inside its system but even then hacking it would not be easy...close to impossible you can say."

Doctor Hall explained with a chuckle. Selena Dion could not understand why this man was so behaving like nothing serious happened even after one of his greatest creation was stolen away.

"Why did you have to make it that way?? Could you not keep a button or something or a key or insert a code if GPS that only we knew and in that way we could keep track of it anyway even when it would get lost someday. "

Selena Dion questioned giving away her thoughts of criterion to which Doctor Hall only laughed like whatever she said was useless and it was funny.

"You guys only demanded that the system to have only one owner and that nobody could get inside of the system even when someone tried to get inside the system??"

Hall declared.

"Well look at it now where it got us....we can never get ahold of the lenses is what you are saying. If anyway the nations comes to know about this, we are done for. Can't even imagine about the general public."

Selena Dion said as she rolled her eyes walking away from where the doctor was standing and took a sit on her rotating chair.

" Well confronting the leaders of the states and the general public is your area , not mines so deal with it. All I m saying is you would have to come clean to them anytime sooner or later."

Doctor Hall let out as she nodded his head before going away from her office leaving the middle aged woman deep in her thoughts.

She looked back at her cell phone hoping someone...anyone...any nation would ring her or send a text at least of that they found it which she knew that was highly unlikely though.


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