Gong Foxiao wanted to cry but had no tears.

"This was indeed given to me by the God, who asked me to poison you, but the Demon God had been kind to me, and I saw that you and your sister looked so much like the Demon God, so I guessed that you must be the Demon God's children."

"So I didn't poison! I was ready to be held accountable by the God, I really didn't poison."

Woohoo... so wronged.

Qing Jiujiu looked at Gong Foxiao's expression, and it didn't look like he was lying.

She looked at the broken wine jar again, and her eyes turned.

Two kinds of poison.

Not just one.

It seems that Gong Foxiao really didn't lie.

Qing Jiujiu raised her hand, grabbed Gong Foxiao's wrist, and pulled him up from the ground, saying embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry."

"Are you sure it wasn't me?" Gong Foxiao asked aggrievedly.


Qing Jiujiu nodded.

A tiny voice came from a distance.

Gong Foxiao wanted to say something, but Qing Jiujiu covered his mouth and whispered.


Gong Foxiao nodded vigorously.

Qing Jiujiu pointed to the ground and mouthed: "Pretend to faint."

Gong Foxiao continued to nod.

Qing Jiujiu looked at Mo Ye again.

Mo Ye nodded, leaned against the beam, and pretended to faint.

Qing Jiujiu leaned against the wall casually.

The whole room looked like it was poisoned.

A small black snake slowly swam in from the crack of the door, poked its head to look at the situation inside, smiled triumphantly, and then turned around, and a black air enveloped her completely, turning her into a beautiful woman with a human body and a snake tail, and a head full of snakes.

"The Eastern God is so vulnerable! Athena's words are too exaggerated. She also told me to be careful. What is there to be careful about?"

"Hahaha, as long as I kill the two of them, Athena will promise me that I can turn back to my original beautiful appearance. I am really disgusted with this head of snakes."

Medusa raised her hand and touched the snake hair, with a disgusted expression on her face.

Qing Jiujiu raised her eyebrows.

Athena? Snake hair?

Could it be that the Western God that Gong Foxiao mentioned before, Medusa, came?

Legend has it that Medusa was originally a maid beside Athena, and she looked pure and beautiful.

But because she was raped by the sea god Neptune in Athena's temple, Athena was furious and felt that she was blasphemed, so she turned Medusa into a monster with a human body and a snake tail, a head full of snake hair, and an ugly face.

Could it be that this is the so-called God Realm is the real world?

The human world and the fairy world are the fusion of games and reality.

Once you reach the God Realm, you will completely fall into the reality of the God Realm, where everything is real.

Speaking of which, it's a pity for Medusa. These Western gods are also cowardly. Medusa was obviously raped, but she was punished. The Sea God is not guilty at all because he is of high status and is a man.

If I remember correctly, this Medusa can turn people into stone as long as her eyes light up and she looks at them.

Medusa slowly swam towards Qing Jiujiu.

She looks so beautiful.

When she grows up, she will look exactly like the Eastern Demon God.


She poked her head and looked around, and the snake heads on her head followed her movements and poked their heads.

"Huh? Didn't you say there were two brothers and sisters? Why is there one less?"

"Where is the other person?"

Medusa looked around, but she didn't see anyone.

"Never mind, just twist off her head first."

Medusa smiled and stretched out her hand towards Qing Jiujiu's head.

Qing Jiujiu's eyes suddenly opened, and she slapped Medusa's head with a rattle.

Medusa was startled, and her snake tail wrapped around the beams, and she quickly dodged.

"It's okay!?"

"Of course it's okay, what effect can your little poison have?"

Qing Jiujiu's lips curled, and her little tiger teeth flashed.

Medusa was annoyed.


She roared, and her two eyes emitted laser light, shooting towards Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu calmly took out her sunglasses and put them on her face.

The laser light was directly blocked.

Medusa was stunned.

She didn't petrify?

How could this happen?

"Have you had enough fun? It's my turn, right?"

"Try my sonic power!"

Qing Jiujiu took the rattle off her shoulder and slowly untied the red silk rope that bound it.

Medusa was stunned at first when she saw the weapon in Qing Jiujiu's hand, and then she sneered.

"It's actually a toy rattle for you oriental kids! The weapon of the former demon god was at least a blood moon wheel!"

"Really... each generation is worse than the previous one, huh!"

Medusa sneered.

Qing Jiujiu rolled her eyes at Medusa.

"I hope you can laugh like this later."

Qing Jiujiu gently turned the rattle.

""Dong, dong, dong" a series of crisp sounds rang out.

Sound waves spread out like sharp knives.

Medusa's eyes were bloodshot, and she rolled up her snake tail and quickly shot out to avoid it.

The sound waves hit where she was originally, and the whole pillar broke in two in an instant.

Medusa watched with lingering fear.

Gong Foxiao half-opened his eyes, wanting to cry but without tears.

Wuwu... my roof... Never mind, never mind, there is a hundred million, I can just rebuild it.

Medusa did not dare to underestimate the enemy again, and her head was Countless small black snakes shot out from her head, shooting at Qing Jiujiu like arrows, with their mouths wide open, spraying venom.

A blue light flashed under Qing Jiujiu, and a shield covered her body. She stepped on the ground and flew up with the rattle in her hand.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

She waved her arms left and right, and the snakes were knocked unconscious one after another.

After a while, Medusa's thick snake hair was swept away like fallen leaves by the autumn wind, leaving no strands, revealing a bald head.

"Ah! My hair!"

Medusa screamed and covered her head.

Although she didn't like this snake hair, it was at least better than a bald head.

Qing Jiujiu put the rattle on her shoulder, raised her delicate chin slightly, and revealed a beautiful face.

"Hey, I say, Athena treated you like that, and you still work so hard for her, isn't it a bit stupid? "

Medusa was stunned, her eyes slightly opened: "What did you say? Do you know the noble goddess Athena?"

"Of course I know, and I also know that it was clearly the fault of the sea god, but Athena was afraid of his power and did not dare to deal with him directly, so she took you to vent her anger and bullied you for being a powerless little maid, so she turned you into your current ugly appearance."

Qing Jiujiu's words were like sharp blades, piercing Medusa's heart.

How could she not understand these?


It was her fault to be violated in the temple of goddess Athena.

She defiled the sanctity of goddess Athena.

"Don't say it! Don't say it!"

"See! In fact, you know it in your heart, but you are in that kind of environment, influenced by the power and status, and you have a deep-rooted feeling that everything they, the group of people in power, do is right. "

"But, think about it, is all this really your fault? "

Qing Jiujiu raised her eyebrows and looked at her.

Wake up, please?

A woman must stand up on her own before she can stand up.

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