Qi Fanfan, who had finished removing the poison, came out from underground. Hearing Qing Jiujiu "PUA" people here again, he shook his head.

Why go through so much trouble? It would be better to just chop with the Xuanhuang Sword.

Qi Fanfan supported his head with one hand and watched quietly.

Medusa covered her head, unwilling to believe this fact, and screamed a little collapsed.

"Don't say it! Don't say anything!"


She screamed.

It hurts the eardrums of people.

According to Western mythology, Medusa is also a relatively powerful god.

But to be honest, with this little strength, she is not as powerful as the gods of the fairyland they met when they were in the fairyland?

Qing Jiujiu shook her head lightly.

The scary thing is that it's okay to be weak, but the mind is still unclear.

Medusa bent over and glanced at Qing Jiujiu from the corner of her eyes.

Although, what Qing Jiujiu said is all right.

But, if she doesn't kill the two siblings, her beauty will never come back.

Thinking of this, Medusa controlled a snake on the ground and quickly ejected it. With a snap, Qing Jiujiu's sunglasses fell to the ground.

Medusa's laser eyes shot into Qing Jiujiu's eyes.

Qing Jiujiu was instantly petrified and turned into a statue.

Qi Fanfan was stunned, and then he ejected and slapped Medusa on the back of her head with a frying pan.

"How dare you sneak attack me?"


Medusa's head buzzed.

She turned her head and looked at Qi Fanfan with her laser eyes.

Qi Fanfan was also instantly petrified.

Medusa laughed triumphantly.

"These two are so stupid! I turned them into stone! Now that both brother and sister are petrified, I can go back to report to Athena and get my beauty back!"


Medusa's eyes burst with viciousness, looking at Qing Jiujiu who had turned into a statue.

"Do you think I really don't know that it was Athena who harmed me? I just want to get my beauty back and then deal with Athena!"

"Athena is two-faced, I must make her pay the price! I will turn her into stone, and then smash her into pieces and scatter her into the sea!"

Gong Foxiao, who was lying on the ground pretending to faint, panicked.

What to do?

Qing Jiujiu, Qi Fanfan and the others have turned into stone statues!

Should I deal with this Western god? But they can't deal with it, and I will definitely turn into a stone statue if I go up, right?

But if I don't help, how can I be worthy of the life-saving grace of the demon god!

No matter what, I will fight.

Mo Ye on the side was very calm.

Small scene.

As expected, Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan shook their bodies at the same time.

"Crack, crack, crack" stone fragments fell from their bodies.

Qi Fanfan looked at his hands.

"Huh? It's okay, I was scared, it turns out to be just a little chicken."

Qing Jiujiu looked at Medusa with contempt: "Not too stupid, at least you know to take revenge."

"I won't play with you anymore, you are so stubborn, then let me kill you."

Qing Jiujiu raised her hand, and the Xuanhuang Sword slowly appeared in her palm.

Medusa's eyes were about to bulge out in astonishment.

"The Xuanhuang Sword of the Eastern Zeus God!?"

"How could this happen?"

"Why is it okay? Why..."

Qing Jiujiu swung her hand back.

The strong sword energy swung towards Medusa.

Medusa took a deep breath and was about to be split in half.

Medusa shouted.

"Don't kill me! I know a secret! I'll trade it for you!"

Qing Jiujiu's sword energy hovered above Medusa's head.

"What secret?" Qing Jiujiu asked with a raised eyebrow.

Medusa was so scared that her legs went weak and she sat on the ground.

"The divine energy in the Western God Realm is thin and it is no longer suitable for the gods to survive. They are preparing to attack the Eastern God Realm."

"But they don't know where they got the news from. They said that although the demon gods and devil gods are no longer there, their children have returned to the Eastern God Realm. As long as their children are there, there will be obstacles to conquering the Eastern God Realm. So..."

"So, they want to send you here to poison us first? If it works, it's good. If it doesn't, even if I kill you, the Western God Realm will not suffer any losses."

Qing Jiujiu chuckled.

This abacus is really loud.

But... they just came to the God Realm, and the Western God Realm received the news.

Does this mean that there is a traitor in the Eastern God Realm?

Gong Foxiao also had someone who asked him to poison him. If I guessed correctly, that person should be Chen Ran's man, right?

Qing Jiujiu suddenly had an idea.

She raised her hand and hooked at Medusa.

"Come, come."

Medusa stood in place, her feet rooted,Not at all.

Qing Jiujiu smiled at Medusa and continued to hook her hands.

"Come on."

It was a gentle smile like spring breeze, but Medusa was trembling.

She didn't dare to go, nor did she dare not go.

She could only move forward slowly.

She stood trembling in front of Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu made a hand gesture and waved it gently.

Two bloody heads were placed next to Medusa.

One was Qing Jiujiu.

One was Qi Fanfan.

Medusa was startled.

If Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan's heads were not still growing on their heads, she would definitely think that these two bloody heads were theirs.

"This... Is this the illusion technique of the Eastern God Realm? So powerful!"

Qing Jiujiu rolled her eyes.

"Is that amazing? These illusion techniques, let alone gods, even human cultivators can do it easily, what's so strange about it."

She really looked like she had never seen the world.

Medusa's heart skipped a beat, what? The Eastern human world can use such advanced magic.

Then those people from the Western God Realm still want to come and attack the Eastern God Realm, isn't that a bit overestimating their own capabilities?

"Take this back and say that we have been killed by you, and there is nothing to be afraid of, just let them come."

Qing Jiujiu beat them all to pieces.


"I'll go back now."

Medusa responded obediently on the surface, but she was thinking in her heart.

She had to tell the God Realm about these things, just in time to use this news to exchange for her beauty.

Humph! She is not stupid, to use an Eastern saying, how can the eggs be intact when the nest is destroyed? Her affairs with Athena and Poseidon are their private affairs.

She can't betray the entire Western God Realm because of private affairs.

Medusa collected her two heads and turned to walk away.

Qing Jiujiu suddenly remembered something and uttered, "Wait a minute."

Medusa turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

A blood mark instantly injected into Medusa's forehead.

Medusa felt as if her consciousness was tied up and she couldn't break free.


She screamed in pain.

How does this look a bit like the Western slave-training technique?

No! She must not be controlled.

Medusa raised her divine power, wrapped her consciousness, and resisted the invasion of Qing Jiujiu's immortal power.

However... her divine power was instantly defeated by the attack of Qing Jiujiu's immortal power.

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