=The body is made of metal and the body is made of metal.

[1] Physical constitution

——Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo

A combination of the Ancient Holy Body and the Innate Dao Embryo. They have both a strong body and profound Dao techniques. When practicing, they can quickly comprehend various spells and exert amazing power.

——Chaos Divine Body

Born at the beginning of the universe, it merges the chaotic energy between heaven and earth. The owner can control the endless power of chaos and ignore all laws and rules. It is one of the most primitive and powerful forces in the universe.

——Ancient Dragon Body

Ancient Dragon Body is a physique with dragon blood. The owner can transform into a giant dragon and possess powerful strength, speed and defense. At the same time, they can also master the unique skills and talents of the dragon race. After transforming into a giant dragon, their bodies become larger and more powerful, with scales flashing with cold light, and claws as sharp as knives, which can easily tear apart all obstacles.

——Xuanbing Spirit Body

The owner's body is cold and can freely control the power of ice and snow to create various cold magic tools and arrays. The monks of Xuanbing Spirit Body are usually good at using ice-attributed spells and defenses, which can freeze all life and are not afraid of any fire.

——Eternal Immortal Body

Eternal Immortal Body is a physique that can live forever. The owner can resist the passage of time and the erosion of years, and always maintain youth and vitality. At the same time, they can also use the immortal power to cultivate powerful magical powers and spells. The owner of the Eternal Immortal Body is usually handsome or beautiful, with an extraordinary temperament. In practice, they can quickly comprehend the secrets of various magical powers and spells, and exert powerful power.

——Yuanling Body

This physique has a strong ability to perceive and control spiritual power, and can mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth at will. Their cultivation speed is also very fast, and they can achieve amazing results in a short period of time.

——Innate Poison Body

People with this physique are immune to all poisons, and can even use toxins to cultivate or attack enemies. Their bodies are also extremely tough and can withstand the erosion of various toxins.

——Extreme Yin Body

They are born with an extraordinary fit with the energy of Yin, and their cultivation is extremely pure. They are very beneficial to the cultivation of male cultivators and are excellent objects of replenishment.

——Yanyang Divine Body

The owner's body is as hot as the sun, which can dispel all darkness and coldness and ignite all combustibles

——Immortal Body

It is almost impossible to be destroyed, has a very strong vitality, and can recover quickly even if the body is severely injured.


[2] Realm summary

Physical body, sea of ​​spirit, palace of soul, magical power, great power, holy master, titled marquis, titled king, virtual god, true god, heavenly god, god king, quasi-saint, saint, supreme saint, great saint, quasi-supreme, supreme, quasi-emperor, emperor realm, residual immortal, true immortal, immortal king, immortal emperor


[3] Some spiritual roots summary

——Chaos Green Lotus Root

Born in chaos, verdant and dripping, lotus leaves are like plates, and the flower has nine petals, each of which contains a law of heaven and earth. The owner can comprehend the ultimate truth of heaven and earth, master endless laws, and the road of cultivation is unobstructed.

——Blue Sky Water Root

Can absorb the essence of heaven and water and transform it into the spiritual power of the practitioner. The owner can control the power of water to form an endless water area and trap the enemy invisibly.

——Red Flame Phoenix Spiritual Root

Contains the power of the Phoenix bloodline. The owner can transform into a Phoenix and soar into the sky. The power of fire can burn all evil.

——Green Wood God Vine Spiritual Root

Can absorb the vitality of all things. The owner has strong vitality and can control the power of plants to form a powerful defense and attack.


[4] Some immortal medicines sorted out

——Silence Grass

Possess the power of destruction and rebirth. After taking it, the practitioner can experience a Silence rebirth.

——Heavenly Lotus

The lotus given by the Heavenly Dao. After taking it, the practitioner can comprehend the laws of the Heavenly Dao.

——Tianshan Snow Lotus

Possess the magical effect of bringing the dead back to life. It has a significant detoxification effect on various toxins.

——Void Flower

Exists in the void. After taking it, the practitioner can comprehend the realm of void and reach a higher realm.

——Nine Turns Back to Yang Grass

Can reverse life and death and give the dying a new life.

——Holy Spring Dragon Tongue

Rare herbs growing near the holy spring, which can remove most common toxins.

——Immortal Heart Fruit

Contains the spirit of immortals, which can be used to improve cultivation or increase spiritual power.

——Lovely Red Lotus

Herb with red flowers, growing by lakes and rivers, known as the Lover's Flower. It can increase the emotional ability of immortal cultivators and attract the opposite sex.

Sexual charm.

——Ice Soul Cold Lotus

Born in the extremely cold peak, it blooms once every thousand years and bears fruit once every ten thousand years. It is shaped like a lotus, pure and clean. It can cure various cold diseases, strengthen the body and delay aging.

——Wind Spirit Grass

It improves the user's will and mind, and restores spiritual power and magic power.

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