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Hearing this, the hall master immediately responded with a cupped hand: "This is our responsibility. It is a blessing for our Beast Hall to have such a rare opportunity to take care of this ancient spirit dragon."

Nan Xunran nodded slightly, The handsome face was calm, and he said slowly: "No matter what, I still want to thank the hall master and everyone in the strange beast hall."

The hall master hurriedly said: "Son of God is too polite, this is what we should do." Nan Xunran smiled faintly, took a step forward, bowed to the Master of the Strange Beast Hall, and said in a gentle and polite voice: "Then I'll take my leave first."

The Master quickly responded: "Go, Son of God."

Nan Xun Ran nodded slightly, with a faint smile still on his face. Then he stood up, turned around slowly, and left at a leisurely pace.

Nan Xiaoxiao, this immature black ice spirit dragon, has lived through a long 270 years, but in terms of his species, he is still just a young child.

Two years ago, Nan Xunran went out to train At that time, he accidentally found the injured Nan Xiaoxiao in a mysterious place.

At that time, it was in critical condition and dying.

Nan Xunran recognized that it was a member of the Xuanbing Spirit Dragon clan.

If he saved this injured spirit dragon, Xuan The Ice Spirit Dragon Clan will definitely owe him a great favor, which will undoubtedly be of great help to his future actions.

With this in mind, Nan Xunran began to treat him.

And Nan Xiaoxiao is actually the daughter of the current leader of the Xuanbing Linglong clan. She is lively and cute by nature. She ran away from home because she wanted to play for a while, and unfortunately she was spotted by a strong man.

Seeing that it was young, the strong man tried to tame it as a mount. Nan Xiaoxiao fought back desperately and used up his last bit of strength to hide in the secret realm where Nan Xunran was training. Fortunately, he was discovered by Nan Xunran.

However, this lively The little guy stubbornly clung to him and followed him closely.

Although Nan Xunran was a little surprised by this sudden pursuit, facing Nan Xiaoxiao's insistence, he finally chose to take it back to Nan Home.

It should be noted that the Xuanbing Linglong clan has always had unique habits. No one has ever successfully domesticated this clan.

They are sealed in the mountains all year round and have never really appeared in tens of thousands of years. They are an almost mysterious existence.

And the legend of Xuanbing The Linglong clan has long held very special and distinctive characteristics.

Their pursuit and control of appearance has reached an astonishing extreme.

They believe that appearance is a symbol of beauty and kindness.

If they encounter a beautiful creature, they will show extreme enthusiasm and appreciation, and even give special treatment and attention.

Perhaps it is Nan Xunran's outstanding appearance that makes Nan Xiaoxiao feel close to him.

So much so that in order to Going back to the Nan family with him, Nan Xiaoxiao was even willing to say that she would be his mount.

In terms of emotion and reason, Nan Xunran had no reason to refuse Nan Xiaoxiao, who was obsessed with him.

Nan Xiaoxiao had a super An unusual attachment to him.

Not only that, the little guy also insisted that Nan Xunran change his original name "Xiao Xiao" to "Nan Xiao Xiao" because this way he could have the same surname as him.

If we use human language To describe this feeling, it is: "The sky is big, the earth is big, the master is the greatest!"

Nan Xunran often fell into such thoughts. Nan Xiaoxiao was obviously more than 200 years older than him. The accumulation of years should have given him a more Mature and stable qualities, but the reality is not so.

Nan Xiaoxiao, despite the long years, still retains the innocence and childishness of a child.

She will cheer for a little satisfaction, and will throw a tantrum because of a momentary dissatisfaction. Curiosity and innocence flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Perhaps, it was because Nan Xiaoxiao came from the Xuanbing Linglong clan, and its unique clan characteristics allowed it to remain true to itself as time passed.

Or perhaps, it was The living environment gave it enough care and love, so it didn't need to become sophisticated and experienced too early.

At this time, Nan Xiaoxiao was happily planning how to perform magical changes when the owner was not paying attention. The magic trick was used to shrink its body, and then it quietly slipped into his clothes.

At this moment, its smart eyes flashed with cunning and expectation, and its mind was working rapidly, carefully planning every step.

Finally, Nan Xiaoxiao successfully realized her plan and contentedly crawled into Nan Xunran's warm embrace.

At the moment of success, Nan Xunran

His footsteps froze slightly, and a barely perceptible fluctuation flashed across his usually calm face.

However, just a moment later, Nan Xunran regained his indifferent expression, as if nothing had happened.

He continued to walk forward with steady steps, but the arm holding Nan Xiaoxiao unconsciously tightened slightly.

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